Solving Simultaneous Equations (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE International Maths)

Revision Note

Linear Simultaneous Equations

What are linear simultaneous equations?

  • When there are two unknowns (x and y), we need two equations to find them both

    • For example, 3x + 2= 11 and 2x - = 5

      • The values that work are x = 3 and y = 1

  • These are called linear simultaneous equations

    • Linear because there are no complicated terms like x2 or y2 

How do I solve linear simultaneous equations by elimination?

  • Elimination removes one of the variables, or y

  • To eliminate the x's from 3+ 2y = 11 and 2x - = 5, make the number in front of the x (the coefficient) in both equations the same (the sign may be different)

    • Multiply every term in the first equation by 2

      • 6x + 4y = 22

    • Multiply every term in the second equation by 3

      • 6- 3y = 15

    • Subtracting the second equation from the first eliminates x

      • When the sign in front of the term you want to eliminate is the same, subtract the equations

negative bottom enclose table row cell 6 x plus 4 y equals 22 end cell row cell 6 x minus 3 y equals 15 end cell end table end enclose
space space space space space space space space space space space space space 7 y equals 7

  • The y  terms have become 4- (-3y) = 7(be careful with negatives

    • Solve the resulting equation to find y

    • y = 1

  • Then substitute = 1 into one of the original equations to find x

    • 3x + 2 = 11, so 3= 9, giving x = 3

  • Write out both solutions together, = 3 and = 1

  • Alternatively, you could have eliminated the y's from 3+ 2 = 11 and
    2- = 5 by making the coefficient of y in both equations the same 

    • Multiply every term in the second equation by 2

    • Adding this to the first equation eliminates (and so on)

      • When the sign in front of the term you want to eliminate is different, add the equations

plus bottom enclose table row cell 3 x plus 2 y equals 11 end cell row cell 4 x minus 2 y equals 10 end cell end table end enclose space
space space space space 7 x space space space space space space space space space equals 21

How do I solve linear simultaneous equations by substitution?

  • Substitution means substituting one equation into the other

    • This is an alternative method to elimination

      • You can still use elimination if you prefer

  • To solve 3+ 2y = 11 and 2x - y = 5 by substitution

    • Rearrange one of the equations into y = ... (or = ...)

      • For example, the second equation becomes y = 2x - 5 

    • Substitute this into the first equation

      • This means replace all y's with 2- 5 in brackets

      • 3x + 2(2x - 5) = 11

    • Solve this equation to find x

      • x = 3

    • Then substitute x = 3 into = 2x - 5 to find y

      • = 1

How do I solve linear simultaneous equations graphically?

  • Plot both equations on the same set of axes

    • To do this, you can use a table of values

      • or rearrange into y = mx + if that helps

  • Find where the lines intersect (cross over)

    • The and solutions to the simultaneous equations are the and coordinates of the point of intersection

  • For example, to solve 2- y = 3 and 3x + y = 4 simultaneously

    • First plot them both on the same axes (see graph)

    • Find the point of intersection, (2, 1)

    • The solution is x = 2 and y = 1

The intersection of 2x-y=3 and 3x+y=7 is (2,1)

Exam Tip

  • Always check that your final solutions satisfy both original simultaneous equations!

  • Write out both solutions (x and y) together at the end to avoid examiners missing a solution in your working.

Worked Example

Solve the simultaneous equations

table row cell 5 x plus 2 y end cell equals 11 row cell 4 x minus 3 y end cell equals 18 end table

It helps to number the equations

table row cell 5 x plus 2 y end cell equals cell 11 space space space space space space space space space space space space end cell row cell 4 x minus 3 y end cell equals 18 end tabletable row blank blank cell circle enclose 1 end cell end table
table row blank blank cell circle enclose 2 end cell end table 

We will choose to eliminate the terms
Make the y terms equal by multiplying all parts of equation 1 by 3 and all parts of equation 2 by 2

table row cell 15 x plus 6 y end cell equals cell 33 space space space space space space space space space end cell row cell 8 x minus 6 y end cell equals cell 36 space space space space space space space space end cell end tabletable row blank blank cell circle enclose 3 end cell end table
table row blank blank cell circle enclose 4 end cell end table

The 6terms have different signs, so they can be eliminated by adding equation 4 to equation 3 

space space space space space space space space space space 15 x plus 6 y equals 33 space space space space space space space space space space space space
bottom enclose space plus space space space space space space space 8 x minus 6 y equals 36 space end enclose
space space space space space space space space space space 23 x space space space space space space space space space equals 69 space

Solve the equation to find x (divide both sides by 23)

table row x equals cell 69 over 23 equals 3 end cell end table

Substitute x = 3 into either of the two original equations

circle enclose 1 space space space space space 5 open parentheses 3 close parentheses plus 2 y equals 11

Solve this equation to find y

table row cell 15 plus 2 y end cell equals 11 row cell 2 y end cell equals cell 11 minus 15 end cell row cell 2 y end cell equals cell negative 4 space end cell row y equals cell fraction numerator negative 4 over denominator 2 end fraction equals negative 2 end cell end table

Substitute x = 3  and = - 2 into the other equation to check that they are correct

table row blank blank cell circle enclose 2 space space space space space end cell end table table row cell 4 x minus 3 y end cell equals 18 end table
   table row cell 4 open parentheses 3 close parentheses minus 3 open parentheses negative 2 close parentheses end cell equals 18 row cell 12 minus open parentheses negative 6 close parentheses end cell equals 18 row 18 equals 18 end table

Write out both solutions together

bold italic x bold equals bold 3 bold comma bold space bold space bold italic y bold equals bold minus bold 2

This question can also be done by eliminating x first (multiplying equation 1 by 4 and equation 2 by 5 then subtracting)

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Mark Curtis

Author: Mark Curtis

Mark graduated twice from the University of Oxford: once in 2009 with a First in Mathematics, then again in 2013 with a PhD (DPhil) in Mathematics. He has had nine successful years as a secondary school teacher, specialising in A-Level Further Maths and running extension classes for Oxbridge Maths applicants. Alongside his teaching, he has written five internal textbooks, introduced new spiralling school curriculums and trained other Maths teachers through outreach programmes.