Simple Phenomena of Magnetism (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

2 hours30 questions
1a3 marks

Some students plot the magnetic field lines around a bar magnet. They have the apparatus shown in Fig. 9.1 and a large sheet of paper.


Describe how the students use the apparatus in Fig. 9.1 to show the pattern of the magnetic field lines around the bar magnet.

 You may draw a diagram to assist with your description.

1b3 marks

Draw at least four lines above and below the bar magnet in Fig. 9.2 to show the magnetic field around the bar magnet. Draw an arrow on the field lines to show the direction of the magnetic field.


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2a4 marks

When the poles of two bar magnets are brought close together, the magnets will experience either an attraction or a repulsion. 


Complete Table 1.1 by writing either attract or repel in the effect column.



2b2 marks

State which item will experience an attraction or repulsion when

a magnetic material is brought close to the north pole of a magnet.
a magnetic material is brought close to the south pole of a magnet.
2c1 mark

State one use of a permanent magnet.

2d4 marks

State four magnetic materials that would be attracted to a magnet.

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3a4 marks

Describe a method for drawing the magnetic field around a bar magnet using iron filings.

3b1 mark

Define the term magnetic field.

3c1 mark

State the direction of magnetic field lines.

3d3 marks

Extended tier only


Sketch the magnetic field lines for the two bar magnets shown in Fig. 1.1.


Fig. 1.1

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4a1 mark

When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, that material can become a temporary magnet. 


Tick one box that correctly names this effect.


square magnetic attraction

square electromagnetism

square induced magnetism

4b1 mark

Identify the magnetic materials from the list below. 

Tick all that apply.


square iron

square copper

square aluminium

square steel

4c1 mark

Fig. 1.1 shows a magnetic material being brought into the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. 



Fig. 1.1

Draw, on Fig. 1.1, the temporary poles that will be induced in the magnetic material.

4d4 marks

Fig. 1.2 shows a chain of paperclips being suspended from a magnet. 



Complete the paragraph explaining how this is possible. 

Choose words from the list below.


   temporary       magnetic        permanent     poles          attracted    

 magnetised      repelled      non-magnetic  


The paperclips are made of steel which is a ...................................... material. The paperclips are ............................... to the permanent magnet. The magnetic field induces temporary ................................ in the paperclips and they become ..................................... magnets. 

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1a2 marks

A student magnetises a steel rod by using a permanent magnet.

Describe a method that the student could use.

1b2 marks

Explain how the student could test that the steel rod has been magnetised.

1c1 mark

Magnets can be made from soft iron or from steel.

State one difference between the magnetic properties of soft iron and steel.

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2a4 marks

Fig. 8.1 shows a sheet of paper. A bar magnet is underneath the paper. A student sprinkles iron filings onto the paper.


On Fig. 8.1

  • Label the position of each pole of the magnet. Use the label N for the north pole and S for the south pole.
  • Draw magnetic field lines above the magnet and draw magnetic field lines below the magnet.
  • Add arrows to show the direction of the magnetic field.
2b3 marks

A student places a soft iron rod inside a coil of insulated wire. The coil is connected to a battery, as shown in Fig. 8.2.

State the name given to the device shown in Fig. 8.2.
The student puts one end of the device in Fig. 8.2 just above a pile of iron filings.
He closes the switch for a short time and then opens it again.
Describe the effect this has on the iron filings.

The student removes the soft iron rod and replaces it with a steel rod.

He puts one end of the steel rod just above the pile of iron filings. He closes the switch for a short time and then opens it again.

Describe the effect this has on the iron fillings.


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3a2 marks

Extended tier only

Bar magnets produce a magnetic field. 

State where, in relation to the bar magnet, the magnetic field is strongest and explain how scientists know this.

You may wish to use a diagram in your answer.

3b3 marks

A student is making a compass from a steel sewing needle, a cork and a bowl of water. Fig. 1.1 shows this apparatus.

A compass consists of a freely rotating magnet.



Suggest how the student might make a compass from this equipment.

3c1 mark

When the student brings a magnet close to the needle-cork compass, the needle spins to face the north pole of the magnet. When the student moves the magnet away, the needle always returns to the same position. 

Suggest why this is the case. 

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4a3 marks

A wooden toy train has permanent magnets that hold the carriages together. Fig. 1.1 shows the arrangement. 


The centre carriage (B) is removed and turned 180°. 

Describe the effect this will have on the train.

4b3 marks

Figure 1.2 shows one of the carriages with a magnet attached to each end.


Fig. 1.2

Sketch the magnetic field lines inside the carriage.

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5a4 marks

A student is given three unknown metal strips and a bar magnet. 

The student is also given the following information. 

1 strip is magnetic and magnetised

1 strip is magnetic but not magnetised

1 strip is not magnetic

Describe a method the student could use to identify each strip.

5b3 marks

Describe the difference between a magnetised and an unmagnetised magnetic material.

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63 marks
Two bar magnets are placed next to each other as shown in Fig. 9.1.
Magnet A is slowly moved towards magnet B. This causes magnet B to move away from magnet A.
On Fig. 9.1, suggest the poles of each bar magnet.
Label N and S on each of the magnets.
State the term used to describe the nature of the forces acting between magnet A and magnet B.
Magnet B is removed and replaced with a steel bar of the same size.
Describe what happens when magnet A is slowly moved towards the steel bar.

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1a3 marks

A student is experimenting with magnets and electric charges.

The student places a bar magnet on a piece of paper, as shown in Fig. 9.1.


Show the pattern of magnetic field lines around the bar magnet.

Draw two lines above the magnet and two lines below the magnet. Start and finish each line at a pole. Include one arrow to show the direction of the magnetic field.

1b2 marks

The student rubs a plastic rod with a dry cloth. The plastic rod becomes positively charged.

Explain why the friction between the plastic and the cloth causes the plastic to become positively charged.

1c2 marks

The student investigates the forces between two pairs of objects.

Fig. 9.2 and Fig. 9.3 show the pairs of objects.

State whether there is a force of attraction, a force of repulsion, or no force between the pairs of objects. Draw a ring around one phrase for each pair of objects.


1. two positively charged spheres

2. a bar magnet and a bar of copper metal

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2a4 marks

Fig. 9.1 shows the magnetic field pattern around a bar magnet.


On Fig. 9.1, write the letters N and S to indicate the north and south poles of the magnet.
Fig. 9.2 shows a soft-iron bar placed close to a permanent magnet.
State and explain what happens to the soft-iron bar. You may draw on Fig. 9.2.
2b4 marks

Three balls P, Q and R are electrically charged. The balls are suspended by threads of insulating material. Fig. 9.3 shows the arrangement.



Ball P is negatively charged.

State the charge on ball Q and the charge on ball R.
Explain your answer for part (i) for the charge on ball Q.

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3a2 marks

A long straight wire passes through a piece of card. There is a current in the wire, as shown in Fig. 11.1.


Fig. 11.2 shows the view of the card from above. The current is into the page.


The current in the wire produces a magnetic field around the wire. One magnetic field line is drawn.

On Fig. 11.2, draw two more magnetic field lines around the wire. Show the direction of the magnetic field by drawing an arrow on each field line.

3b5 marks

Fig. 11.3 shows the circuit for an electric bell.


Explain how the circuit causes the hammer to hit the bell repeatedly when the switch is closed.

Use your ideas about circuits and electromagnets.

3c1 mark

Apart from an electric door bell, suggest another use for electromagnets.

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4a3 marks

A student is using plotting compasses to investigate the magnetic field lines of bar magnets. 

The student places two bar magnets in the arrangement shown in Fig. 1.1.



Fig. 1.1


Draw the magnetic field lines that the student will discover between the magnets.

4b2 marks

The student changed the orientation of the bottom magnet by rotating it 180°. Fig. 1.2 shows the predictive sketch drawn by the student before they added the plotting compasses. 




State two differences between the sketch in Fig 1.2 and the pattern the student will actually see when they add the plotting compasses.

4c3 marks

The student attempts to look at the field lines by adding iron filings around the magnet.

Whilst collecting the iron filings, they spill some on the magnet. 

Fig. 1.3 shows a side view of the magnet and the filings. 




Explain why the iron filings are in this position. 

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5a6 marks

Scientists can explain magnetic materials and non-magnetic materials using domain theory. 


All atoms contain electrons, and electrons act as tiny magnets with a north and a south pole, as shown in Fig. 1.1.



Metals are collections of many millions of atoms. For non-magnetic materials the electrons are randomly aligned as shown in Fig. 1.2.



For magnetic materials, the electrons are arranged in groups called domains. Within each domain, the electrons are aligned so that they all point in the same direction, and each domain acts as a magnet itself. Fig. 1.3 shows this arrangement. 


Use domain theory to explain

Why most metals are not magnetic.
Why some metals can be magnetised.
5b1 mark

Using arrows in a rectangle to represent electrons in a metal as in part (a), draw a sketch of a magnetised material.

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