Logarithms (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE International Maths)

Revision Note

Mark Curtis




What are logarithms?

  • A logarithm is the inverse function of an exponential function

    • Making x the subject of a to the power of x equals b gives x equals log subscript a open parentheses b close parentheses

      • This is pronounced "log base a of b"

      • This is the definition of a logarithm

      • The number a is called the base of the logarithm

  • If no base is given, it means the base number is 10

    • log open parentheses... close parentheses means log subscript 10 open parentheses... close parentheses

      • In the past, this was a common base to use

      • The log button on a calculator is always base 10

How do I interpret logarithms?

  • log base a of b, log subscript a left parenthesis b right parenthesis, is the power that you raise a to, to get b

    • This is the power required to take the small number, a, to the big number, b

    • For example, log subscript 5 125 is the power needed to get 5 to 125

      • The power needed is 3 (because 53 = 125)

      • So log subscript 5 125 equals 3

    • Similarly

      • log subscript 5 25 equals 2

      • log subscript 5 5 equals 1

      • log subscript 5 1 equals 0 (as 5 to the power of 0 equals 1)

    • It works for negative powers (reciprocals)

      • log subscript 5 open parentheses 1 fifth close parentheses equals negative 1 (as 1 fifth equals 5 to the power of negative 1 end exponent)

      • log subscript 5 open parentheses 1 over 25 close parentheses equals log subscript 5 open parentheses 1 over 5 squared close parentheses equals negative 2

    • It works for fractional powers (roots)

      • log subscript 5 open parentheses square root of 5 close parentheses equals 1 half (as square root of 5 equals 5 to the power of 1 half end exponent)

      • log subscript 5 open parentheses cube root of 5 close parentheses equals 1 third

  • Where possible, use a calculator to check

    • Use the log subscript... end subscript open parentheses... close parentheses button which allows you to change the base number

      • This is a different button to the log button (base 10)

How do I convert between logarithms and exponentials?

  • log subscript a open parentheses b close parentheses equals x and a to the power of x equals b are mathematically identical statements

    • You can convert between the two

  • Learn to read log subscript a open parentheses b close parentheses equals x as "x is the power that you raise a to, to get b"

    • This allows you to convert logs to exponentials

      • a to the power of x equals b

  • This also works the other way

    • a to the power of x equals b means x equals log subscript a open parentheses b close parentheses

      • Though it is often easier to think of making xthe subject

      • To make x the subject, take log base a of both sides, log subscript a

  • This means you can relate logarithms to exponential graphs

    • e.g. the graph of y equals 3 to the power of x passes through the point open parentheses x comma space 81 close parentheses

      • 3 to the power of x equals 81 so x equals log subscript 3 81 equals 4

two exponential graphs; y=3^x and y=2^x

Exam Tip

In the exam, you can rewrite a logarithm question as an exponential question if you prefer.

How do I solve equations with logarithms?

  • Equations where x is in the power are called exponential equations

    • Some can be solved easily by inspection (seeing the answer)

      • For example, 2 to the power of x equals 8 is solved by x equals 3

    • Others cannot

      • For example, 2 to the power of x equals 10

    • These must be solved using logarithms by making x the subject

      • 2 to the power of x equals 10 means x equals log subscript 2 10

      • Type this into your calculator to get x equals 3.321928...

  • Alternatively, you can also solve equations using logs of base 10 only

    • The rule for base 10 is if a to the power of x equals b then x equals fraction numerator log space b over denominator log space a end fraction where log means base 10

    • For example, 2 to the power of x equals 10 means x equals fraction numerator log space 10 over denominator log space 2 end fraction equals 3.321928...

Exam Tip

Whilst you still need to know both methods, mark schemes will accept different correct answers with logarithms, depending on whether you have used logs of base 10 or logs of a different base.

How do I use logarithms in compound interest questions?

  • You can use logarithms to work out the power, n, in compound interest questions

    • e.g.you put £500 into a bank account with 5% interest per year; after how many whole years does it exceed £900?

      • 500 cross times 1.05 to the power of n equals 900

      • Make n the subject: 1.05 to the power of n equals 900 over 500 equals 1.8 so n equals log subscript 1.05 end subscript open parentheses 1.8 close parentheses (or n equals fraction numerator log space 1.8 over denominator log space 1.05 end fraction)

      • This gives n equals 12.047236... so n equals 13 years

      • (it has not exceeded 900 after 12 years)

How do I find inverse functions using logarithms?

  • For exponential functions, you can use logarithms to find their inverse functions

    • Use the standard process for finding inverse functions

    • e.g. straight f open parentheses x close parentheses equals 2 to the power of 4 x end exponent

      • y equals 2 to the power of 4 x end exponent then swap x and y to get x equals 2 to the power of 4 y end exponent

      • Make 4 y the subject using logarithms: 4 y equals log subscript 2 x

      • Finally make y the subject to give straight f to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses x close parentheses equals 1 fourth log subscript 2 x

Worked Example

(a) Solve the equation 4 to the power of x equals 20, giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

Method 1

To make x the subject, take log base 4 of both sides

x equals log subscript 4 open parentheses 20 close parentheses

Use the log subscript... end subscript open parentheses... close parentheses button on your calculator to find x

x equals 2.1609640...

Round to 3 significant figures

x equals 2.16 to 3 s.f.

Method 2

Using logs of base 10, solve a to the power of x equals b by using x equals fraction numerator log space b over denominator log space a end fraction

x equals fraction numerator log space 20 over denominator space log space 4 end fraction

Use the log button on your calculator to find x

x equals 2.1609640...

Round to 3 significant figures

x equals 2.16 to 3 s.f.

(b) Without using a calculator, solve the equation log open parentheses 8 x close parentheses equals 4

log with no base means log base 10

log subscript 10 open parentheses 8 x close parentheses equals 4

Rewrite this statement as a exponential relationship
4 is the power that you raise 10 to, to get 8 x

10 to the power of 4 equals 8 x

Simplify and make x the subject

10 space 000 equals 8 x
fraction numerator 10 space 000 over denominator 8 end fraction equals x

x equals 1250

(c) Make t the subject of 7 to the power of p open parentheses t minus 1 close parentheses end exponent equals 2 q

Take log base 7 of both sides

p open parentheses t minus 1 close parentheses equals log subscript 7 open parentheses 2 q close parentheses

Rearrange to make t the subject
Start by dividing both sides by p

t minus 1 equals 1 over p log subscript 7 open parentheses 2 q close parentheses

Then add 1 to both sides

t equals 1 plus 1 over p log subscript 7 open parentheses 2 q close parentheses

t equals 1 plus fraction numerator log space open parentheses 2 q close parentheses over denominator p log space 7 end fraction in base 10 is also accepted

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Mark Curtis

Author: Mark Curtis

Mark graduated twice from the University of Oxford: once in 2009 with a First in Mathematics, then again in 2013 with a PhD (DPhil) in Mathematics. He has had nine successful years as a secondary school teacher, specialising in A-Level Further Maths and running extension classes for Oxbridge Maths applicants. Alongside his teaching, he has written five internal textbooks, introduced new spiralling school curriculums and trained other Maths teachers through outreach programmes.