IV Graphs (Edexcel IGCSE Physics (Modular))

Revision Note





Physics Project Lead

IV graphs

  • When the voltage V across a component is varied, the current I flowing through it may vary linearly or non-linearly

  • The relationship between current and voltage of a component can be shown on an IV graph

  • When the relationship between current and voltage is linear:

    • the IV graph is a straight line which passes through the origin

    • the resistance is constant

  • When the relationship between current and voltage is non-linear:

    • the IV graph that is not a straight line

    • the resistance is not constant

Linear and non-linear IV graphs

Linear & Non-linear elements, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Linear IV graphs are straight lines through the origin, indicating a constant resistance. Non-linear IV graphs are curved, indicating a variable resistance

  • Components with linear IV graphs include:

    • fixed resistors (at constant temperature)

    • wires (at constant temperature)

  • Components with non-linear IV graphs include:

    • filament lamps

    • diodes

    • LDRs

    • thermistors

IV graph for a wire or a resistor

  • The relationship between current and voltage for a wire or fixed resistor is linear, or directly proportional, which means

    • the IV graph is a straight line, so voltage and current increase (or decrease) by the same amount

    • the slope of the graph is constant, so resistance is constant

The current is directly proportional to the potential difference (voltage) as the graph is a straight line through the origin

IV graph for a filament bulb

  • The relationship between current and voltage for a filament lamp is non-linear, or not directly proportional, which means

    • the IV graph is not a straight line, so voltage and current do not increase (or decrease) by the same amount

    • the slope of the graph is not constant, so resistance changes

  • The IV graph for a filament lamp shows as voltage increases

    • the current increases at a proportionally slower rate

    • the resistance increases; the flatter the slope, the higher the resistance

Filament lamp IV graph, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

IV graph for a filament lamp

  • As current through a filament lamp increases, the resistance increases because:

    • the higher current causes the temperature of the filament to increase

    • the higher temperature causes the atoms in the metal lattice of the filament to vibrate more

    • this causes an increase in resistance as it becomes more difficult for free electrons (the current) to pass through

    • since resistance opposes the current, this causes it to increase at a slower rate

IV graph for a diode

  • A diode allows current to flow in one direction only

    • This is called forward bias

  • In the reverse direction, the diode has very high resistance, and therefore no current flows

    • This is called reverse bias

  • When the current is in the direction of the arrowhead symbol, this is forward bias

    • On the IV graph, this is shown by a sharp increase in voltage and current on the right side of the graph

    • This shows the resistance is very low

  • When the diode is switched around, this is reverse bias

    • On the IV graph, this is shown by a zero reading of current or voltage on the left side of the graph

    • This shows the resistance is very high

IV graph for a semiconductor diode

Investigating the relationship between current and voltage

  • In order to investigate the relationship between current and voltage different components, the following equipment is required:

    • an ammeter - to measure the current through the component

    • a voltmeter - to measure the voltage across the component

    • a variable resistor - to vary the current through the circuit

    • a power source - to provide a source of potential difference (voltage)

    • wires - to connect the components together in a circuit

  • The image below shows the circuits set up to obtain IV graphs for a filament lamp and a diode

Investigation of Current and Voltage, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

These circuits enable the investigation of current and voltage for a filament lamp or diode to be investigated

  • The current is the independent variable

    • The variable resistor is used to change the current flowing through the filament lamp / diode

  • The voltage is the dependent variable

    • The voltmeter is used to measure the voltage across the filament lamp / diode

  • Recording measurements of current and voltage as the current increases enables an IV graph to be plotted for each component


  • Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current

    • The higher the resistance of a circuit the lower the current

  • Resistors come in two types:

    • Fixed resistors

    • Variable resistors

  • Fixed resistors have a resistance that remains constant

  • Variable resistors can change the resistance by changing the length of wire that makes up the circuit

    • A longer length of wire has more resistance than a shorter length of wire

Fixed & Variable Resistor, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Fixed and variable resistor circuit symbols

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Author: Ashika

Ashika graduated with a first-class Physics degree from Manchester University and, having worked as a software engineer, focused on Physics education, creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources.