The Sine Rule (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A (Modular))

Revision Note


Sine Rule

What is the sine rule?

  • The sine rule is used in non right-angled triangles

    • It allows us to find missing side lengths or angles

  • It states that for any triangle with angles A, B and C

fraction numerator a over denominator sin space A end fraction equals fraction numerator b over denominator sin space B end fraction equals fraction numerator c over denominator sin space C end fraction

  • Where

    • a is the side opposite angle A

    • b is the side opposite angle B

    • c is the side opposite angle C

Non Right-Angled Triangle labelled with angles A, B and C and opposite corresponding sides a, b and c.

How do I use the sine rule to find missing lengths?

  • Use the sine rule

    • when you have opposite pairs of sides and angles in the question

      • a and A, or b and B, or c and C

  • Start by labelling your triangle with the angles and sides

    • Angles have upper case letters

    • Sides opposite the angles have the equivalent lower case letter

  • To find a missing length, substitute numbers into the formula

    fraction numerator a over denominator sin space A end fraction equals fraction numerator b over denominator sin space B end fraction equals fraction numerator c over denominator sin space C end fraction

    • You only need to have two parts equal to each other (not all three)

      • Then solve to find the side you need

How do I use the sine rule to find missing angles?

  • To find a missing angle, it is easier to rearrange the formula first by flipping each part

    fraction numerator sin space A blank over denominator a end fraction equals blank fraction numerator sin space B blank over denominator b end fraction equals blank fraction numerator sin space C blank over denominator c end fraction

    • The angles are now in the numerators of the fractions

    • Substitute the values you have into the formula and solve

      • You will need to use inverse sine in your calculation, sin to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses... close parentheses

What is the ambiguous case of the sine rule?

  • Given information about a triangle, there may be two different ways to draw it

  • In the diagram below, the lengths of two sides are given, a and b

    • A base angle is also given, theta, but no angle near b is given

    • It turns out that there are two possible ways to arrange b to complete the triangle!

      • Both triangles have the correct values of a, b and theta

  • To other base angle could either be obtuse or acute

    • The sine rule only gives the acute answer on your calculator

      • You need to check the diagram to see if the angle you need is actually obtuse

      • If it is, use this rule: obtuse angle = 180 - acute angle


Exam Tip

  • The sine rule is given in the formula booklet.

Worked Example

The following diagram shows triangle ABC. 

AB space equals space 8.1 space cm, BC space equals space 12.3 space cm and angle BCA equals 27 degree.

Triangle ABC with AB = 8.1 cm, BC = 12.3 cm, AC = y cm, angle BAC = xº and angle BCA = 27º.

(a) Calculate the value of x.

Label the sides of the diagram

Triangle ABC with sides opposite angles labelled with corresponding lowercase letters.

x is an angle so use the sine rule with the angles on top

fraction numerator sin space A over denominator a end fraction equals fraction numerator sin space B over denominator b end fraction equals fraction numerator sin space C over denominator c end fraction
In practice, you only need to equate two of these three parts

table row cell fraction numerator sin space x over denominator 12.3 end fraction end cell equals cell fraction numerator sin space 27 over denominator 8.1 end fraction end cell row cell sin space x end cell equals cell fraction numerator 12.3 space sin space 27 over denominator 8.1 end fraction end cell row x equals cell sin to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses fraction numerator 12.3 space sin space 27 over denominator 8.1 end fraction close parentheses end cell row x equals cell 43.58207... end cell end table

bold 43 bold. bold 6 bold degree (to 1 d.p)

(b) Calculate the value of y.

To find y you need to know the angle opposite (angle ABC)
You know 27 and x from above, so subtract these from 180

table row cell Angle space A B C end cell equals cell 180 minus 27 minus 43.58207... end cell row blank equals cell 109.41792... end cell end table

y is a length so use the sin rule with the sides on the top
fraction numerator a over denominator sin space A end fraction equals fraction numerator b over denominator sin space B end fraction equals fraction numerator c over denominator sin space C end fraction

table row cell fraction numerator y over denominator sin open parentheses 109.41792... close parentheses end fraction end cell equals cell fraction numerator 8.1 over denominator sin space 27 end fraction end cell row y equals cell fraction numerator 8.1 space sin open parentheses 109.41792... close parentheses over denominator sin space 27 end fraction end cell row y equals cell 16.82691... end cell end table

bold italic y bold equals bold 16 bold. bold 8 cm (to 3 s.f.)

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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.