The Quadratic Formula (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A (Modular))

Revision Note


Quadratic Formula

What is the quadratic formula?

  • A quadratic equation has the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 (where a ≠ 0)

    • you need "= 0" on one side

  • The quadratic formula is a formula that gives both solutions to a quadratic equation:

x equals fraction numerator negative b plus-or-minus square root of b squared minus 4 a c end root over denominator 2 a end fraction

Exam Tip

  • Make sure the quadratic equation has "= 0" on the right-hand side

    • Otherwise it needs rearranging first

How do I use the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation?

  • Read off the values of a, b and c from the equation

  • Substitute these into the formula

    • Write this line of working in the exam

    • Put brackets around any negative numbers being substituted in

  • To solve 2x2 - 8x - 3 = 0 using the quadratic formula:

    • a = 2, b = -8 and c = -3

    • x equals fraction numerator negative open parentheses negative 8 close parentheses plus-or-minus square root of open parentheses negative 8 close parentheses squared minus 4 cross times 2 cross times open parentheses negative 3 close parentheses end root over denominator 2 cross times 2 end fraction

    • Either type this into a calculator or simplify by hand

      • Type it once using + for  ± then again using - for  ±

    • The solutions are x = 4.3452078... or x = -0.34520787....

      • To 3 decimal places: x = 4.345 or x = -0.345

      • To 3 significant figures: x = 4.35 or x = -0.345

Exam Tip

  • Always look for how the question wants you to leave your final answers

    • For example, correct to 2 decimal places

How do I write the solutions in an exact (surd) form?

  • You may be asked to give answers in an exact (surd) form

  • In the example above, work out the number under the square root sign

    • Be careful with negatives!

      • open parentheses negative 8 close parentheses squared minus 4 cross times 2 cross times open parentheses negative 3 close parentheses equals 64 plus 24 equals 88

    • Now square root this number and use surd rules to simplify

      • square root of 88 equals square root of 4 cross times 22 end root equals square root of 4 cross times square root of 22 equals 2 square root of 22

    • Substitute this back into the formula and simplify

      • x equals fraction numerator 8 plus-or-minus 2 square root of 22 over denominator 4 end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 open parentheses 4 plus-or-minus square root of 22 close parentheses over denominator 4 end fraction equals fraction numerator 4 plus-or-minus square root of 22 over denominator 2 end fraction

      • The solutions in exact (surd) form are x equals fraction numerator 4 plus square root of 22 over denominator 2 end fraction or x equals fraction numerator 4 minus square root of 22 over denominator 2 end fraction

  • Calculators that can solve quadratics will give solutions in exact (surd) form

What is the discriminant?

  • The part of the formula under the square root (b2 – 4ac) is called the discriminant

  • The sign of this value tells you if there are 0, 1 or 2 solutions

    • If b2 – 4ac > 0 (positive)

      • then there are 2 different solutions

    • If b2 – 4ac = 0 

      • then there is only 1 solution

      • sometimes called "two repeated solutions"

    • If b2 – 4ac < 0 (negative)

      • then there are no solutions

      • If your calculator gives you solutions with straight i terms in, these are "complex" and are not what we are looking for

    • Interestingly, if b2 – 4ac is a perfect square number ( 1, 4, 9, 16, …) then the quadratic expression could have been factorised!

Can I use my calculator to solve quadratic equations?

  • If your calculator solves quadratic equations, use it to check your final answers

    • But a correct method and working must still be shown

Worked Example

Use the quadratic formula to find the solutions of the equation 3x2 - 2x - 4 = 0.
Give each solution as an exact value in its simplest form.

Write down the values of a, b and c

a = 3, b = -2, c = -4

Substitute these values into the quadratic formula, x equals fraction numerator negative b plus-or-minus square root of b squared minus 4 a c end root over denominator 2 a end fraction
Put brackets around any negative numbers

x equals fraction numerator negative open parentheses negative 2 close parentheses plus-or-minus square root of open parentheses negative 2 close parentheses squared minus 4 cross times 3 cross times open parentheses negative 4 close parentheses end root over denominator 2 cross times 3 end fraction 

Simplify the expressions

x equals fraction numerator 2 plus-or-minus square root of 4 plus 48 end root over denominator 6 end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 plus-or-minus square root of 52 over denominator 6 end fraction

Simplify the surd

x equals equals fraction numerator 2 plus-or-minus square root of 4 cross times 13 end root over denominator 6 end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 plus-or-minus 2 square root of 13 over denominator 6 end fraction

Simplify the fraction

x equals fraction numerator 1 plus-or-minus square root of 13 over denominator 3 end fraction

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Mark Curtis

Author: Mark Curtis

Mark graduated twice from the University of Oxford: once in 2009 with a First in Mathematics, then again in 2013 with a PhD (DPhil) in Mathematics. He has had nine successful years as a secondary school teacher, specialising in A-Level Further Maths and running extension classes for Oxbridge Maths applicants. Alongside his teaching, he has written five internal textbooks, introduced new spiralling school curriculums and trained other Maths teachers through outreach programmes.