Earth & The Solar System (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

3 hours30 questions
1a1 mark

The appearance of the Moon from Earth can be explained by the relative motion of the Moon and the Earth.

Explain why the Moon rises and sets.

1b4 marks

The Moon is said to undergo a lunar cycle.

State how much time each lunar cycle takes to complete.
Explain why the Moon has phases which are seen throughout the lunar cycle.
1c2 marks

Observers on Earth always see the same side of the Moon.

Explain why we never see the far side of the Moon when looking from Earth.

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2a6 marks

Complete the description of the Earth by filling in the blanks using words from the list below.

You may use words more than once, or not at all.

  • The Earth is a rocky planet following an  ______ orbit around the Sun.
  • It rotates on its ______, which is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.4° from the ______.
  • The Earth takes approximately 24 ______ to complete one full rotation, causing the ______ daily motion of the Sun rising and setting.
  • Rotation of the Earth on its axis is therefore responsible for the ______ cycle of day and night.
  apparent hours
  axis periodic
  circular real
  elliptical vertical

2b1 mark

Fig. 1 shows the Earth orbiting the Sun.


Explain why it is summer in the northern hemisphere at position A.

2c7 marks

Complete the description of the Moon by filling in the blanks using words from the list below.

You may use words more than once, or not at all.

  • The Moon is a natural ______ of the Earth which travels in a roughly _____ orbit.
  • The ______ of the Moon's orbit is approximately 28 ______.
  • The Moon revolves around its own axis with the same ______ as its orbit so always has the same side facing the Earth.
  • The Moon shines with ______ light from the ______, it does not produce its own light
  circular period 
  days planet
  Earth reflected 
  elliptical satellite 
  hours Sun

2d1 mark

Fig. 2 shows the phases of the Moon.


Using the labels A - H, identify the following phases.

Full moon.
New moon.

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3a2 marks

Extended tier only

State the definition of 'orbital period'.

3b2 marks

Extended tier only

State the equation needed to calculate average orbital speed, defining any variables.

3c3 marks

Extended tier only

A satellite moves in a circular orbit.

Its distance above the Earth’s surface is 600 km and the radius of the Earth is 6400 km.

The orbital period of the satellite is 106 minutes. 

Determine the radius of the orbit, stating your answer in metres.
Convert the orbital period to S.I. units.
3d2 marks

Extended tier only

Use your answers to part (c) to calculate the orbital speed of the satellite.

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4a3 marks

For each description identify the body in the Solar System which is being described.

The fourth planet from the Sun.
A dwarf planet beyond the orbit of Neptune.
A natural satellite orbiting a planet.
4b1 mark

State the location of the asteroid belt.

4c2 marks

The inner four planets of the Solar System are described as being small and rocky.

State the two words most commonly used to describe the outer four planets.

4d3 marks

State the three factors that form the basis of the accretion model for the formation of the Solar System.

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5a2 marks

Extended tier only

Orbits are considered to be either approximately circular or elliptical.

State the position of the body which is being orbited for

an approximately circular orbit
an elliptical orbit
5b1 mark

Name the force which keeps satellites in orbit.

5c2 marks

Extended tier only

The strength of the Sun’s gravitational field and the orbital speeds of the planets are affected by the distance from the Sun.

For each property state the change as the distance from the Sun increases.

Gravitational field strength
Orbital speed
5d2 marks

Extended tier only

The table in Fig. 1 shows data for three planets orbiting the same star.


Orbital Speed

/ km/s

Orbital period

/ days

Artemis 35.0 120
Hecate 67.4 58
Medea 24.1 231
Fig. 1
Identify the planet which is closest to the star
State the reason for your choice

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1a3 marks

Extended tier only

The Sun lies at the centre of our solar system, with all other bodies, such as planets, orbiting it, as shown in Fig. 1.1.


State two similarities and one difference between the orbits of the planets.

1b6 marks

The innermost planets of the solar system are rocky compared to the outer planets. 

State the source of the heavier elements making up the inner planets.
State the name of the process which led to the formation of the inner planets and explain their formation.

1c4 marks

Explain the difference between the inner planets of the solar system and the outer planets.

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2a2 marks

Extended tier only

The graph in Fig. 2.1 gives data for four bodies in the outer solar system.

Uranus orbits the Sun at an average distance of 2900 million km.


Fig. 2.1


Use the graph to determine the orbital speed of Uranus.

2b6 marks

Extended tier only

Use data from the graph to calculate

The distance travelled by Jupiter in one orbit.
distance = ............................... million km [3]
The time taken for Jupiter to complete one orbit, giving your answer in days.
orbital period = ................................ days [3]

2c1 mark

Extended tier only

Fig. 2.2 shows the typical orbit of a planet.


Fig. 2.2


Add a line to the diagram to show the typical orbit of a comet.

2d1 mark

Extended tier only

Add an X to the line drawn in part (c) indicating the point at which the comet will be travelling with the greatest speed.

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3a3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a diagram of the solar system.

For each position (i - iii) state the name of the body indicated.


3b3 marks

There are more than 200 moons in our solar system.

State the meaning of the term 'moon'.
Choosing from the labelled bodies in part (a), state the body or bodies which have moons.
Earth has one moon, known as the Moon. Name one other planet in the solar system apart from the answer to part (ii) which has a moon.
3c3 marks

Extended tier only

Astronomers launched the Hubble telescope in 1990, placing it in orbit around the Earth.

The table in Fig. 2 shows information about the orbits around the Earth of both the Hubble Telescope and the Moon.

  average radius of orbit / km orbital period
Hubble telescope 550 96 minutes
Moon 385 000 28 days

Fig. 2

For the Hubble telescope and the Moon:

Calculate the closest distance between the Moon and the Hubble telescope.
Explain why the distance between the Moon and the Hubble telescope changes.
3d5 marks

Extended tier only

Using the data in the table in part (c) calculate the orbital speed of the Hubble telescope.

The radius of the Earth is 6400 km.

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4a3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a diagram of the solar system.

For each position (i - iii) state the name of the body indicated.


4b3 marks

The asteroid belt can be considered as the dividing line between the inner and outer planets.

Compare the differences between these two groups of planets.

4c4 marks

Extended tier only

Fig. 2 is a graph showing the relationship between orbital speed in km/s and mean distance from the Sun measured in astronomical units, AU.

The positions of Saturn and Pluto have been plotted and labelled.


Fig. 2

For the planet Uranus

Indicate on the graph where Uranus is most likely to be plotted
Use your plotted point to estimate the orbital speed of Uranus

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5a4 marks

Fig. 1 shows a diagram of the solar system.

Add to the diagram to show the location of the asteroid belt.
Sketch a possible orbit of a comet entering and leaving the solar system.


Fig. 1 (not to scale)

5b5 marks

Extended tier only

Compare the orbits of comets and planets.

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1a4 marks

The statements below describe some of the objects which are found in the Solar System. 

For each description, state the name of the object.

The fifth planet from the Sun.
A rocky object located between Mars and Jupiter.
A ball of ice and dust whose orbit takes it beyond the Solar System.
One of a number of small, rocky objects orbiting Jupiter.
1b6 marks

The Earth-Moon system creates effects which can be observed from Earth.

Tick the statements which are correct.
square The Earth orbits the Sun once every 365 days
square The Moon takes five weeks to orbit the Earth
square The Moon's phases change on a regular cycle
square Day and night on Earth are caused by the Moon's orbit
Sketch and explain the appearance of the Moon two weeks after a New Moon.
You may use your diagram to support your explanation.

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2a3 marks

Extended tier only

A comet enters the Solar System from beyond the orbit of Pluto.

State the direction in which the comet travels.
State how the strength of the Sun's gravitational field changes as the distance from the Sun decreases.
State how the speed of the comet changes as it enters the Solar System.


2b6 marks

Extended tier only

Mercury is nearer to the Sun than Saturn.

Compare the orbital speeds of Mercury and Saturn. Explain your answer.
Compare the length of the year on Saturn to a year on Mercury.
Explain any differences which you mention in your answer.

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1 mark

A student states that the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri.

Explain what is wrong with this statement.

3b5 marks

Light from Proxima Centauri takes 2 200 000 minutes to reach the Earth. Light from the Sun takes 8.3 minutes to reach the Earth.

The distance from the Sun to the Earth is defined as being 1 astronomical unit (AU).

For the distance to Proxima Centauri

Calculate the distance in metres.
Use the ratio method to determine the distance in terms of astronomical units
3c2 marks

A light year is the distance that light travels in one year.

Astronomers usually give the distance from stars in terms of light years rather than using metres and kilometres.

Suggest a reason for this.

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4a3 marks

Extended tier only

Explain why the orbital speeds of the gas giants are slower than those of the rocky planets.

4b9 marks

Extended tier only

The data table in Fig. 1 shows data on the four inner planets.

  Mean distance from Sun / millions km Orbital period / days Surface temp / °C Density / kg/m3 Diameter / 103 km Mass / 1024 kg Surface gravity / N/kg
Mercury 57.9 88 350 5427 4.8   3.7
Venus 108.2 225 460 5243 12.1   8.9
Earth 149.6 365 20 5514 12.8 5.97 9.8
Mars 227.9 687 23 3933 6.8   3.7

Fig. 1

Estimate whether the missing masses of Mercury, Venus and Mars, are larger, smaller or very similar to the mass of Earth, referring to the data to support your answer.

4c7 marks

Extended tier only

Select data from the table to support the use of Newton's Laws of Motion when calculating for orbital motion.

Explain your choice.

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5a5 marks

Extended tier only

The orbital speeds of comets are not constant.

Describe and explain how the speed changes.

5b1 mark

Extended tier only

Fig. 1 shows Jupiter and the orbits of two of its moons, Ganymede and Europa.

The positions of the two moons are marked for various dates.

The radius of Europa’s orbit is 671 000 km. The radius of Ganymede’s orbit is 1 070 000 km



Determine the time for Ganymede to complete one orbit of Jupiter.

5c3 marks

Extended tier only

Calculate the distance from Europa to Ganymede on 8 June.

5d5 marks

Extended tier only

Describe and explain how the distance between Europa and Ganymede changes during three orbits of Europa.

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