Factorising Harder Quadratics (Edexcel IGCSE Maths A (Modular))

Revision Note


Factorising Harder Quadratics

How do I factorise a quadratic expression where a ≠ 1 in ax2 + bx + c?

Method 1: Factorising by grouping

  • This is shown most easily through an example: factorising 4 x squared minus 25 x minus 21

  • We need a pair of numbers that, for a x squared plus b x plus c

    • both multiply to give ac

      • ac in this case is 4 × -21 = -84

    • and both add to give b

      • b in this case is -25

    • -28 and +3 satisfy these conditions

    • Rewrite the middle term using -28x and +3x

      • 4 x squared minus 28 x plus 3 x minus 21

    • Group and fully factorise the first two terms, using 4x as the common factor

    • and group and fully factorise the last two terms, using 3 as the common factor

      • 4 x open parentheses x minus 7 close parentheses plus 3 open parentheses x minus 7 close parentheses

    • These terms now have a common factor of open parentheses x minus 7 close parentheses

      • This whole bracket can be factorised out

      • This gives the answer open parentheses x minus 7 close parentheses open parentheses 4 x plus 3 close parentheses

Method 2: Factorising using a grid

  • Use the same example: factorising 4 x squared minus 25 x minus 21

  • We need a pair of numbers that for a x squared plus b x plus c

    • multiply to give ac

      • ac in this case is 4 × -21 = -84

    • and add to give b

      • b in this case is -25

    • -28 and +3 satisfy these conditions

    • Write the quadratic equation in a grid

      • (as if you had used a grid to expand the brackets)

      • splitting the middle term up as -28x and +3x (either order)

    • The grid works by multiplying the row and column headings, to give a product in the boxes in the middle










  • Write a heading for the first row, using 4x as the highest common factor of 4x2 and -28x










  • You can then use this to find the headings for the columns, e.g. “What does 4x need to be multiplied by to give 4x2?”










  • We can then fill in the remaining row heading using the same idea, e.g. “What does x need to be multiplied by to give +3x?”










  • We can now read off the brackets from the column and row headings:

    • open parentheses x minus 7 close parentheses open parentheses 4 x plus 3 close parentheses

Worked Example

(a) Factorise 6 x squared minus 7 x minus 3.

We will factorise by grouping

We need two numbers that:

multiply to 6 × -3 = -18
and sum to -7

-9, and +2

Split the middle term up using these values

6x2 + 2x - 9x - 3

Factorise 2x out of the first two terms

2x(3x + 1) - 9x - 3

Factorise -3 of out the last two terms

2x(3x + 1) - 3(3x + 1)

These have a common factor of (3x + 1) which can be factorised out

(3x + 1)(2x - 3)

(b) Factorise 10 x squared plus 9 x minus 7.

We will factorise using a grid

We need two numbers that:

multiply to 10 × -7 = -70
and sum to +9

-5, and +14

Use these values to split the 9x term and write in a grid





Write a heading using a common factor of 5x from the first row






Work out the headings for the rows, e.g. “What does 5x need to be multiplied by to make 10x2?”








Repeat for the heading for the remaining row, e.g. “What does 2x need to be multiplied by to make +14x?”









Read off the brackets from the column and row headings

(2x - 1)(5x + 7)

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Jamie Wood

Author: Jamie Wood

Jamie graduated in 2014 from the University of Bristol with a degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering. He has worked as a teacher for 8 years, in secondary schools and in further education; teaching GCSE and A Level. He is passionate about helping students fulfil their potential through easy-to-use resources and high-quality questions and solutions.