Translations (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A (Modular))

Revision Note



What are transformations in maths?

  • There are four transformations to learn

    • translations, rotations, reflections and enlargements

  • A transformation can change the position, orientation and/or size of a shape

    • The original shape is called the object

    • The transformed shape is called the image

  • Vertices are labelled to show corresponding points

    • Vertices on the object are labelled A, B, C, etc.

    • Vertices on the image are labelled A’, B’, C’ etc.

What is a translation?

  • A translation moves a shape

  • The size and orientation (which way up it is) of the shape stays the same

    • The object and image are congruent

What is a translation vector?

  • The movement of a translation is described by a vector

  • You need to know how to write a translation using a vector (rather than words)

  • Vectors are written as column vectors in the form  stretchy left parenthesis table row bold italic x row bold italic y end table stretchy right parenthesis  where:

    • x is the distance moved horizontally

      • Negative means move to the left

      • Positive means move to the right

    • y is the distance moved vertically

      • Negative means move down

      • Positive means move up

How do I translate a shape?

  • STEP 1

    Interpret the translation vector

    • open parentheses table row 3 row cell negative 1 end cell end table close parentheses  means 3 to the right and 1 down

  • STEP 2
    Move each vertex on the original object according to the vector

  • STEP 3
    Connect the new vertices and label the translated image

    • It should look identical to the original object just in a different position

  • In some cases the image can overlap the object

How do I describe a translation?

  • To describe a translation, you must:

    • State that the transformation is a translation

    • Give the column vector that describes the movement

  • To find the vector:

    • Pick a point on the original shape

    • Identify the corresponding point on the image

    • Count how far left or right (x) you need to go from the object to get to the image

      • If you go to the left then x will be a negative number

    • Count how far up or down (y) you need to go from the object to get to the image

      • If you go down then y will be a negative number

    • Write these numbers as a vector

      • open parentheses table row x row y end table close parentheses

How do I reverse a translation?

  • To return a shape to its original position after a translation

    • the horizontal and vertical translations must both be reversed

  • The column vector to reverse a translation is simply the same as the original vector, but with the sign of both values changed

    • E.g. For a translation described by the column vector open parentheses table row cell negative 2 end cell row 7 end table close parentheses

    • The column vector for the reverse translation is open parentheses table row 2 row cell negative 7 end cell end table close parentheses

Exam Tip

  • The vector is how the shape moves not the size of the gap between the object and the image

    • Watch out for this common error!

  • Use tracing paper to check your answer

Worked Example

(a) On the grid below translate shape P using the vector open parentheses table row cell negative 4 end cell row 5 end table close parentheses.

Label your translated shape P'. 

Grid showing an object P

The vector means "4 to the left" and "5 up"
You don't have to draw in any arrows but it is a good idea to mark your paper after counting across and up a couple of times to check that you are in the correct place

A grid showing the translation of a vertex on an object P

Translating one vertex and then following around the shape one vertex at a time makes it easier to get the shape in exactly the right position!

A grid showing an object P and its translated image P'

(b) Describe fully the single transformation that creates shape B from shape A.

A grid showing an object A and its transformed image B

This is a case where the image overlaps the object
You should still see that the shape is the same size and the same way up so it is a translation
Start at a vertex on the original object that is well away from any overlap area to avoid confusion and count the number of position left/right and up/down that you need to move to reach the corresponding vertex on the translated image
Take care when counting around the axes!

A grid showing the translation of a vertex between an object A and its image B

Shape A has been translated using the vector begin bold style stretchy left parenthesis table row 2 row cell negative 3 end cell end table stretchy right parenthesis end style

(c) A shape has been translated from A to B using the translation vector open parentheses table row 6 row cell negative 8 end cell end table close parentheses.

Write down the vector used to reverse the translation from B to A.

To reverse the translation the shape must be moved in the opposite direction by the same amount

Reverse the signs in the translation vector

stretchy left parenthesis table row cell negative 6 end cell row 8 end table stretchy right parenthesis

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Dan Finlay

Author: Dan Finlay

Dan graduated from the University of Oxford with a First class degree in mathematics. As well as teaching maths for over 8 years, Dan has marked a range of exams for Edexcel, tutored students and taught A Level Accounting. Dan has a keen interest in statistics and probability and their real-life applications.