Physical Quantities & Measurement Techniques (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

3 hours32 questions
1a1 mark

A student is determining the acceleration of free fall g using a pendulum. Fig. 1.1 shows the pendulum. Fig. 1.2 shows one complete oscillation of the pendulum.


On Fig. 1.1, measure the distance d.



d = ................................................... cm

1b5 marks

Fig. 1.1 is drawn 1/10th actual size. Assume that distance d from part (a) is 5.0 cm.

Calculate the actual distance D from the bottom of the clamp to the centre of the bob.


D = ................................................... cm [1]

The student displaces the bob slightly and releases it so that it swings. He measures the time t for 10 complete oscillations. The time t is shown on the stopwatch in Fig. 1.3.



Write down the time t shown in Fig. 1.3.


t = ......................................................... [1]


Calculate the period T of the pendulum. The period is the time for one complete oscillation.


T = ......................................................... [1]


Calculate T2.


T2 = ......................................................... [1]


Calculate the acceleration of free fall g using the equation g space equals space 20 over T squared.


g = ......................................................... [1]

1c2 marks

The student adjusts the pendulum until the distance D measured to the centre of the bob is 100.0cm.

He repeats the procedure and obtains another value of T2.

T2 = 3.92

On the dotted line above, write the unit for T2.

Calculate the acceleration of free fall g using the equation g space equals space 40 over T squaredand the value of T2 from (c). Give your answer to a suitable number of significant figures for this experiment.

g = ......................................................... [1]

1d2 marks

Another student states that repeating the experiment improves the reliability of the value obtained for g.

Suggest two changes that you would make to improve the reliability. The stopwatch cannot be changed.

1e1 mark

State one precaution that you would take in this experiment in order to obtain accurate readings.

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27 marks

A student is investigating the factors that affect the size of the crater (hole) a ball makes when it is dropped into sand.


Plan an experiment which would enable you to investigate one factor which might affect the size of the crater.


The apparatus available includes

  • metal balls of different sizes
  • a tray of sand
Write a plan for the experiment.
In your plan you should:
  • state which factor is being investigated,
  • state the key variables that you would control,
  • list any additional apparatus needed,
  • explain briefly how you would carry out the experiment including what would be measured and how this would be done,
  • state the precautions which should be taken to obtain reliable results,
  • suggest a suitable graph which could be drawn from the results.

You may draw a diagram if it helps to explain your plan.

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3a3 marks

A student investigates the period of a pendulum. Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show the apparatus she uses.


Explain briefly, with the help of a diagram, how you would use a metre rule and set square to measure the length d of a pendulum as accurately as possible.

3b2 marks

The student adjusts the pendulum so that d = 50.0 cm. She displaces the bob slightly and releases it so that it swings. Fig. 1.2 shows one complete oscillation of the pendulum. She measures the time t1 for 20 complete oscillations.


Record the time t1 shown in Fig. 1.3.



Calculate the period T1 of the pendulum. The period is the time for one complete oscillation.


3c1 mark

The student adjusts the pendulum until the distance d is 100.0 cm.

She repeats the procedure and records the time t2 for 20 oscillations and the period T2.

  • t2 = 39.80s 
  • T2 = 1.99s

She measures the mass mA of the pendulum bob. The reading on the balance is shown in Fig. 1.4.


Record mass mA of the pendulum bob to the nearest gram.



mA = .................................................. g

3d1 mark

The student repeats the procedure using a pendulum bob of mass mB.

  • mB = 109 g 

She obtains these results:

    • distance d = 50.0 cm.
    • period T3 = 1.39 s
    • distance d = 100.0 cm  
    • period T4 = 2.02 s
Using the results T1, T2, T3 and T4, for the period of each of the pendulums, tick () the response that matches your results within the limits of experimental accuracy.
square the period T is affected by d only
square the period T is affected by both d and m
square the period T is affected by m only
square the period T is not affected by both d or m
Justify your answer to (d)(i) by reference to the results.
3e3 marks

The student now investigates the effect of the size of the oscillations on the period of the pendulum.

Suggest briefly how you would measure the size of an oscillation. You may draw a diagram.


State one variable that you would keep constant during this part of the investigation.


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4a2 marks

An IGCSE student is investigating the average speed of a toy car travelling down a slope.

She releases the toy car on the slope. She uses a stopwatch to measure the time taken for the car to travel down part of the slope. Fig. 5.1 shows the slope.


Suggest a suitable length l for the slope used in this school laboratory experiment.
Suggest a suitable height h, above the laboratory bench, for one end of the slope.
4b3 marks

The student tries to determine the time that the toy car takes to travel a distance down the slope.

Make three suggestions about what she could do to ensure that the distance travelled and the time taken by the toy car are measured as reliably as possible.

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