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Define background radiation.
Background radiation is the radiation that exists around us all the time.
True or False?
Radiation is solely a human-made phenomenon.
Radiation is a natural phenomenon that has always existed on Earth and in outer space.
What are the natural sources of background radiation?
Natural sources of background radiation include:
radon gas
cosmic rays from space
radioactive elements in rocks and soil
carbon-14 in biological material
some food and drink
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Define background radiation.
Background radiation is the radiation that exists around us all the time.
True or False?
Radiation is solely a human-made phenomenon.
Radiation is a natural phenomenon that has always existed on Earth and in outer space.
What are the natural sources of background radiation?
Natural sources of background radiation include:
radon gas
cosmic rays from space
radioactive elements in rocks and soil
carbon-14 in biological material
some food and drink
True or False?
Ionising nuclear radiation can be measured using a detector connected to an emitter.
Ionising nuclear radiation can be measured using a detector connected to a counter.
What are the units of count rate?
Count rate is measured in counts per second or counts per minute.
True or False?
A corrected count rate can be calculated by adding the count rate found with no radioactive source present to the count rate with the radioactive source present. (Extended Tier Only)
A corrected count rate can be calculated by subtracting the count rate found with no radioactive source present from the count rate with the radioactive source present. (Extended Tier Only)
Does the count rate increase or decrease as the detector moves further from the radiation source?
The count rate decreases as the detector moves further from the radiation source.
What is the procedure for determining background radiation count. (Extended Tier Only)
To determine background radiation count, move the radiation source back until the count rate remains constant, indicating only background radiation, then record the count rate.
True or False?
The emission of radiation from a nucleus is spontaneous and occurs randomly.
The emission of radiation from a nucleus is spontaneous and occurs randomly.
What are the three types of radiation that a nucleus can emit?
The three types of radiation that a nucleus can emit are:
alpha ()
beta ()
gamma ()
True or False?
Nuclear decay is predictable and organised.
Nuclear decay is spontaneous and random.
True or False?
It is possible to predict when a nucleus will decay but not which nucleus will decay.
It is not possible to predict when a nucleus will decay or which nucleus will decay. But it is possible to estimate how many nuclei will decay, or the probability that a nucleus will decay in a given time frame.
What is the composition of an alpha particle?
An alpha particle is composed of two protons and two neutrons. It is essentially a helium nucleus.
What is the composition of a beta particle?
A beta particle is composed of a fast-moving electron.
True or False?
Alpha particles have a charge of -1.
Alpha particles have a charge of +2 due to having two positively charged protons. It is beta particles that have a charge of -1 due to the negatively charged electron.
Which type of nuclear radiation is the most ionising?
Alpha particles are the most ionising form of nuclear radiation. Beta particles are next, and gamma radiation is the least ionising.
What are the types of nuclear radiation in order of increasing penetrating power?
The types of nuclear radiation in order of increasing penetrating power are:
alpha (least penetrating, can be stopped by paper)
beta (can stopped by a few mm of aluminium)
gamma (most penetrating, can be reduced by a few mm of lead)
Why are alpha particles the most ionising of all the types of nuclear radiation? (Extended Tier Only)
Alpha particles have the greatest charge of all the nuclear decay radiation at +2. Therefore, they attract electrons from other atoms very strongly. Alpha particles also have the greatest mass, and therefore a high kinetic energy. These factors combined make alpha particles highly ionising.
Why is gamma radiation the least ionising of all the types of nuclear radiation? (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma radiation has no charge so it is less ionising than alpha and beta particles. However, gamma radiation is still capable of ionising atoms as it is the highest energy electromagnetic wave. (Remember that UV, X-rays and gamma rays are ionising.)
Why are beta particles ionising? (Extended Tier Only)
Beta particles have a negligible mass, but they travel at very high speeds. This means that they have a high kinetic energy. Beta (minus) particles also have a charge of -1 so they repel electrons, knocking them out of atoms. These factors combined make them ionising.
Which types of nuclear radiation can be deflected in an electric field? (Extended Tier Only)
Nuclear radiation can be deflected in an electric field if it has charge. Therefore, alpha and beta particles can be deflected in an electric field.
True or False?
Alpha particles in an electric field will be deflected toward the positively charged plate. (Extended Tier Only)
Alpha particles are positively charged and opposite charges attract, therefore alpha particles will deflect toward the negatively charged plate in an electric field.
True or False?
Gamma radiation cannot be deflected by electric or magnetic fields. (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma radiation has no charge therefore it cannot be deflected by electric or magnetic fields.
Are alpha or beta particles deflected the most when travelling through an electric field? (Extended Tier Only)
Beta particles are deflected the most when travelling through an electric field. Alpha particles have a greater mass so they get deflected the least.
True or False?
The most stable nuclei have approximately equal numbers of protons and neutrons. (Extended Tier Only)
The most stable nuclei have approximately equal numbers of protons and neutrons.
True or False?
A nucleus becomes stable by reducing its overall nuclear energy. (Extended Tier Only)
A nucleus becomes stable by reducing its overall nuclear energy. It does this by emitting high-energy alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation.
What two factors can cause an isotope to be radioactive? (Extended Tier Only)
The two factors that can cause an isotope to be radioactive are:
an excess of neutrons in the nucleus
the nucleus being too heavy
Which types of nuclear decay cause the isotope to decay into a new element?
An isotope will decay into a new element if the number of protons changes. Therefore, alpha and beta decay will produce a new element.
By what value does the mass number decrease as a result of alpha decay? (Extended Tier Only)
Alpha decay results in the mass number decreasing by 4, because 4 nucleons are emitted.
True or False?
In beta decay, a neutron changes into a proton and an electron. (Extended Tier Only)
A neutron changes into a proton and an electron during beta decay. The high-energy electron is emitted from the nucleus.
By what value does the atomic number decrease as a result of alpha decay? (Extended Tier Only)
Alpha decay results in the atomic number decreasing by 2, because 2 protons are emitted.
How are the mass and atomic numbers affected by gamma decay? (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma decay has no effect on the mass number or the atomic number. Gamma radiation reduces the energy of the nucleus but has no effect on the number of particles.
By what value does the atomic number change as a result of beta decay? (Extended Tier Only)
The atomic number increases by 1 as a result of beta decay. A neutron changes into a proton and an electron. The extra proton causes the atomic number to increase by 1, so a new element is formed.
By what value does the charge on a nucleus decrease when it emits an alpha particle? (Extended Tier Only)
The charge on a nucleus will decrease by 2 after it emits an alpha particle because 2 protons are emitted.
By what value does the mass number decrease as a result of beta decay? (Extended Tier Only)
The mass number remains unchanged by beta decay. A neutron changes into a proton which has the same mass. A beta particle is emitted but this change in mass is negligible.
Define the term half-life.
Half-life is the time taken for half the nuclei of a particular isotope in any sample to decay.
True or False?
The half-life for a particular isotope is always the same.
Half-life is constant for any particular isotope.
How is the activity of a radioactive sample affected after one half-life?
The activity of a radioactive sample will have halved after one half-life
True or False?
Half-life is different for different isotopes.
Half-life is different for different isotopes.
What is the symbol for activity on a half-life graph?
The symbol for activity on a half-life graph is .
What is the value of the activity of a radioactive sample after two half-lives?
The value of the activity of a radioactive sample after two half-lives is of its original value.
What is the symbol for original activity on a half-life graph?
The symbol for original activity on a half-life graph is .
How do you determine the half-life of an isotope on a graph of activity over time?
To determine the half-life of an isotope on a graph of activity over time:
identify the point at which the activity has halved and draw a line to the curve
track that point down to the time axis
What proportion of original nuclei in a radioactive sample will remain after three half-lives?
After three half-lives, the proportion of original nuclei remaining in the sample will be .
When determining the activity of a radioactive sample, how do you adjust for background radiation? (Extended Tier Only)
When determining the activity of a radioactive sample, the count rate of the background radiation must be subtracted from the activity of the sample.
Which type of nuclear radiation is used in smoke detectors? (Extended Tier Only)
Alpha radiation is used in smoke detectors.
Which type of nuclear radiation is used for measuring and controlling the thickness of materials? (Extended Tier Only)
Beta radiation is used in measuring and controlling the thickness of materials.
Which type of nuclear radiation is used for irradiating food to kill bacteria? (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma radiation is used for irradiating food to kill bacteria.
Which type of nuclear radiation is used for sterilising equipment? (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma radiation is used for sterilising equipment.
How does a smoke alarm work? (Extended Tier Only)
A smoke alarm works as follows:
alpha particles ionise the air inside the detector creating a current
the alpha emitter is blocked by the presence of smoke particles
the alarm is triggered when the sensor no longer detects alpha particles
Why are alpha particles not used to detect the thickness of materials? (Extended Tier Only)
Alpha particles are stopped by paper, so they would not penetrate the material to reach the detector.
Why is gamma radiation used in the sterilisation of food and equipment? (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma radiation can penetrate packaging and objects so all surfaces of the food or equipment can be irradiated. Gamma radiation is ionising enough to kill any microorganism, therefore it is used for sterilisation.
Why are beta particles used to detect the thickness of materials? (Extended Tier Only)
Beta particles can penetrate materials such as paper and aluminium foil, so the number of beta particles detected by a sensor can be used to measure and control the thickness of the substance.
How is gamma radiation used in the treatment of cancer? (Extended Tier Only)
Gamma radiation is used in the treatment of cancer in the process of radiotherapy. Gamma radiation can damage cells and tissues so this can be used to target cancer cells. Gamma rays can penetrate the body to reach the cancer cells, but the beams must be emitted from different angles to reduce the damage to healthy tissues.
What are the three effects of ionising nuclear radiation on living things?
The three effects of ionising nuclear radiation that you need to know are:
cell death (and therefore tissue damage)
How does ionising radiation cause cell mutations?
Ionising radiation can remove electrons from the atoms that make up DNA and therefore change the structure of the molecule. A structural change in DNA can lead to mutated cells. Mutated cells usually either die or get destroyed by the immune system, but some mutations can cause cells to replicate uncontrollably and lead to cancer.
How is radioactive waste disposed of?
Radioactive waste is disposed of by:
containing it in marked containers
burying it underground
leaving it undisturbed for thousands of years
How should radioactive samples be handled? (Extended Tier Only)
Radioactive samples should be handled by:
storing the sample encased in lead
using gloves and tongues to move the sample
wearing protective clothing
keeping the sample at a distance from the body
minimising the exposure time
washing hands after to avoid contamination
Define the term dose in relation to radioactive substances. (Extended Tier Only)
A dose is the amount of radiation received by a person. It is measured in sieverts (Sv).
What could over-exposure to nuclear radiation lead to?
Over-exposure to nuclear radiation could lead to radiation poisoning.
What is a dosemeter?
A dosemeter is a device worn by people who work with radiation that measures the amount of radiation received.