Secondary Storage Devices (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Storage devices

What is a storage device?

  • A storage device is the hardware that reads from and writes to different storage medias

  • Storage devices are non-volatile secondary storage, that retain digital data within a computer system

  • They provide a means of storing, accessing, and retrieving data, which can include software applications, documents, images, videos, and more

  • There are 3 types of storage device:

    • Magnetic

    • Solid State

    • Optical

Magnetic storage

  • Magnetic storage is a type of non-volatile media that uses magnets (polarity) to store binary 0s and 1s



Capacity - High storage

Durability - Moving parts can get damaged if dropped

Cost - Low per gigabyte

Portability - Heavy & bulky making them less convenient for transport

Speed - Moderate read/write access 

Reliability - Prone to mechanical failure


Noise - Loud (spinning disks)

Solid state storage

  • Solid state storage is a type of non-volatile media that uses electronic circuits to store binary 0s and 1s



Capacity - Medium/high storage

Cost - Very high per gigabyte

Speed - Very fast read/write access

Reliability - Limited read/write cycles

Durability - No moving parts


Portability - Small and no moving parts


Noise - Silent 


Optical storage

  • Optical storage is a type of non-volatile media that uses lasers to burn the surface of a disk, creating pits and lands suitable for storing binary 0s and 1s



Cost - Very low per gigabyte

Capacity - Very low

Durability - No moving parts

Speed - Very slow read/write access

Portability - Small and no moving parts

Reliability - Prone to scratches

Noise - Silent 


Capacity of storage

What is capacity of storage?

  • Capacity of storage describe the amounts of binary digits that can be stored on a digital device

  • These are the units you need to know for this IGCSE:






1 or 0



4 b



8 b



1024 B (210)



1,048,576 KB (220)



1,073,741,824 MB (230)



1,099,511,626,776GB (240)

Megabyte vs Mebibyte

  • 1 kibibyte = 1024 bits - binary prefixes (to the power of 2)

  • 1 kilobyte = 1000 bits - decimal prefixes (to the power of 10)

Worked Example

Explain one benefit of using solid state storage with a smartphone



An explanation such as:

  • Data (transfer) will not be negatively affected by movement / less risk of damage to the drive [1]...

  • ...because solid state storage does not use moving parts [1]


  • Smartphones are portable [1]...

  • ...because solid state storage takes up less space / has no moving parts [1]


  • Longer battery life [1]...

  • ...because solid state storage uses less power [1]

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.