Moments (CIE IGCSE Physics)

Revision Note

Katie M


Katie M



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  • The moment of a force is the turning effect produced when a force is exerted on an object

  • Examples of the turning effect of a force are:
    • A child on a see-saw
    • Turning the handle of a spanner
    • A door opening and closing
    • Using a crane to move building supplies
    • Using a screwdriver to open a tin of paint
    • Turning a tap on and off
    • Picking up a wheelbarrow
    • Using scissors

  • Forces can cause the rotation of an object about a fixed pivot
  • This rotation can be clockwise or anticlockwise

Clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation

Clockwise and Anticlockwise, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Consider the hands of a clock when deciding if an object will rotate in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction


  • A force applied on one side of the pivot will cause the object to rotate

Turning effect of a force about a pivot

pivot-force, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

The force applied will cause the object to rotate clockwise about the pivot


The moment equation

  • moment is defined as:

The turning effect of a force about a pivot

  • The size of a moment is defined by the equation:

moment space equals space force space cross times space perpendicular space distance space from space pivot

  • The forces should be perpendicular to the distance from the pivot
    • For example, on a horizontal beam, the forces which will cause a moment are those directed upwards or downwards

The turning effect of a force exerted on a spanner

moment-of-force, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

The moment depends on the force and perpendicular distance to the pivot

  • Increasing the distance at which a force is applied from a pivot decreases the force required
    • If you try to push open a door right next to the hinge, it is very difficult, as it requires a lot of force
    • If you push the door open at the side furthest from the hinge, then it is much easier, as less force is required

Forces required to open a door


A greater force is required to push open a door next to the hinges than at the door handle

Worked example

A carpenter attempts to loosen a bolt that has rusted. To turn the bolt, they exert a force of 22 N using a spanner of length 20 cm. The force is exerted 5 cm from the end of the spanner.

Calculate the turning effect of the force.


Step 1: List the known quantities

  • Force, F space equals space 22 space straight N
  • Length of spanner, equals space 20 space cm

Step 2: Determine the distance from the pivot

  • The force is exerted 5 cm from the end of the spanner

  • Therefore, the distance from the force to the pivot is

s space equals space 20 space minus space 5

s space equals space 15 space cm

  • Convert cm to m

s space equals fraction numerator space 15 over denominator 100 end fraction

s space equals space 0.15 space straight m

Step 3: Write out the equation for moments

moment space equals space force space cross times space perpendicular space distance space from space pivot

M space equals space F s

Step 4: Substitute in the known values to calculate

M space equals space 22 space cross times space 0.15

M space equals space 3.3 space straight N space straight m

Exam Tip

The moment of a force is measured in newton metres (N m), but can also be newton centimetres (N cm) if the distance is measured in cm instead.

If your IGCSE moments exam question doesn't ask for a specific unit, always convert the distance into metres

Principle of moments (core)

  • The principle of moments states that:

If an object is balanced, the total clockwise moment about a pivot equals the total anticlockwise moment about that pivot

  • The principle of moments means that for a balanced object, the moments on both sides of the pivot are equal 

clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment

Principle of moments

Clockwise and anticlockwise moments

Imagine holding the beam about the pivot and applying just one of the forces. If the beam moves clockwise then the force applied is clockwise. This is the principle of moments

Worked example

A parent and child are at opposite ends of a playground see-saw.

The weight force acting on the parent is 690 N and the weight force acting on the child is 140 N.

The adult sits at a distance of 0.3 m from the pivot.

Principle of Moments Worked Example GCSE, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Calculate the distance the child must sit from the pivot for the see-saw to be balanced.

Use the principle of moments in your calculation.


Step 1: List the known quantities

  • Clockwise force (child), F subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space 140 space straight N
  • Anticlockwise force (adult), F subscript a d u l t end subscript space equals space 690 space straight N
  • Distance of adult from the pivot, s subscript a d u l t end subscript space equals space 0.3 space straight m

Step 2: Write down the moment equation and the principle of moments

  • Moment equation:

moment space equals space force space cross times space perpendicular space distance space from space pivot

M space equals space F s

  • Principle of moments:

total space clockwise space moments space equals space total space anticlockwise space moments

Step 3: Calculate the total clockwise moments

  • The clockwise moment is from the child

M subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space F subscript c h i l d end subscript space cross times space space s subscript c h i l d end subscript

M subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space 140 space cross times space s subscript c h i l d end subscript

Step 4: Calculate the total anticlockwise moments

  • The anticlockwise moment is from the adult

M subscript a d u l t end subscript space equals space F subscript a d u l t end subscript space cross times space s subscript a d u l t end subscript

M subscript a d u l t end subscript space equals space 690 space cross times space 0.3

M subscript a d u l t end subscript space equals space 207 space straight N space straight m


Step 5: Substitute into the principle of moments equation

total space clockwise space moments space equals space total space anticlockwise space moments

M subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space M subscript a d u l t end subscript

140 space cross times space s subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space 207

Step 6: Rearrange for the distance of the child from the pivot

s subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space 207 over 140

s subscript c h i l d end subscript space equals space 1.5 space straight m

  • The child must sit 1.5 m from the pivot to balance the see-saw

Exam Tip

Make sure that all the distances are in the same units and that you’re considering the correct forces as clockwise or anticlockwise

If you are studying the core tier for IGCSE Physics, you will only be expected to apply the principle of moments to a situation where one force acts on either side of the pivot

Principle of moments (extended)

Extended tier only

  • In the example below, the forces and distances of the objects on the beam are different, but they are arranged in a way that balances the whole system

Using the principle of moments

The clockwise and anticlockwise moments acting on a beam are balanced

  • In the above diagram:
    • Force F subscript 1 causes an anticlockwise moment of F subscript 1 cross times d subscript 1 about the pivot 
    • Force F subscript 2 causes a clockwise moment of F subscript 2 cross times d subscript 2 about the pivot 
    • Force F subscript 3 causes an anticlockwise moment of F subscript 3 cross times d subscript 3 about the pivot
  • Collecting the clockwise and anticlockwise moments:
    • Sum of the clockwise moments = F subscript 2 cross times d subscript 2
    • Sum of the anticlockwise moments = open parentheses F subscript 1 cross times d subscript 1 close parentheses space plus space open parentheses F subscript 3 cross times d subscript 3 close parentheses
  • Using the principle of moments, the beam is balanced when:

sum of the clockwise moments = sum of the anticlockwise moments

F subscript 2 space cross times space d subscript 2 space equals space open parentheses F subscript 1 space cross times d subscript 1 close parentheses space plus space open parentheses F subscript 3 space cross times space d subscript 3 close parentheses

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.