Magnetic Effect of a Current (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Revision Note

Katie M


Katie M



Magnetic fields around wires & solenoids

  • Magnetic fields are formed wherever a current flows, such as in:
    • straight wires
    • solenoids
    • circular coils

Magnetic field due to a straight wire

  • The magnetic field lines around a straight wire are
    • made up of concentric circles
    • centred on the wire
  • A circular field pattern indicates that the magnetic field around a current-carrying wire has no poles
  • The right-hand grip rule can be used to work out the direction of the magnetic field

Field lines on wire, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Level Physics revision notes

The direction of the field around a current-carrying wire can be determined using the right-hand grip rule

  • The field lines are clockwise or anticlockwise around the wire, depending on the direction of the current
    • Reversing the current reverses the direction of the field
  • The direction of the magnetic field can be determined using the right-hand grip rule
    • This is determined by pointing the right-hand thumb in the direction of the current in the wire and curling the fingers onto the palm
    • The direction of the curled fingers represents the direction of the magnetic field lines around the wire
    • For example, if the current is travelling vertically upwards, the magnetic field lines will be directed anticlockwise, as seen from directly above the wire
  • Note: the direction of the current is taken to be the conventional current i.e. from positive to negative, not the direction of electron flow

Magnetic field due to a solenoid

  • As seen from a current-carrying wire, an electric current produces a magnetic field
  • An electromagnet utilises this by using a coil of wire called a solenoid
    • This increases the strength of the magnetic field by adding more turns of wire into a smaller region of space
  • One end of the solenoid becomes a north pole and the other becomes the south pole

Field lines on a solenoid, , downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Level Physics revision notes

The magnetic field lines around a solenoid are similar to a bar magnet

  • As a result, the field lines around a solenoid are similar to a bar magnet
    • The field lines emerge from the north pole
    • The field lines return to the south pole
  • The poles of the solenoid can be determined using the right-hand grip rule
    • The curled fingers represent the direction of the current flow around the coil
    • The thumb points in the direction of the field inside the coil, towards the north pole

Direction of field solenoid, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Level Physics revision notes

In a solenoid, the north pole forms at the end where the current flows anti-clockwise, and the south pole at the end where the current flows clockwise

Magnetic field due to a circular coil

  • A circular coil is equivalent to one of the coils of a solenoid
  • The field lines emerge through one side of the circle (north pole) and enter through the other (south pole)
  • As with a solenoid, the direction of the magnetic field lines depends on the direction of the current
    • This can also be determined using the right-hand grip rule

Field lines on circular coil, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Level Physics revision notes

Magnetic field lines of many individual circular coils can be combined to make a solenoid

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Worked example

The current in a long, straight vertical wire is in the direction XY, as shown in the diagram.

Sketch the magnetic field lines in the horizontal plane ABCD due to the current-carrying wire. Draw at least four field lines.


Magnetic_Fields_in_Wires,_Coils___Solenoids_Worked_example_-_Drawing_Flux_Lines_Answer, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • Concentric circles
  • Increasing separation between each circle
  • Arrows drawn in an anticlockwise direction

Magnetic effects of changing current

Extended tier only

Magnetic field strength around a straight wire

  • The strength of the magnetic field around a wire depends on:
    • the size of the current
    • the distance from the wire
  • The strength of a magnetic field increases as the amount of current flowing through the wire increases
    • This means the field lines will become closer together
  • The strength of a magnetic field decreases with distance from the wire
    • The magnetic field is strongest near the wire and becomes weaker further away from the wire
    • This is shown by the magnetic field lines becoming further apart
  • When the direction of the current changes, the magnetic field acts in the opposite direction

Field Lines Wire, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

The greater the current, the stronger the magnetic field. This is shown by more concentrated field lines

Magnetic field strength around a solenoid

  • The strength of the magnetic field produced around a solenoid can be increased by:
    • increasing the amount of current flowing through the coil
    • increasing the number of turns on the coil
    • inserting an iron core into the coil
  • When a soft iron core is inserted into a solenoid, it can be used as an electromagnet
  • The iron core becomes an induced magnet when a current flows through the coils 
  • The magnetic field produced by the solenoid and the iron core will create a much stronger magnet overall


An electromagnet consists of a solenoid wrapped around a soft iron core

  • Changing the direction of the current also changes the direction of the magnetic field produced by the iron core

Applications of the magnetic effect of a current

  • Electromagnets are used in a wide variety of applications, including:
    • relay circuits (utilised in electric bells, electronic locks, scrapyard cranes etc)
    • loudspeakers

Relay circuits

  • Electromagnets are commonly used in relay circuits
  • Relays are switches that open and close via the action of an electromagnet
  • A relay circuit consists of:
    • an electrical circuit containing an electromagnet
    • a second circuit with a switch which is near to the electromagnet in the first circuit

Operation of a relay circuit

Relay Circuit, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

When a current passes through the coil in Circuit 1, it attracts the switch in Circuit 2, and closing it enables a current to flow in Circuit 2

  • When a current flows through Circuit 1:
    • a magnetic field is induced around the coil
    • the magnetic field attracts the switch, causing it to pivot and close the contacts in Circuit 2
    • this allows a current to flow in Circuit 2
  • When no current flows through Circuit 1:
    • the magnetic force stops
    • the electromagnet stops attracting the switch
    • the current in Circuit 2 stops flowing
  • Scrapyard cranes utilise relay circuits to function:
    • When the electromagnet is switched on, it will attract magnetic materials
    • When the electromagnet is switched off, it will drop the magnetic materials
  • Electric bells also utilise relay circuits to function:

Relay Circuit Animation, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Animation: Electric bells utilise relay circuits. As the current alternates, the metal arm strikes the bell and drops repeatedly to produce the ringing effect

  • When the button K is pressed:
    • a current passes through the electromagnet E creating a magnetic field
    • this attracted the iron armature A, causing the hammer to strike the bell B
    • the movement of the armature breaks the circuit at T
    • this stops the current, destroying the magnetic field and so the armature returns to its previous position
    • this re-establishes the circuit, and the whole process starts again


  • Loudspeakers convert electrical signals into sound waves
    • They work due to the motor effect
  • A loudspeaker consists of a coil of wire which is wrapped around one pole of a permanent magnet

Structure of a loudspeaker

loudspeaker-cross-section, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

A loudspeaker converts the a.c. of an electrical signal into sound waves

  • An alternating current passes through the coil of the loudspeaker
    • This creates a changing magnetic field around the coil
  • As the current is constantly changing direction, the direction of the magnetic field will be constantly changing
  • The magnetic field produced around the coil interacts with the field from the permanent magnet
  • The interacting magnetic fields will exert a force on the coil
  • As the magnetic field is constantly changing direction, the force exerted on the coil will constantly change direction
    • This makes the coil oscillate
  • The oscillating coil causes the speaker cone to oscillate
    • This makes the air oscillate, creating sound waves

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.