Conservation of Energy (CIE IGCSE Physics)

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Conservation of energy

  • The principle of conservation of energy states that:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store to another

  • The principle of conservation of energy means that for a closed system, the total amount of energy is constant
  • The total amount of energy transferred into the system must be equal to the total amount of energy transferred away from the system
  • Therefore, energy cannot be ‘lost’, but it can be transferred to the surroundings
    • Energy can be dissipated (spread out) to the surroundings by heating and radiation
    • Dissipated energy transfers are often not useful, in which case they can be described as wasted energy


Examples of the principle of conservation of energy

Example 1: a bat hitting a ball

  • The moving bat has energy in its kinetic store
  • Some of that energy is transferred usefully to the kinetic store of the ball
  • Some of that energy is transferred from the kinetic store of the bat to the thermal store of the ball mechanically due to the impact of the bat on the ball
    • This energy transfer is not useful; the energy is wasted
  • Some of that energy is dissipated by heating to the thermal store of the bat, the ball, and the surroundings
    • This energy transfer is not useful; the energy is wasted
  • The total amount of energy transferred into the system is equal to the total amount of energy transferred away from the system

Conservation of energy: a bat hitting a ball



The principle of conservation of energy applied to a bat hitting a ball

Example 2: Boiling Water in a Kettle

  • When an electric kettle boils water, energy is transferred electrically from the mains supply to the thermal store of the heating element inside the kettle
  • As the heating element gets hotter, energy is transferred by heating to the thermal store of the water

  • Some of the energy is transferred to the thermal store of the plastic kettle
    • This energy transfer is not useful; the energy is wasted
  • And some energy is dissipated to the thermal store of the surroundings due to the air around the kettle being heated
    • This energy transfer is not useful; the energy is wasted
  • The total amount of energy transferred into the system is equal to the total amount of energy transferred away from the system

Conservation of energy: a kettle boiling water


The principle of conservation of energy applied to a kettle boiling water


Energy flow diagrams

  • Energy stores and transfers can be represented using a flow diagram
    • This shows both the stores and the transfers taking place within a system


Energy flow diagram showing energy stores and transfers in a nuclear power plant.

Note the colour difference of the labels (stores) and the arrows (transfer pathways) 

  • In an energy flow diagram, energy is always conserved

total energy in = total energy out

Worked example

The diagram shows a rollercoaster going down a track.

The rollercoaster takes the path A → B → C → D.

WE - Energy transfers question image, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Which statement is true about the energy changes that occur for the rollercoaster down this track?

A.     EK → ΔEP → ΔEPEK

B.     EK → ΔEPEK → ΔEP




Answer: D


  • At point A:
    • The rollercoaster is raised above the ground, therefore it has energy in its gravitational potential store
    • As it travels down the track, energy is transferred mechanically to its kinetic store 


  • At point B:
    • Energy is transferred mechanically from the kinetic store to the gravitational potential store
    • As the kinetic energy store empties, the gravitational potential energy store fills


  • At point C:
    • Energy is transferred mechanically from the gravitational potential store to the kinetic store


  • At point D:
    • The flat terrain means there is no change in the amount of energy in its gravitational potential store, the rollercoaster only has energy in its kinetic store
    • The kinetic energy store is full


    • In reality, some energy will also be transferred to the thermal energy store of the tracks due to friction, and to the thermal energy store of the surroundings due to sound
    • We say this energy is dissipated to the surroundings
      • The total amount of energy in the system will be constant
      • Total energy in = total energy out

Exam Tip

It is helpful to think of energy stores as beakers and the total energy in the system as water. The water can be poured from one beaker into another, back and forth, as energy is transferred between stores.

You may not always be given the energy transfers happening in the system in your IGCSE exam questions.

By familiarising yourself with the energy stores and transfer pathways, you should be able to relate these to the situation presented in the question. For example, a ball rolling down a hill transfers energy from the ball's gravitational potential energy store to its kinetic energy store mechanically, while a spring transfers energy from its elastic potential energy store to its kinetic energy store mechanically.

Sankey diagrams

Extended tier only

  • Sankey diagrams can be used to represent energy transfers
    • Sankey diagrams are characterised by arrows that split to show the proportions of the energy transfers taking place

  • The different parts of the arrow in a Sankey diagram represent the different energy transfers:
    • The left-hand side of the arrow (the flat end) represents the energy transferred into the system
    • The straight arrow pointing to the right represents the energy that ends up in the desired store; this is the useful energy output
    • The arrows that bend away represent the wasted energy

Features of a Sankey diagram


Total energy in, wasted energy and useful energy out shown on a Sankey diagram


  • The width of each arrow is proportional to the amount of energy being transferred
  • As a result of the conversation of energy:

total energy in = total energy out

total energy in = useful energy out + wasted energy

  • A Sankey diagram for a modern efficient light bulb will look very different from that for an old filament light bulb
  • A more efficient light bulb has less wasted energy
    • This is shown by the smaller arrow downwards representing the heat energy

Sankey diagrams for an energy efficient bulb and a filament bulb


Filament bulbs have a much greater proportion of wasted energy than modern energy efficient bulbs

Worked example

An electric motor is used to lift a weight. The diagram represents the energy transfers in the system.

 WE Sankey Question image, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Calculate the amount of wasted energy.


Step 1: State the conservation of energy

  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one store to another

total space energy space in space equals space useful space energy space out space plus space wasted space energy

Step 2: Rearrange the equation for the wasted energy

wasted space energy space equals space total space energy space in space minus space useful space energy space out

Step 3: Substitute the values from the diagram

wasted space energy space equals space 500 space minus space 120

wasted space energy space equals space 380 space straight J

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Author: Leander

Leander graduated with First-class honours in Science and Education from Sheffield Hallam University. She won the prestigious Lord Robert Winston Solomon Lipson Prize in recognition of her dedication to science and teaching excellence. After teaching and tutoring both science and maths students, Leander now brings this passion for helping young people reach their potential to her work at SME.