Exponential Growth & Decay (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE International Maths)

Revision Note

Jamie Wood



Exponential Growth & Decay

The ideas of compound interest and depreciation can be applied to other (non-money) situations, such as increasing or decreasing populations.

What is exponential growth?

  • When a quantity grows exponentially it is increasing from an original amount by a scale factor (or percentage) each year for x years

    • Some questions use a different timescale, such as each day, or each minute

  • Real-life examples of exponential growth include:

    • Population increases

    • Bacterial growth

    • The number of people infected by a virus

What is exponential decay?

  • When a quantity exponentially decays it is decreasing from an original amount by a scale factor (or percentage) each year for x years

    • Some questions use a different timescale, such as each day, or each minute

  • Real-life examples of exponential decay include:

    • The temperature of hot water cooling down

    • The value of a car decreasing over time

    • Radioactive decay (the mass of a radioactive a substance over time)

How do I use models for exponential growth or decay?

  • Scenarios which exponentially grow or decay can be modelled with an equation

  • A useful format for this equation is

    • y equals a to the power of x

      • E.g. y equals 4 to the power of x or y equals 0.8 to the power of x

    • If a greater than 1 then it is exponential growth

    • If 0 less than a less than 1 then it is exponential decay

    • a cannot be negative

  • y equals 3 to the power of x could model the number of flies, y, in a population of flies, against the number of days, x

    • The initial number of flies, when x equals 0, is 3 to the power of 0 equals 1

    • After 2 days, the number would be 3 squared equals 9

    • After 4 days, the number would be 3 to the power of 4 equals 81

    • From the values above, and the fact that a greater than 1, this is exponential growth

  • y equals 0.5 to the power of x could model the radius of a water droplet, y space cm, as it evaporates where x is measured in minutes

    • The initial radius of the droplet, when x equals 0, is 0.5 to the power of 0 equals 1 space cm

    • After 2 minutes, the radius would be 0.5 squared equals 0.25 space cm

    • After 4 minutes, the radius would be 0.5 to the power of 4 equals 0.0625 space cm

    • From the values above, and the fact that 0 less than a less than 1, this is exponential decay

  • Plotting an exponential model, y equals a to the power of x, on a set of axes gives an exponential graph with the following shape

downward exponential curve for y=a^x where 0<a<1 and upward exponential curve for when a>1. The y intercept is always (0,1)
  • The bold italic y-intercept is always 1

    • This is because the y-intercept is where x equals 0

    • y equals a to the power of 0 equals 1

  • There is an asymptote at y equals 0 (the curve gets closer and closer to the x-axis without crossing it)

    • This is because there are no solutions to 0 equals a to the power of x

Are there any other exponential models I may encounter?

  • You may see exponential models in the form y equals b a to the power of x

    • The coefficient, b, scales (stretches) the graph vertically

    • The y-intercept will be open parentheses 0 comma space b close parentheses

      • This is because when x equals 0, y equals b a to the power of 0 equals b open parentheses 1 close parentheses equals b

    • b is the initial (starting) amount of the quantity being modelled

Exam Tip

  • Look out for how the question wants you to give your final answer

    • It may want the final amount to the nearest thousand or to the nearest integer

Worked Example

A large population of birds increases exponentially according to the model

N equals 1.04 to the power of t

where N is the number of birds, measured in thousands, and t is the number of years.

Find the population after 13 years, giving your answer to the nearest hundred.

Substitute in t equals 13

N equals 1.04 to the power of 13
N equals 1.665073507...

The question asks for the answer to the nearest hundred
The question also states that N is measured in thousands

1.665073507... × 1000 = 1665.073507... birds

Round to nearest hundred


Worked Example

The percentage of tickets still available for a concert is modelled approximately by the equation

y equals a to the power of x

Where y is the percentage of tickets still available, as a decimal, and x is the number of days since the tickets have been released.

(a) After 3 days, 51.2% of the tickets are still available. Find the value of a.

x will be 3 (from 3 days)
y will be 0.512 (as the percentage is written as a decimal in this model)
Substitute these values into the model

0.512 equals a cubed

Find a by taking the cube root of both sides

table row cell cube root of 0.512 end root end cell equals a row cell 0.8 end cell equals a end table

bold italic a bold equals bold 0 bold. bold 8

(b) What percentage of tickets remain after 2 weeks? State your answer to three significant figures.

Now that a is known, the full equation of the model is

y equals 0.8 to the power of x

x is measured in days

2 weeks = 2 × 7 = 14 days

Substitute in x equals 14

y equals 0.8 to the power of 14 equals 0.04398046511...

Turn this into a percentage by multiplying by 100

4.398046511... %

Round to three significant figures

4.40 %

(c) State one reason why this model may not be appropriate for the scenario.

The value of y can never reach zero (there is an asymptote at bold italic y bold equals bold 0).
The model suggests that the tickets never truly run out (which is unrealistic).

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Jamie Wood

Author: Jamie Wood

Jamie graduated in 2014 from the University of Bristol with a degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering. He has worked as a teacher for 8 years, in secondary schools and in further education; teaching GCSE and A Level. He is passionate about helping students fulfil their potential through easy-to-use resources and high-quality questions and solutions.