Mass, Weight & Density (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

3 hours45 questions
1a1 mark

Fig. 1.1 shows a set of masses made from the same material.


Fig. 1.1

Identify the quantity that is the same for all the masses.

Tick one box.

square density
square volume
square weight
1b1 mark

The largest mass is 2.5 kg.

State the number of grams in 2.5 kg.


2.5 kg = ...................................................... g 

1c4 marks

The three largest masses are 2.5 kg, 1.0 kg and 0.5 kg.

Calculate the combined weight of these three masses. Include the unit.


weight = ......................................................... 

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2a3 marks

Fig. 2.1 shows a wooden raft. The raft is made from 8 logs.
The logs are all of the same type of wood.


The average mass of each log is 65.0kg.
Calculate the total weight of the raft.

total weight of the raft = ....................................................... N 

2b4 marks


The mass of one of the logs is 66.0kg. It is 3.0m long and has a cross sectional area of 0.040m2.

Calculate the density of the wood in the log.

density = ............................................... kg / m3 [3]


Explain why the log in (b)(i) floats on water.


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3a1 mark

Identify the unit that is used for mass.

Tick one box.

square kg
square N
square m3
3b4 marks

A student is asked to write definitions for mass and weight.              

For each of their answers insert the missing word, selected from the list below.

force   gravity   kilogram   mass   matter   newton   rest
Mass is a measure of the quantity of .................... in an object at .................. relative to an observer.
Weight is a gravitational ........................ on an object that has ...........................

3c3 marks

A student needs to determine the density of a sample of oil.

They measure 0.001 m3 of oil and find it has a mass of 0.75 kg.

State the equipment the student uses to find the mass of oil.
Calculate the density of the oil.
3d2 marks

Extended tier only

The oil in part (c) is poured into a beaker of water.

Assuming that the liquids do not mix, explain which liquid floats.

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4a1 mark

An astronaut travels from Earth to the Moon.

Gravitational field strength on Earth = 9.8 N/kg

Gravitational field strength on the Moon = 1.6 N/kg

Identify the quantity that is the different for the astronaut on the Moon compared to the Earth.

Tick one box.

square mass
square weight
square density
4b4 marks

The mass of the astronaut is 65 kg on Earth.

Calculate the astronaut’s weight on Earth.
Calculate the astronaut’s weight on the Moon
4c3 marks

Complete the following sentence.

The astronaut's weight on Earth is more than their weight on the Moon because, although their ..................... is the same, the .......................... force on Earth is ............................

4d1 mark

State the piece of equipment that can be used to compare the mass and weight of the astronaut while they are still on Earth.

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5a4 marks

Fig. 1.1 shows laboratory equipment used to find the density of an irregularly shaped solid.


Fig. 1.1

For each piece of equipment add a label stating the name and the quantity measured.

5b4 marks

Explain how a student can find the volume of a piece of modelling clay of irregular shape using only the equipment in part (a)

5c1 mark

The volume of the modelling clay is found to be 64 cm3.

State the volume in m3.

5d4 marks

The mass of the modelling clay is 60 g.

Determine the mass in kg.
Calculate the density of the modelling clay, stating your answer in terms of S.I. units.

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1a3 marks

Fig. 1.1 shows a coil of wire.


A student measures the length of the coil using a ruler. His measurement is 3.8 cm.

There are 20 turns of wire in the coil. The student uses his measurement to calculate the average thickness of the wire.

Show that the average thickness of the wire is about 0.2 cm.
average thickness of wire = .................................................. cm [2] 
The student’s measurement of 3.8cm is inaccurate.
Suggest one reason why the measurement is inaccurate.
1b3 marks

The volume of the wire in the coil is 16.6 cm3 and its mass is 148 g.


Calculate the density of the metal used for the wire in the coil.

density = ............................................. g/cm3 
1c4 marks

The student has a measuring cylinder and a beaker of water, as shown in Fig. 1.2.

Describe how the student can determine the volume of the coil by using the equipment shown in Fig. 1.2.

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2a6 marks

A 250 cm3 beaker containing some liquid is shown in Fig. 2.1.


A student has a measuring cylinder and a balance.

Describe an experiment to determine the density of the liquid.
Suggest the unit of density used by the student.

2b4 marks

Fig. 2.2 shows a block of polythene.

Polythene floats in water. Explain why polythene floats.

The weight of the polythene block is 0.84 N.

Calculate the mass of the block.

mass = ..................................................... kg [3]

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3a4 marks

A student has an irregularly shaped piece of metal, a beaker of water and a measuring cylinder, as shown in Fig. 2.1.


Describe how the student can accurately determine the volume of the piece of metal using the equipment provided.

3b5 marks

The student measures the mass of the piece of metal. Its mass is 146 g.

State the name of the instrument used to measure the mass.



The volume of the piece of metal is 20 cm3.
Calculate the density of the metal. State the unit.
density = ......................................................  [4]

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4a4 marks

Fig. 2.1 shows a raft floating on water.


A force of 20 000 N acts on the raft in the direction of the arrow shown in Fig. 2.1.

State the name given to the force shown in Fig. 2.1.
Calculate the mass of the raft.
mass = [3]

4b2 marks

A sail is added to the raft, as shown in Fig. 2.2.


Fig. 2.2 shows the horizontal forces acting on the raft at one moment.

Calculate the resultant horizontal force acting on the raft and state the direction of this force.



force = ............................................................ N

direction = ...........................................................

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5a1 mark

Explain, in terms of their molecules, why the density of water is greater than that of oil.

5b1 mark

State the difference between mass and weight.

5c3 marks

The mass of a bucket is 1.2 kg.

When the bucket is filled with oil the total mass is found to be 14.1 kg.

Calculate the weight of the oil.


weight of oil =....................................................


5d2 marks

The volume of the oil in the bucket is 0.0163 m3.


Calculate the density of the oil.

density = ....................................................

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1a3 marks

Fig. 1.1 shows a plastic water barrel. The barrel is full of water.



The water barrel contains 0.050 m3 of pure water. The density of pure water is 1000 kg/m3.

Calculate the mass of pure water in the barrel.


mass of water = ...................................................... kg 

1b2 marks

The density of sea water is 1030kg/m3. The density of the plastic is 1000kg/m3. Use this information and the information in (a) to state and explain whether the full barrel will float in sea water.

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2a6 marks

A student has a metal object.

The student measures the mass of the object.

State the name of the equipment used to measure the mass.
The mass of the metal object is 1260 g. The volume of the metal is 150 cm3.
Calculate the density of the metal. Include the unit.
density = .............................................. [4]
The mass of the metal object is given in grams. State the mass in kg.
mass = .................................................... kg [1]
2b4 marks

A vase is placed on a table. Forces X and Y act on the vase, as shown in Fig. 1.1.
The mass of the vase is 0.25 kg. The vase is not moving.

Calculate the value of force X and the value of force Y.

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3a5 marks

A group of students are asked to find the volume of their Physics Laboratory.

Fig. 1.1 is a top view of the room and shows the measurements of each wall.

Fig 1.1

The lab has a ceiling which is at constant height, found to be 3.5 m.

State an instrument that would be suitable to make these measurements.
Describe a method the students could use to reduce errors in their measurements.
Explain how they should ensure the results are reliable.

3b4 marks

Calculate the volume of air in the room.

3c3 marks

The density of the air is 1.2 kg / m3. Calculate the mass of air in the room.

3d6 marks

Describe a method the students could use to find the density of air. You do not need to include details of the calculation.


The students have been provided with the following equipment:

Large measuring cylinder
Digital scales

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4a3 marks

In a car boot sale a student sees what the seller says is a model soldier made from copper. The student buys the model, hoping that it is really made from gold.

At Science Club the student is allowed to investigate their theory.

Describe how the volume of the model could be measured.

You may use a diagram if you wish.

4b4 marks

The student used a force meter for the next stage of their investigation.

Describe how the force meter is used to find mass.
Explain how the student reduces errors in their reading.
4c4 marks

The mass of the model is 625 g and the volume is 72 cm3.

The densities of various metals commonly used in model-making are:

  brass   8.73 g/cm3 
  copper 9.0 g/cm3 
  gold 19 g/cm3 
  lead 11 g/cm3 

By comparison with values in the data table, discuss the student's findings and whether the model is made from either copper or gold.

4d3 marks

Another student decides to find the density of a table-tennis ball using the same apparatus.


Discuss a change the student have to make before making their measurements.

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