Speed-Time Graphs (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A (Modular))

Revision Note






Speed-Time Graphs

How do I use a speed-time graph?

  • Kinematics is the study of motion of objects

    • It looks at how an object moves over time

  • Speed-time graphs show the speed of an object at different times

    • Speed is on the vertical axis

    • Time is on the horizontal axis 

  • The gradient of the graph is the acceleration

    • Acceleration space equals space speed over time space equals space rise over run

  • A positive gradient shows positive acceleration (speeding up)

  • negative gradient shows negative acceleration, (slowing down)

    • This is also called deceleration

Acceleration examples - a car decelerating as it brakes, and a rocket accelerating up towards space
  • Horizontal lines indicate moving at a constant speed

    • The object is neither speeding up or slowing down

    • If the constant speed is zero, then it is at rest

  • A straight line shows constant acceleration

  • A curve shows changing acceleration

    • To find the acceleration at a particular point on the graph

      • draw a tangent to the graph at this point and find its gradient

A graph showing tangents drawn at two points, A and B, on a curve. The tangent at point A has a shallow gradient and the tangent at point B has a steeper gradient.
  • The distance covered by the object is the area under the graph

    • Split the area into simple shapes, e.g. rectangles and triangles

    • Find the area of each shape and add them together

Exam Tip

  • Always check the vertical axis to see if you are given a speed-time graph or a distance-time graph!

Worked Example

The speed-time graph for a car travelling between two sets of traffic lights is shown below. 


(a) For how long was the car travelling at a constant speed?

Constant speed is represented by horizontal lines

There is a horizontal line from 6 seconds to 15 seconds

15 - 6 = 9

9 seconds

(b) Calculate the acceleration during the first 6 seconds. 

In a speed-time graph the acceleration is the gradient of the graph

acceleration space equals space fraction numerator space rise over denominator run end fraction equals space speed over time


acceleration space equals space fraction numerator 9 space straight m divided by straight s over denominator 6 space straight s end fraction space equals space 1.5 space fraction numerator straight m divided by straight s over denominator straight s end fraction

Acceleration = 1.5 m/s2

(c) Work out the distance covered by the car. 

In a speed-time graph the distance travelled is equal to the area under the graph

 The graph is a trapezium so use the formula   Area space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses a space plus space b close parentheses h over denominator 2 end fraction

  Area space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses 9 space plus thin space 20 close parentheses space cross times space 9 over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space 261 over 2 space equals space 130.5 space

  Distance travelled = 130.5 m

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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.