Electromagnetic Effects (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

2 hours34 questions
11 mark

Which diagram shows the correct magnetic field pattern around a current-carrying solenoid?


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    21 mark

    Which diagram correctly shows the magnetic field lines around a current-carrying wire if the current is directed out of the page?


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      Which device uses a split ring commutator?

      • d.c. motor

      • transformer

      • relay

      • a.c. generator

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      41 mark

      A simple d.c. electric motor is shown in the diagram.


      Which of the following changes would make the coil turn more quickly?

      • Reducing the strength of the magnetic field.

      • Reversing the direction of the current and swapping the magnetic poles.

      • Swapping the magnetic poles.

      • Increasing the current in the coil

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      51 mark

      The number of turns in the primary coil and secondary coil of a transformer is Np and Ns respectively.

      Which of the following statements represents a step-up transformer?

      • N subscript s space equals space N subscript p

      • N subscript s space greater than space N subscript p

      • N subscript s space less than space N subscript p

      • N subscript p space greater than space N subscript s

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      11 mark

      After electricity is generated at a power station, the voltage is increased significantly for transmission across the country via the national grid.

      What is the advantage of transmitting electricity at very high voltages?

      • It makes the electricity flow more quickly.

      • It increases the efficiency of the electricity transfer.

      • It produces more power.

      • It is safer to transmit electricity at high voltage.

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      21 mark

      When a wire is moved through a magnetic field, an e.m.f. is induced in the wire.

      Which of the following devices uses this effect?

      • electric motor

      • electricity generator

      • photon accelerator

      • transformer

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      Beta and gamma radiation are passed through two metal plates, with equal and opposite charges, as shown in the diagram below.


      Which direction, if any, would the β-particles and γ-rays be deflected?

        β-particles γ-rays
      A into the page continue straight
      B towards the negative plate out of the page
      C continue straight towards the negative plate
      D towards the positive plate continue straight

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        Which graph represents the output of a simple a.c. generator?


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          Transformers are used to change the voltage of a power supply. 

          The diagram below shows a simple transformer.


          If the input voltage is 48 V, what is the output voltage?

          • 2.4 V

          • 9.6 V

          • 240 V

          • 667 V

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          A magnetic field can be represented by the diagram shown below. The dots represent magnetic field lines coming out of the page.


          A beam of alpha particles is directed through the field as shown above. Alpha particles, being charged, will be deflected by the field.

          In which direction will the alpha particles be deflected?

          • upwards

          • downwards

          • into the page

          • out of the page

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          The south pole of a magnet is brought near to a solenoid, which is connected to an ammeter. The magnet is then pulled away again.


          As the magnet is moved towards point P the needle on the ammeter deflects. When it is moved away from point P, the needle on the ammeter also deflects.

          What magnetic pole is produced at P when the south pole of the magnet is brought towards and away from the solenoid?


          S pole brought towards P

          S pole moved away from P













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            A current-carrying wire is placed between two magnetic poles as shown in the diagram below. It experiences an upwards force.


            What is the orientation of the magnetic poles?


            Left magnet

            Right magnet













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              A transformer is used to raise the voltage of electricity produced at a power station before it is transmitted in power lines.

              The power station generates electricity at a voltage of 25 kV and a current of 4000 A. The step-up transformer increases the voltage to 400 kV.

              Assume that the transformer is 100% efficient.

              What current flows in the power lines?

              • 0.25 A

              • 250 A

              • 640 A

              • 64 000 A

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              61 mark

              A transformer has 1200 turns on its secondary coil and has an output voltage of 240 V.


              If the input voltage is 12 V, how many turns are there on the primary coil?

              • 2

              • 60

              • 1200

              • 24 000

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              71 mark

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              A current-carrying wire is placed into a magnetic field as shown in the diagram. The wire experiences a force.


              In which direction does the force on the wire act?

              • OP

              • PO

              • ST

              • QR

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