Energy, Work & Power (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

2 hours33 questions
11 mark

Which energy transfer takes place when a log burns in a fire?

  • Energy is transferred from the nuclear store of the log to the chemical store of the log.

  • Energy is transferred from the nuclear store of the log to the thermal store of the surroundings.

  • Energy is transferred from the chemical store of the log to the thermal store of the surroundings.

  • Energy is transferred from the thermal store of the log to the nuclear store of the surroundings.

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21 mark

Which row correctly matches an energy store with an example of that store?


Energy Store




a car moving at 70 km / h



a box sitting high on a shelf


magnetic compression of springs in a car's suspension


chemical the nuclei of uranium atoms

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    31 mark

    Which of the following statements is not a summary of the law of conservation of energy?

    • Total energy in = total energy out

    • There is a finite amount of energy in a closed system that can be transferred from one store to another

    • The total energy in a system is used up as it is transferred from object to object

    • Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from store to store by a transfer pathway

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    41 mark

    Identify the incorrect definition of power.

    • A force acting over a distance

    • Work done per unit time

    • Energy transferred per second

    • The rate of work done

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    51 mark

    Identify the correct energy transfer taking place when an electric kettle is boiling water

    • Chemical energy store → thermal energy store

    • Thermal energy store → chemical energy store

    • Thermal energy store → thermal energy store

    • Nuclear energy store → thermal energy store

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    11 mark

    A sledge is pushed up a hill with a force, F.


    The work done on the sledge depends on the force applied and on a distance moved.

    Which distance?

    • x

    • y

    • z

    • x + z

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    21 mark

    The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store to another. 

    Which of the following statements is true?

    • The useful energy and wasted energy transferred away from a system will be equal to the total energy transferred to the system.

    • The useful energy of a system will be equal to the wasted energy of a system.

    • The total energy transferred to a system will be equal to the useful energy transferred away from a system.

    • The total energy transferred to a system will be equal to the wasted energy transferred away from a system.

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    31 mark

    Which of the following energy transfers is most efficient?

    • Useful energy out = 70%

    • Wasted energy out = 45%

    • Useful energy out = 35%

    • Wasted energy out = 25%

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    41 mark

    A fork lift truck lifts a heavy box onto a shelf. 


    Which action requires the greatest power output from the fork lift truck.

    • Lifting the box from the ground to the high shelf slowly

    • Lifting the box from the ground to the high shelf quickly

    • Lifting the box from the low shelf to the high shelf quickly

    • Lifting the box from the low shelf to the high shelf slowly

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    51 mark

    A trolley is pushed with a force that causes it to move a certain distance. It moves in the direction it is pushed.

    Which row in the table represents the combination of force and distance that means the smallest amount of work is done on the trolley?


    Force / N

    Distance moved / m













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      61 mark

      Four different electric bicycles are driven along a road.

      The work done by their motor, and the time taken to do that work is shown in the table below.

      Which of the electric bicycles produces the most power?


      Work done / J

      Time taken / s


      10 000



      20 000



      400 000





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        71 mark

        The image below shows a simplified layout of a non-condensing gas boiler that is typically used to heat houses in the United Kingdom.


        Which option correctly describes the energy transfers taking place in the boiler?

        • Energy from the chemical store of the fuel decreases as the thermal store of the water increases and the thermal store of the surroundings increases

        • Energy from the thermal store of the fuel decreases as the nuclear store of the water increases and the thermal store of the surroundings decreases

        • Energy from the nuclear store of the fuel decreases as the thermal store of the water increases and the thermal store of the surroundings increases

        • Energy from the electrostatic store of the fuel decreases as the chemical store of the water increases and the nuclear store of the surroundings increases

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        11 mark

        Extended tier only

        A large truck of mass 5000 kg is travelling at 5.0 m/s.

        A motorbike has a mass of 200 kg. Both the truck and the motorbike have the same kinetic energy.

        What is the speed of the motorbike?

        • 25 m/s

        • 10 m/s

        • 125 m/s

        • 2.5 m/s

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        21 mark

        Extended tier only

        A penny is held at the top of Blackpool tower. The penny is released and falls a distance h to the ground. It reaches a speed v as it falls.

        As the penny falls, air resistance causes some of the original energy of the penny to be transferred into the air as heat.

        Which of the expressions below gives the work done against air resistance?

        • ½ mv2

        • mgh + ½ mv2

        • mgh - ½ mv2

        • mgh

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        31 mark

        Extended tier only

        The diagram below shows a wind turbine. 


        What is the change in the kinetic energy if the wind speed is reduced by half?

        • E subscript K equals 1 over 8

        • E subscript K equals space 1 fourth

        • E subscript K equals space 1 half

        • No change

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        41 mark

        A crane lifts four pallets of bricks, each of which weigh 5000 N. The crane lifts each pallet a height of 30m. The crane takes 4 minutes to do this.

        How much useful power did the crane produce to lift the bricks?

        • 150 000 W

        • 625 W

        • 2500 W

        • 37 500 W

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        51 mark

        Extended tier only

        The diagram shows an LED light bulb.


        Which expression gives the efficiency of the bulb?

        • fraction numerator 8.0 over denominator 0.5 end fraction cross times 100 percent sign

        • fraction numerator 7.5 over denominator 0.5 end fraction cross times 100 percent sign

        • fraction numerator 0.5 over denominator 8.0 end fraction cross times 100 percent sign

        • fraction numerator 7.5 over denominator 8.0 end fraction cross times 100 percent sign

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