Mass, Weight & Density (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

3 hours45 questions
11 mark

Which of the quantities below is weight an example of?

  •  Field strength

  • Acceleration

  • Mass

  • Force

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21 mark

Which of the following statements about mass or weight is true?

  • weight is measured in kilograms

  • mass = weight x gravitational field strength

  •  weight is measured in Newtons

  • mass is a force

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31 mark

Extended tier only

How is the weight of an object defined?

  • The force of the ground pushing on an object

  • A measure of the quantity of matter of an object at rest to the observer

  • The mass per unit volume of an object

  • The gravitational force acting on an object with mass

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41 mark

Which row in the table gives the correct units for mass and for weight?

  Mass Weight
A kg kg
B N kg
D kg N

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    51 mark

    Which of the following quantities is measured in kilograms?

    • weight

    • mass

    • pressure

    • density

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    61 mark

    A student is given four objects, a mass balance and a metre ruler.


    Which of the objects can he determine the density of , using only the metre ruler and the mass balance? 

    • Bolt , aluminium and plastic

    • Wood, bolt and plastic

    • Aluminium , wood and plastic

    • Aluminium , wood and bolt

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    11 mark

    Which piece of equipment is used to measure the mass of an object?

    • A burette

    • A balance

    • A thermometer

    • A trundle wheel

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    21 mark

    A baker uses a balance to weigh out some ingredients to make bread.

    She weighs out some white flour, then she weighs out some wholemeal flour. She notices that the reading on the balance is the same for both types of flour.

    The baker can conclude that the two flours have the same:

    • volume

    • density

    • weight

    • internal energy

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    31 mark

    The diagram shows a measuring cylinder containing a liquid , and that same measuring cylinder when it is empty.


    What is the density of the liquid?

    • 6.30 g/cm3

    • 3.00 g/cm3

    • 0.33 g/cm3

    • 0.16 g/cm3

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    41 mark

    A geologist wants to determine the density of the object shown below.


    What needs to be known in order to calculate its density ?

    • The radius of the base of the cone and the weight of the cone.

    • The surface area of the base of the cone and the height of the cone.

    • The volume of the cone and the mass of the cone.

    • The height of the cone and the mass of the cone.

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    51 mark

    Two beams have the same rectangular cross section, but one is longer than the other.

    Both beams are made from the same material.


    Which quantity is the same in both beams?

    • The volume

    • The weight

    • The mass

    • The density

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    61 mark

    A student wants to measure the density of a piece of rock. She starts by measuring its mass ,  and finds that it is 2500 g.

    Next she puts 500 cmof water into a large measuring cylinder , then adds the rock. The level in the measuring cylinder rises to 800 cm3.

    What is the density of the rock?

    • 8.33 g/cm3

    • 3.125 g/cm3

    • 0.12 g/cm3

    • 0.32 g/cm3

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    71 mark

    Some unknown liquid in a beaker has a mass of 200 g and a volume of 230 cm3.

    The density of water is 1.0 g/cm3

    How does the density of the unknown liquid compare with the density of water?

    • Its density is greater than the density of water

    • Its density is less than the density of water

    • Its density is the same as the density of water

    • With the information given, it is impossible to tell.

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    81 mark

    The two diagrams below show a measuring cylinder.

    In the diagram on the left, the measuring cylinder is empty. In the diagram on the right, the measuring cylinder contains a liquid.


    What is the density of the liquid?

    • 0.20 g/cm3

    • 5.00 g/cm3

    • 0.28 g/cm3

    • 3.57 g/cm3

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    91 mark

    A lump of butter has a volume of 350 cmand a mass of 319 g.

    What is the density of the butter?

    • 31 g/cm3

    • 1.10 g/cm3

    • 1.00 g/cm3

    • 0.911 g/cm3

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    101 mark

    A cube of side length 5 cm is placed on a mass balance.


    What is the density of the cube?

    • 1.0 g/cm3

    • 0.20 g/cm3

    • 5.12 g/cm3

    • 4.88 g/cm3

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    111 mark

    An astronaut has a mass of 80 kg on the Earth.

    The gravitational field strength on the Moon is 1.6 N/kg.

    What is the weight of the astronaut on the Moon?

    • 50 kg

    • 128 N

    • 800 N

    • 80 kg

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    121 mark

    The density of a block of wood is 2.7 g/cm3 and a mass of 583.8 g.

    What is its volume?

    • 0.5 cm3

    • 21.6 cm3

    • 216.2 cm3

    • 1574.9 cm3

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    11 mark

    A teacher has a hot cup of tea.

    Some of the liquid in the cup evaporates.

    Choose the line from the table below that correctly describes what happens to the mass and the weight of the tea in the cup.

      Mass Weight
    A increases decreases
    B increases increases
    C decreases decreases
    D decreases increases

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      21 mark

      A dummy, named Starman, dressed in a white racing suit, was launched into space by Elon Musk’s first Falcon Heavy rocket. Starman was sent on a journey towards Mars.

      Compared with being on the Earth’s surface, how do Starman’s mass and weight change when he is on his journey to Mars?





      stays the same



      stays the same

      stays the same






      stays the same

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        31 mark

        The diagram shows a ball of bread dough, before and after it has been compressed (had the air knocked out of it).


        What happens to the mass and the weight of the dough when it is compressed?





        stays the same



        stays the same

        stays the same






        stays the same

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          41 mark

          An astronaut buys a 5.0 kg tin of Quality Street chocolates on Earth.

          She takes that 5.0 kg tin of Quality Street chocolate to the Moon.

          What is the mass of the tin of Quality Street chocolate on the Moon?

          • More than 5.0 kg

          • Less than 5.0 kg, but more than 0.0 kg

          • 5.0 kg

          • 0.0 kg

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          51 mark

          An object is put on the left hand side of the balance, shown below, in order to determine its weight.

          Masses are added to the right hand side until it balances.

          The table below shows the effect of various weight combinations.


          Masses on the right hand side


          100g, 50g, 50g, 20g, 5g, 2g

          Balance tips slightly to the right

          200g, 10g, 10g, 5g

          Balance tips slightly to the left

          Which of the masses below is most likely to be the mass of the object?

          • 226 g

          • 230 g

          • 220 g

          • 225 g

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          61 mark

          A cheesemonger uses a newton meter to measure the weight of a block of cheese.

          The cheese has a weight of 5.0 N

          What is the approximate mass of the cheese?

          • 0.05 kg

          • 0.5 kg

          • 5 kg

          • 50 kg

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          71 mark

          A block of an unknown material is shown in the diagram.

          It's mass is 500 g.


          What is the density of the block?

          • fraction numerator 7 space cross times space 15 space cross times space 7 over denominator 500 end fraction straight g divided by cm cubed

          • fraction numerator 7 cross times 15 over denominator 500 space cross times 8 end fraction space straight g divided by cm cubed

          • fraction numerator 500 over denominator 7 space cross times 15 cross times 8 end fraction straight g divided by cm cubed

          • fraction numerator 500 space cross times space 7 over denominator 8 space cross times 15 end fraction space straight g divided by cm cubed

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          81 mark

          A teacher wants to measure the density of a wooden cylinder.

          She measures the radius, height and mass of the cylinder.

          Which of the measurements that she has taken are required to calculate the density of the cylinder?

          • Radius, height and mass

          • Radius and height only

          • Mass and height only

          • Mass only

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          91 mark

          The masses and volumes of four different objects are given in the table.

          Which of the objects has the lowest density?

            Mass / g  Volume / cm3
          A 100 100
          B 150 50
          C 85 17
          D 10 20

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            101 mark

            A block is shown in the diagram. It has a mass of m.


            Which expression, below, could be used to calculate the density of the block?

            • m space cross times space x space cross times space y space cross times space z

            • x space cross times space z space cross times space y

            • fraction numerator x space cross times space y space cross times space z over denominator m end fraction

            • fraction numerator m over denominator x cross times y cross times z end fraction

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            111 mark

            Four blocks, W, X , Y and Z are shown below.


            Which of the two blocks have the same density?

            • W and X

            • W and Y

            • Y and Z

            • W and Z

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