Moments (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Topic Questions

3 hours36 questions
11 mark

Four objects are shown below. Each is acted on by two forces.

Which of the objects is in equilibrium?


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    21 mark

    Four cuboids are shown in the diagram below. The position of their centre of gravity is also shown.


    Which of the cuboids is the most stable?

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      31 mark

      A triangle with uniform density is suspended from a thread. Which diagram shows a system which is not in equilibrium?


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        41 mark

        A woman is using a screwdriver to prise the lid off a cylindrical tub of paint.


        Which row states how she would increase the moment applied by the greatest amount?

          Type of screwdriver Force applied
        A Wider Double 
        B Wider Half
        C Longer  Double 
        D Longer Half

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          51 mark

          Extended tier only

          In a classroom, a uniform beam with a pivot at its centre has a 15 N weight suspended from one end. An instrument fixed to the ceiling is attached to the same end.


          What instrument must be used to show that the resultant moment on a system in equilibrium is zero?

          • Joulemeter

          • Force meter

          • Ruler

          • Momentmeter

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          11 mark

          The diagrams below show three beams, each is pivoted at the centre. Each beam also has two forces acting on it, as shown.


          Which of the beams will rotate clockwise?

          • X and Y

          • Y and Z

          • Z only

          • None of them

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          21 mark

          A ‘yardarm’ is a stick, hung from a string, that is used to weigh goods. Goods are placed in the pan on the left, and weights are added to the box on the right side until it balances.

          The weight of the pan and the box are such that the weight of the yardarm itself is entirely balanced by the pan.

          The yardarm is 65 cm long.


          How many 0.5 N weights need to be added to the box in order to balance the yardarm?

          • 2

          • 3

          • 6

          • 12

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          31 mark

          A plank rests on two supports, as shown in the diagram. The plank is in equilibrium. Three forces act on the plank.


          Which statement is true?

          • The upward force is larger than the downward force.

          • The resultant force on the beam is zero and the resultant moment on the beam is zero.

          • The resultant moment on the beam is zero, but the resultant force is not zero.

          • All three forces are equal in size.

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          41 mark

          A corkscrew is used to open a bottle of wine.

          Two forces are applied at each of the positions shown below.


          Which pair of forces produces the greatest turning force?

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            51 mark

            Extended tier only

            The diagram shows a door handle with three forces acting on it.


            How will the door handle move?

            • It will turn clockwise.

            • It will turn anticlockwise.

            • It will move to the left.

            • It will not move at all.

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            61 mark

            The diagrams each show a beam resting on a pivot and being acted on by some forces. The beam is not attached to the pivot. The pivot is in the centre of the rod in each case.


            Which of the beams is in equilibrium?

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              71 mark

              A wardrobe is shown tilted at a variety of angles.


              In which position is the wardrobe in equilibrium?

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                81 mark

                Why are passengers not allowed to stand up on the top deck of a double decker bus?  

                • They cannot be trusted to stand where the driver can’t see them.

                • They would raise the pressure exerted by the bus on the road.

                • They would increase the gravitational potential energy of the bus.

                • They would raise the centre of mass of the bus, causing it to become less stable

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                11 mark

                A uniform beam is pivoted at one end and suspended by a 200 N force as shown in the diagram.

                The beam is in equilibrium.



                What is the weight of the beam?

                • 66.7 N

                • 33.3 N

                • 1200 N

                • 200 N

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                21 mark

                Extended tier only

                A cardboard rectangle is hung from a nail as shown in the diagram.

                A plumb line is also hung from the nail.


                Which of the points labelled shows the centre of gravity of the cardboard rectangle?

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                  31 mark

                  Extended tier only

                  A uniform beam of wood of mass M rests on a pivot. The far left side of the wood is tied to a bolt in the floor with a length of rope with tension T, such that it lies completely horizontal. An object of mass m is placed with its centre of gravity on the very end of the right hand side of the beam.

                  The perpendicular distance from the rope to the pivot is one quarter of the beam's length.

                  Which expression for the mass of the beam is correct?

                  • M space equals space T over g space minus space 3 m

                  • M space equals space 4 T space plus space 12 m

                  • M space equals space T space minus space 3 m

                  • M space equals space T g space minus space 3 m g squared

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                  41 mark

                  Extended tier only

                  A "V" shaped object has a sphere attached to either end of the "V" and is balanced on its point. The length of the short arm of the object is l subscript 1. The sphere of mass m subscript 1 is a height h subscript 1 off the ground. The sphere of mass m subscript 2 is a horizontal distance of d subscript 2 from the point of the shape. 


                  The object is in equilibrium. Which expression for d subscript 2 is correct? 

                  • d subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 l subscript 1 over denominator m subscript 2 end fraction

                  • d subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 square root of l subscript 1 squared space minus space h subscript 1 squared end root over denominator m subscript 2 end fraction

                  • d subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 square root of l subscript 1 squared space plus space h subscript 1 squared end root over denominator m subscript 2 end fraction

                  • d subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator m subscript 1 h subscript 1 over denominator m subscript 2 end fraction

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