Functions & Features of Online Communities (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

What is an online community?

  • An online community is a group of people with a shared common interest who communicate online

  • Every online community has:

    • a function - what it does for people who use it

    • features - what enables it to function

Social networking

What is social networking?

  • Social networking is the practice of forming groups in society

  • The internet has made it possible it possible to do this online

What is the function of social networking communities?

  • The function of social networking communities is to allow users to connect through shared interests or relationships

  • Traditionally, they were separated in to personal and professional communities

  • Personal communities included examples such as:

    • Facebook

    • Twitter (X)

  • Professional communities included examples such as:

    • LinkedIn

Features of social networking communities




  • A collection of information about a person

Friends, follow and connect

  • Ability to add friends to your network

  • Can be followed to keep up to date with events

  • Profiles can be limited for certain friends/groups

Stream, wall and timeline

  • Messages from friends and groups appear here

  • Usually the first thing a user sees when logged in

  • Chronologically ordered

Status updates and posts

  • Users can write messages to friends, groups or to everyone

  • Messages appear on their stream

  • Messages can be directed at groups of users

  • Content of status updates is stored by social network providers and can be used for targeted advertising

Groups, lists and circles

  • Users can belong to specific groups created for common interests or likes

  • Members can be added/removed


  • Allows content to be categorised

  • Users can search for tags to find content

User suggestions

  • Users with similar interests or shared personal/professional experiences can be suggested for users to connect with

Reactions, ratings, likes, upvotes and downvotes

  • Users can rate content

  • Letting other users know what they like or find funny

  • Users can also downvote content

  • Feedback can feed in to targeted advertising


  • Users can share other peoples posts/comment

  • Opening users comments/posts to a wider audience can lead to them going viral

Comments and quotes

  • Allows users to mention specific posts/comments in their messages

  • Can start a dialogue between users

Third-party integration

  • Allows users to easily share content across other platforms (Facebook & Instagram for example)


  • Tells users about new activities

  • Keeps users up to date

Private or direct messages

  • Allows users to be able to send private messages directly to other users without posting publicly

Online gaming

What is online gaming?

  • Online gaming is when video games are played over the internet or computer network

  • Examples include:

    • Xbox Live

    • PlayStation Network

    • Steam

What is the function of online gaming?

  • The function of online gaming is to allow users to play multiplayer games together

Features of online gaming



Links to social media

  • Share gaming experience and connect with friends

Users profiles

  • Personalise online identity and showcase achievements


  • In-game tutorials and guides to completing games

Experience points/trophies

  • Rewards for in-game achievements to motivate users to continue to play

Discussion boards/forums

  • Somewhere for users to share tips, tricks and general game talk


  • Keep you informed about updates, friend activity and events

Online work spaces

What is an online work space?

  • Online work spaces are virtual platforms that bring remote teams and projects together

  • Examples of online work spaces include:

    • Slack

    • SharePoint

    • Adobe Connect

What is the function of online work spaces?

  • The function of online work spaces is to give users a platform to be able to collaborate together for the purposes of work

Features of online work spaces



Cloud storage

  • Provides access to data to all users


  • Users can provide feedback directly in documents and tasks

Messaging system

  • Quick and easy communication between users

Shared calendars

  • Allows users to see availability of other users and for scheduling

Contacts list

  • Central location to find and connect with users

Chat rooms

  • Real-time discussion spaces for specific topics or projects

Virtual meeting spaces

  • Conduct video conferences and presentations online

Virtual learning environments (VLE)

What is a VLE?

  • A VLE is an online platform for education and training

  • Examples of online work spaces include:

    • Google Classroom

    • Microsoft Teams

    • Moodle

What is the function of a VLE?

  • The function of a VLE is give teachers and students a shared platform to use learning and assessment features

Features of a VLE



Wall or timeline

  • Allows teachers/students to keep up to date with latest posts/events

Notice boards

  • Allows teachers to give announcements to students or classes

Multimedia sharing

  • Allows users to share audio, video, web links or files

Quizzes or multiple choice tests

  • Self marking tests that are graded automatically

Communication tools

  • Moderated by a teacher

Log-in system

  • Linked to a school or colleges management system to auto enrol students/teachers


  • Allow teachers and students to monitor progress through a course

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.