Online Safety (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Online safety

What is the need for online safety?

  • Online safety is about knowing about and using the internet safely and responsibly

  • It refers to when an individual is using the internet, email, social media, online gaming

  • Online safety refers to the individual knowing how to protect themselves from potential dangers and threats



Protects personal information

Awareness that personal information should not be shared freely

Prevents cyberbullying

Awareness of how to act online and how to avoid falling victim, creating a safe and respectful online environment

Guards against online scams

Identify and avoid online scams, phishing attempts, and fraudulent websites that may try to trick them into sharing personal or financial information

Ensures digital reputation

Mindful of online behaviour and interactions, protecting your digital reputation, which can have long-term consequences in personal and professional lives

Promotes privacy and control

Have control over privacy settings on social media platforms, allowing a limit to who can access/view personal information and posts

Prevents exposure to inappropriate content

Avoid encountering explicit or harmful content online, reducing the risk of exposure to inappropriate material or online predators

Secures online gaming experiences

Engage in online gaming responsibly, avoiding sharing personal details and maintaining respectful behaviour towards other players

Guards against malware and viruses

Protecting devices from malware, viruses, and other online threats, preventing data loss, privacy breaches, or device damage

Promotes responsible digital citizenship

Develop responsible online behaviours, promoting respectful conduct while interacting with others on the internet

Supports overall well-being

Maintain a healthy balance between online and offline lives, reducing the risk of addiction, mental health issues, or negative impacts on relationships and self-esteem

How can you be safe using IT?

  • There are many ways to remain safe when using technology, by following the advice and guidance users can stay safe whilst:

    • Using the internet

    • Sending/receiving email

    • Using social media

    • Playing games online


Advice & guidance

Using the internet

  • Use trusted websites recommended by teachers or reputable sources

  • Utilise search engines that only allow access to age-appropriate websites and use filters to ensure inappropriate content is not seen

  • Never reveal personal information 

Sending/receiving email

  • Be aware of the potential dangers of opening or replying to emails from unknown people, including attachments, potential dangers include phishing, spam

  • Ensure you know who the email is for when considering sending personal data or images via email, only with people you know and not with identifiable content like school photos

Using social media

  • Know how to block and report people who send content or messages that are unwanted

  • Know where the privacy settings are to reduce the number of people who can see your posts or images

  • Be aware of the potential dangers associated with meeting online contacts face to face, do not meet anyone you do not know, if you do, take an adult and meet publicly 

  • Do not distribute of inappropriate images and inappropriate language

  • Respect the confidentiality of personal data belonging to other people

  • Only accept friend requests from people you know

  • Parents should be aware of what you are doing online, discuss what you are doing online 

  • Do not post images or details that can be used to locate you

Playing games online

  • Do not use real names as usernames 

  • Never share personal or financial details with other players 

  • Know how to block and report players for inappropriate messages or comments

Acceptable behaviour policies

What is an acceptable behaviour policy?

  • An acceptable behaviour policy (ABP) is a set of rules that outlines how people are expected to conduct themselves online

  • ABPs are used in all forms of online community and typically covers:

    • Desired behaviours

    • Unacceptable behaviours

    • Reporting procedures

    • Consequences

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.