Convection (CIE IGCSE Physics: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

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Dan MG


Dan MG




  • Convection is the main way that heat travels through liquids and gases
    • Convection only occurs in fluids
    • Convection cannot happen in solids
  • In convection, the fluid near to the heat source is heated first
    • This heated fluid then rises and is replaced by cooler fluid
  • The cooler fluid is, similarly, heated and then rises, being replaced by cold fluid
    • In this way, a convection current is formed and the entirety of the fluid is heated

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Explaining convection

Extended tier only

Density & convection

  • Descriptions of convection currents always need to refer to changes in temperature causing changes in density
  • The temperature may fall or rise, both can create a convection current 
  • When a liquid (or gas) is heated (for example by a radiator near the floor):
    • The heated molecules vibrate and push each other apart, making the liquid/gas expand
    • This makes the hot liquid/gas less dense than the surroundings
    • The hot liquid/gas rises, and the cooler (surrounding) liquid/gas moves in to take its place
    • Eventually the hot liquid/gas cools and contracts, increasing in density, and sinks back down again
    • The resulting motion is called a convection current

Simple convection current diagram

Convection, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

When a liquid or gas is heated, it becomes less dense and rises

  • When a liquid (or gas) is cooled (for example by an A.C. unit high up on a wall):
    • The molecules lose energy and collide less, making the liquid/gas contract
    • This makes the cold liquid/gas more dense than the surroundings
    • The cold liquid/gas falls, so that warmer, less dense, liquid or gas can move into the space created
    • The warmer liquid/gas gets cooled and also contracts and falls down
    • The resulting motion is called a convection current

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Exam Tip

If a question on heat mentions liquids or gases the answer will probably be about convection.

Heat does not rise - it is the hot gases or liquids which rise due to the change in density when they were heated.

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Dan MG

Author: Dan MG

Dan graduated with a First-class Masters degree in Physics at Durham University, specialising in cell membrane biophysics. After being awarded an Institute of Physics Teacher Training Scholarship, Dan taught physics in secondary schools in the North of England before moving to SME. Here, he carries on his passion for writing enjoyable physics questions and helping young people to love physics.