Forces, Movement & Changing Shape (Edexcel IGCSE Physics): Exam Questions

4 hours28 questions
11 mark

Which of the following is a vector quantity?

  • Density

  • Force

  • Mass

  • Speed

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21 mark

Which of the following is a scalar quantity?

  • Acceleration

  • Energy

  • Momentum

  • Velocity

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3a2 marks

The diagram shows the driving force on a sports car as it moves along a race track.


Name two forces that oppose the driving force. 

3b3 marks

The car has a mass of 1400 kg. 

The acceleration of the car is 5.5 m/s2.

(i) State the equation linking force, mass and acceleration. 

(ii) Calculate the force causing this acceleration. 

 force = ............................................... N

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4a1 mark

The diagram shows a skydiver falling at constant velocity.


The name for this constant velocity is

  • average velocity

  • instantaneous velocity

  • terminal velocity

  • non-uniform velocity

4b4 marks

The following passage is about falling at a constant velocity.

Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the sentences about why skydiver fall at a constant velocity. Some words may be used more than once, or not at all.

stays the same    increases    decreases     downwards  upwards    greater than    less than    equal to    balanced    unbalanced

As the skydiver falls, the weight ......................... but the air resistance ......................... .

The weight of the skydiver acts ......................... and air resistance acts ......................... .

Initially, the resultant force acts ......................... because the weight is ......................... the air resistance, however, the air resistance gradually ......................... until they are ......................... .

At this point, the resultant force is ......................... zero which means the skydiver is moving at constant velocity.

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5a2 marks

A student investigates the motion of different falling masses by measuring the time taken for empty cupcake cases to fall from a window.


The student drops one case from the window. 

He repeats the experiment with two cases stuck together, then with three cases and then with four. 

Name two measuring instruments that he would need for his investigation.

5b2 marks

State the dependent and independent variables in this investigation.

5c1 mark

State one factor that the student should keep constant in order to make this investigation valid (a fair test).

5d2 marks

The student draws this table to record his results.

Add suitable headings to his table.


in ------------


in ------------

5e1 mark

State one way that the student can improve his investigation.

5f5 marks

The student notices that the cases accelerate and then fall at constant speed.

 (i) The arrows in the diagrams show the size and direction of the forces acting on a case at different points in its fall. Label the forces on the middle diagram.


(ii) Explain why the case accelerates and then falls at constant speed.

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Sme Calculator
2 marks

A child throws a rubber ball horizontally towards a wall. Describe the effects of the forces acting on the ball as it collides with the wall.

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3 marks

Identify three types of force acting on the ball as it collides with the wall.

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1 mark

State whether force is a vector quantity or a scalar quantity.

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2 marks

Describe how the ball demonstrates elastic behaviour when it hits the wall.

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11 mark

When an object falls at terminal velocity

  • it accelerates at 10 m/s2

  • it has no weight

  • the resultant vertical force is downwards

  • the vertical forces on it are balanced

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21 mark

The student puts a pile of 400 sheets of paper on a table.

He uses a ruler to measure the height of the pile.


The student records the thickness of the pile as 4.1 cm. 

This means that the thickness of one piece of paper is about

  • 1 cm

  • 1 mm

  • 0.1 mm

  • 0.01 mm

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3a4 marks

The diagram shows a man pulling a child on a sledge.


The acceleration of the sledge is 1.5 m/s2. The mass of the child and sledge is 38 kg.

 (i) State the equation linking force, mass and acceleration.

(ii) Calculate the force needed to produce this acceleration.

force = ............................................... N

(iii) Suggest a reason why the force exerted on the sledge by the man must be greater than the force calculated.

3b3 marks

The sledge starts from rest and accelerates at 1.5 m/s2 until its velocity is 2.8 m/s.

(i) State the relationship between acceleration, velocity and time.

(ii) Show that the time taken to reach 2.8 m/s is about 2 s.

3c6 marks

This velocity-time graph shows the motion of the sledge as it travels down a hill.



 (i) Calculate the distance travelled by the sledge.

  distance travelled = ............................................... m

(ii) State the equation linking average speed, distance moved and time taken.

(iii) Calculate the average speed of the sledge for the whole journey.

 average speed = ...............................................m/s

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43 marks

 A car pulls a caravan along a horizontal road.


The caravan is removed and the car makes the return journey without it.


Without the van, the car has a greater acceleration and uses less fuel.

Explain these changes.

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5a1 mark

A student investigates the extension of a rubber band when masses are added.

Tick the boxes to select the correct items of apparatus that the student would need in order to complete this investigation. 

Two items have already been selected.


Tick (✓) if item needed


steel spring

retort stand and clamp

rubber band



mass hanger


5b8 marks

The table below shows the student's results.

Mass in g

Force in N

Extension in cm


















(i) Complete the table by inserting the missing force.

(ii) Plot a graph to show how force varies with extension.


(iii) Use the information from the graph to explain whether the rubber band obeys Hooke's Law.

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64 marks

A rabbit runs across the road in front of a car.

The driver applies the brakes.  


State four factors that affect the chance of the rabbit escaping without being hit. 

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7a6 marks

Parachutes are used to slow down a spacecraft as it falls through the atmosphere. 

Photograph G shows an Apollo spacecraft with three parachutes attached.


This spacecraft falls at a constant velocity.

(i) State the name of this constant velocity.

(ii) Explain why this velocity stays at a constant value.

(iii) Photograph H shows an identical Apollo spacecraft. Only two of its parachutes are working.


Explain how the constant velocity reached by this spacecraft compares with the constant velocity of the spacecraft shown in photograph G.

7b2 marks

Photograph I shows a space shuttle using a parachute when it lands on a runway.


Explain what would happen to the stopping distance of the shuttle if this parachute did not open.

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8a7 marks

A student investigates the extension of an elastic band for different forces.

(i) List the laboratory apparatus that the student needs for this investigation.

(ii) Extension, force and temperature are variables for this investigation.

Draw a line from each variable to its type.



(iii) Describe how the student can measure the extension of the elastic band when he adds a force of 12 N.

8b9 marks

The student obtains this data as he first adds weights to the elastic band (loading) and as he then removes weights from the band (unloading).

Force in N

Extension in cm














Force in N

Extension in cm














He plots the loading data on a graph as shown.

(i) Suggest how the student could improve the quality of his data.

(ii)  Draw a curve of best fit through the loading data.

(iii) On the same axes, plot the unloading data.

(iv)  Draw a curve of best fit through the unloading data.

(v) The student concludes that the band is an elastic material and that it obeys Hooke’s law.

Discuss whether his conclusion is correct.

You should support your argument with data.


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9a3 marks

A skydiver jumps from an aircraft.

The mass of the skydiver is 70 kg. 

(i) State the equation linking weight, mass and g.

(ii) Calculate the weight of the skydiver and state the unit.

weight = ....................................... unit .......................................

9b4 marks

The graph shows the vertical velocity of the skydiver during the first 40 s of the fall.

His parachute is not open during this time.



 Explain the shape of the graph.

9c3 marks

The diagram shows the skydiver falling at a constant velocity. 

Add two labelled arrows to the diagram to represent the forces acting on the skydiver.

9d2 marks

The skydiver opens his parachute after 40 s. 

Continue the line on the graph to show how the skydiver’s vertical velocity changes and reaches terminal velocity.


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10a1 mark

The graph shows the minimum stopping distances, in metres, for a car travelling at different speeds on a dry road.


Complete the equation to show the link between stopping distance, thinking distance and braking distance.

Stopping distance = ........................................................................

10b2 marks

Describe the patterns shown in the graph.

10c1 mark

Use the graph to estimate the stopping distance for a car travelling at 35 miles per hour. 

stopping distance = ......................................... m

10d1 mark

To find the minimum stopping distance, several different cars were tested. 

Suggest how the data from the different cars should be used to give the values in the graph.

10e4 marks

The tests were carried out on a dry road. 

If the road is icy, describe and explain what change there would be, if any, to

 (i) the thinking distance

(ii) the braking distance

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11a5 marks

A student investigates how the extension of a spring varies when he hangs different loads from it.


Write a plan for the student’s investigation. 

Your plan should include details of how the student can make accurate measurements.

You may add to the diagram to help your answer.

11b3 marks

The student finds that the spring obeys Hooke’s law. 

Draw a graph on the axes to show Hooke’s law relationship. Label the axes.

11c2 marks

The student concludes that the spring shows elastic behaviour. 

Explain what is meant by the term elastic behaviour.

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12a2 marks

A student investigates friction between a block of wood and different types of surface. 

The student uses the equipment shown in photograph A to measure the force needed to move the block of wood.


 (i) Suggest why the student places masses on the block. 

(ii) Explain why he keeps the masses constant during the experiment.

12b6 marks

The student investigates five different types of surface.

The table shows his results.

Types of surface

Force in N

1st reading

Force in N

2nd reading

Force in N










coarse sandpaper



fine sandpaper








(i) Give an example of a non-continuous variable in this investigation. 

(ii) Complete the table by inserting the missing average. 

(iii) Display the average force results for this investigation on the grid. 

12c2 marks

The student compares his results with others in the class.

He finds that they have different values for the forces.

Suggest why. 

12d2 marks

The student repeats the investigation using another block of wood as shown in photograph B. 


This block of wood has the same mass but a different area of contact.

Explain how this change affects the pressure on the surface.

12e2 marks

Suggest two ways in which the student could reduce friction between the two surfaces. 

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13a1 mark

A student investigates whether a spring obeys Hooke’s law.

She uses the apparatus shown in the photograph.


Which additional measuring instrument does the student need for the investigation?

13b5 marks

Explain how the student can investigate whether the spring obeys Hooke’s law.

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14a1 mark

A hot-air balloon is tied to the ground by two ropes.

The diagram shows the forces acting on the balloon.

The tension T in each rope is 200 N.


The ropes are untied and the balloon starts to move upwards.

State the value of the force acting downwards on the balloon immediately after the ropes are untied and before the balloon starts moving.

force downwards = ............................................... N

14b3 marks

(i) State the relationship between unbalanced force, mass and acceleration.

(ii) The balloon has a total mass of 910 kg.

The initial unbalanced force on the balloon is 400 N upwards.

Calculate the initial acceleration.

initial acceleration = ............................................... m/s2

14c3 marks

Explain how the upward acceleration of the balloon changes during the first few seconds of its flight.

14d2 marks

While the balloon is still accelerating, the pilot controls the balloon by pouring some sand from the bags.

Explain how this affects the upward acceleration of the balloon.

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11 mark

A flying squirrel is an animal that can glide through the air. It spreads out its limbs to stretch out a membrane that helps it to glide. 


© Robert Savannah

The flying squirrel glides from P to Q with a constant velocity. 



The velocity of the squirrel decreases to zero when it reaches the second tree because

  • an unbalanced force acts on the squirrel

  • no force acts on the squirrel

  • the GPE of the squirrel increases

  • the KE of the squirrel increases

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2a5 marks

A student investigates terminal velocity.

She uses a tall glass tube filled with oil.

She drops a metal ball into the tube.

The ball falls through the oil.


Use ideas about forces to explain how a falling object can reach a terminal velocity.

2b5 marks

Describe how the student could find out if the ball reaches terminal velocity as it falls through the oil. 

In your answer, you should include

  • the measuring instruments that the student will need

  • the measurements that she should take

  • how she could use her measurements to find out if the ball reached terminal velocity.

You may include a labelled diagram in your answer.

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3a5 marks

A golfer practises hitting balls on a golf course.

Ball X rolls along level ground, as shown in the diagram.


(i) Add labelled arrows to the diagram to show the directions of two of the forces acting on ball X.

(ii) Explain why ball X slows down and stops.

3b1 mark

The golfer hits ball Y at an angle into the air.

He gives it the same initial kinetic energy as ball X.

Suggest why ball Y travels much further than ball X before it stops.

3c6 marks

The mass of ball Y is 45 g. 

The golfer gives the ball 36 J of kinetic energy when he hits it.

 (i) State the equation linking kinetic energy, mass and speed.

(ii) Calculate the initial speed of ball Y.

initial speed = .............................................................. m/s

(iii) Ball Y reaches a maximum height of 30 m.

  Suggest how the golfer should hit ball Y so it can reach a greater height.

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4a5 marks

The Apollo 15 mission landed on the Moon in 1971.

The astronaut David Scott dropped a hammer and a feather.

They were released from rest at the same time and from the same height.

The hammer and the feather landed at the same time.




The graph shows how the velocity of the hammer changed with time.



(i) Use the graph to calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon.

 Give the unit.

acceleration = .......................... unit .................

(ii) Use the graph to calculate the height the hammer was dropped from.

height = ................................... m

4b1 mark

The gravitational field strength is smaller on the Moon than on the Earth. 

Suggest why.

4c4 marks

If the same experiment is carried out on Earth, air resistance affects both objects. 

The feather reaches the ground after the hammer, even though the force of air resistance is smaller on the feather than on the hammer. 

Explain why the feather reaches the ground after the hammer.

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5a2 marks

A student plans to measure the thickness of a sheet of paper with a ruler. 

Explain why it is difficult to measure the thickness of a single piece of paper with a ruler. 

5b2 marks

The student puts a pile of 400 sheets of paper on a table.

He uses a ruler to measure the height of the pile. 


The student records the thickness of the pile as 4.1 cm. 

Suggest two reasons why the student's value for the thickness of the pile may be inaccurate.

5c6 marks

The student folds the sheet of paper to make a paper aeroplane.

He throws the paper aeroplane into the air and it flies at a constant velocity. 

 (i) Explain why the forces on the paper aeroplane must be balanced. 

(ii) The diagram shows the paper aeroplane as it moves at a constant velocity towards the right and slightly downwards. 


Add labelled arrows to the diagram to show the directions of the forces of 

  • Weight

  • Lift

  • Drag

(iii) As it flies, the paper aeroplane loses gravitational potential energy.

What happens to this energy? 

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6a3 marks

A student investigates the stretching of rubber bands.

She stretches four rubber bands as shown in the photograph.


She applies a force of 5.0 N and measures the length of the rubber bands.

She repeats the experiment with different numbers of rubber bands, using a force of 5.0 N each time.

The table shows her results.

Number of rubber bands

Stretched length in cm












(i) Estimate the length of the four rubber bands shown in the photograph and use your value to complete the table. 

(ii) Suggest two reasons why your estimate may not be accurate.

6b1 mark

Suggest how the student made this investigation a fair test.

6c7 marks

(i) The number of rubber bands is a series of whole numbers.

State the name of this type of variable.

(ii) Display the results of the student’s investigation on the grid.


(iii) Describe the relationship between the number of rubber bands and the stretched length.

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7a1 mark

A student makes chains of elastic bands by joining them together with paperclips.

He uses a newtonmeter to stretch each chain along a metre rule, as shown in photograph A.


For each chain, he records

  • the number of elastic bands

  • the length when the tension is 2 N

  • the length when the tension is 1 N 

Then he calculates the difference in length for each chain.

(i) Complete the table by calculating the missing value.

Number of elastic bands

Length in cm when

tension = 2 N tension = 1 N

Difference in length in cm
























(ii) Use the grid to plot a graph to show the relationship between the number of elastic bands and the difference in length.


(iii) Describe your line of best fit.

7b2 marks

Photograph B shows a paperclip in one of the chains against the same metre rule. 


Use photograph B to estimate the length of this paperclip. 

 length =

7c2 marks

Look again at photograph A.

Suggest two ways that the student could improve his measuring technique. 

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8a2 marks

A student uses this apparatus to investigate forces stretching a spring. 


She uses a ruler to measure the vertical distance h between the bottom of the mass hanger and the base of the stand. 


Suggest two ways that the student can measure distance more accurately.

8b12 marks

The student continues her investigation by loading the spring with different masses.

The table shows her results.



(i) Name the dependent variable in this investigation.

(ii) Explain how the force values in the table are calculated.

(iii) Plot a graph of distance h against force, and draw the line of best fit.


(iv) Use the graph to find the force for which h is zero

 force = ......................N

(v) Explain whether the spring obeys Hooke's law.

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