Online & Local Services (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Online & local services

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online & local services?

  • The advantages and disadvantages of online & local services depends on the users needs and preferences

  • They include:

    • Urgency

    • Price

    • Choice

    • Online experience

Online services



Convivence - No travelling, can use anytime, anywhere

Security - Online scams, fraud and data breaches

Selection - Access to wider variety of options (local/national/international)

Returns & exchanges - Inconvenience caused when needing to return items, especially bigger items

Competitive prices - Online stores typically have lesser costs so can be very competitive with prices

Delayed gratification - Have to wait for items, can be frustrating

Reviews & ratings - Read customer reviews and see product ratings before purchasing

Limited customer service - Impersonal or difficult to reach comparted to local businesses

Local services



Immediate gratification - No waiting for deliveries

Limited selection - Smaller selection compared to online

Inspecting products - Can check before purchasing

Higher prices - Higher overheads lead to higher prices

Easier returns & exchanges - Easier in person

Travel & time - Inconvenience/extra cost caused by travelling and waiting

Supporting local economy - Supporting local businesses/communities

Limited access hours - Limited opening hours

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.