Basic Percentages (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A (Modular))

Revision Note


Basic Percentages

What is a percentage?

  • “Per-cent” simply means “out of 100” (or “ ÷ 100”)

  • Rewriting fractions as percentages means they can be compared more easily

  • You can do this by finding an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100

    • 1 half equals 50 over 100 equals 50 percent sign

    • 2 over 5 equals 40 over 100 equals 40 percent sign

    • 3 over 4 equals 75 over 100 equals 75 percent sign

    • The three percentages are much easier to compare than the three fractions

  • Percentages are also equivalent to decimals

    • table row cell 100 percent sign end cell equals 1 row cell 10 percent sign end cell equals cell 0.1 end cell row cell 1 percent sign end cell equals cell 0.01 end cell row cell 0.1 percent sign end cell equals cell 0.001 end cell end table

    • table row cell 25 percent sign end cell equals cell 0.25 end cell row cell 2.5 percent sign end cell equals cell 0.025 end cell row cell 0.25 percent sign end cell equals cell 0.0025 end cell end table

  • Notice that a decimal can be converted to a percentage by multiplying by 100

    • Therefore a percentage can be converted to a decimal by dividing by 100

  • A fraction can be written as a percentage by finding the decimal equivalent

    • You could use your calculator to do this

    • E.g. 234 over 650 equals 234 divided by 650 equals 0.36 equals 36 percent sign

How do I find a percentage of an amount with a calculator?

  • Percentages can be found using multipliers

  • A multiplier is the decimal equivalent of a percentage

  • E.g. To find 12% of 650

    • Write 12% as a decimal multiplier

      • 12% is equivalent to 0.12

    • Find the product of the amount and the multiplier, using your calculator

      • 0.12 × 650 = 78

    • So 12% of 650 is 78

  • When finding a percentage larger than 100%, the multiplier will be greater than 1

    • The multiplier for finding 126% of an amount would be 1.26

How else can I find a percentage of an amount?

  • There are some percentages of an amount that are easy to work out

    • To find 50%, halve the amount

    • To find 25%, halve the amount twice (finding a quarter)

    • To find 10%, divide the amount by 10

    • To find 1%, divide the amount by 100

  • These percentages can then be used as building blocks to find other percentages, for example:

    • To find 20%, find 10% and then double it

    • To find 5%, find 10% and halve it

    • To find 0.1%, find 1% and divide it by 10

    • To find 12%, find 10% and 1%, then add together the 10% and two lots of the 1%

  • To find a percentage larger than 100%, remember that 100% is the original amount

    • To find 150%, find 50% and add it on to the original amount

How do I express one number as a percentage of another?

  • Start by writing one number as a fraction of the other

  • Find the decimal equivalent of this fraction using your calculator

    • or find an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100

  • Rewrite this as a percentage

  • E.g. To find 7 as a percentage of 20

    • Write as 7 over 20

    • This is equivalent to 0.35 or 35 over 100

    • So 7 is 35% of 20

Worked Example

Shade 35% of the grid below.

An 8 x 5 grid

Count the total number of squares in the grid

Total of 40 squares

Find 35% of 40

0.35 × 40 = 14

Shade 14 squares
It doesn't matter which 14 you shade

8×5 grid with 14 shaded squares

Worked Example

Amber owes $ 1200 for a trip. She has to pay a deposit of $ 150 to secure her place.

Express the deposit as a percentage of the price of the trip. 

Write 150 as a fraction of 1200

150 over 1200 

Find the value of this fraction as a decimal, using your calculator 

150 over 1200 equals 0.125

Write this as the equivalent percentage (by multiplying by 100)

12.5 %

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Jamie Wood

Author: Jamie Wood

Jamie graduated in 2014 from the University of Bristol with a degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering. He has worked as a teacher for 8 years, in secondary schools and in further education; teaching GCSE and A Level. He is passionate about helping students fulfil their potential through easy-to-use resources and high-quality questions and solutions.