Social Impacts (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Social interaction & cyberbullying

What is social interaction?

  • Social communication is communication with and reaction to others

  • Humans are naturally social and the internet has given users different ways to participate socially

  • Examples include:

    • Online gaming

    • Video

    • Instant messaging

    • Social networking

    • Online space for work & learning

  • There are arguments for and against online social interaction, these are outlined below



Connection & community - connect with people with the same interests, regardless of location

Misinformation - algorithms can limit exposure to diverse perspectives and help spread misinformation

Expression - platforms give a space to explore yourself freely, find communities that can support

Privacy - sharing information online can lead to privacy concerns, where is the data kept and who has access

Social support & mental health - give people a sense of belonging and support, important for people who feel isolated or struggle with mental health

Distraction - online notifications can be a distraction, hindering productivity

Convenience - no travelling or scheduling, can take place 24/7

Addiction - too much interaction can be addictive

Social change - powerful tools for social activism and raising awareness about important issues

Social comparisons - can lead to low self esteem and poor mental health as constantly comparing yourself to others

What is cyberbullying?

  • Cyberbullying is using the internet to send text, images or multimedia in order to upset or embarrass someone

  • Online bullying can range from:

    • Hurtful messages

    • Distributing upsetting images

    • Preventing participation in online events/discussions (isolating)

  • Cyberbullies can feel protected by the apparent anonymity of the internet, however most online communication is easily monitored

  • Cyberbullying can spread very quickly and to more people

Reduced physical activity

Why is reduced physical activity a concern?

  • Reduced physical activity is a concern as people have more access to online goods and services and do not need to leave the comfort of their houses

  • This can lead to negative effects on people's:

    • Health

    • Wellbeing



Increased risk of chronic diseases

Increased anxiety and depression

Musculoskeletal problems

Lower energy levels

Weakened immune system

Poor sleep quality

Metabolic issues

Lower self esteem

Increased blood pressure

Decreased social interaction

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.