Operating Systems (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Role & function of an operating system

What is an operating system?

  • An operating system (OS) is software that provides an interface between the user and the hardware in a computer system

  • An operating system hides the complexities of the hardware from the user, for example:

    • A user does not need to know 'where' on secondary storage data is kept, just that it is saved for when they want it again

  • There are two main types of operating systems:

    • Single User Operating System

    • Network Operating Systems (NOS)

  • An operating system has many functions, this includes:

    • Memory management

    • Resource management

    • Security

    • Print spooling

Single user and network operating systems

Single user


Allow for a single general user

Provide access to network storage and shared resources

No option to customise user interface for different users

Server is sent requests when users log in with usernames and passwords

Typically used in a household appliances

User accounts are kept separate to ensure users cannot access each other's files

Resource management

  • Memory

    • Memory management is a process carried out by the operating system allocating main memory (RAM) between different programs that are open at the same time

    • The OS is responsible for copying programs and data from secondary to primary storage as it is needed

    • Programs and data require different amounts of RAM to operate efficiently and the OS manages this process

    • RAM is allocated based on priority and fairness, for example, system applications (essential) may have a higher priority than user applications

    • The OS dynamically manages the memory, adjusting allocation as needed to maintain optimal system performance

    • Memory management makes multitasking possible

  • Processor

    • Processor management is a process carried out by the operating system dividing time (time slicing) in to small chunks and allocating them to different programs

    • The CPU can only execute one instruction at a time, it can can execute billions of them in one second.

    • The OS decides what programs get access to the CPU to give a user the perception of being able to use multiple programs at the same time (multitasking)

  • Inputs & outputs

    • Input/output (I/O) management is a process carried out by the operating system managing the way input and output devices interact with software

    • The OS allocates system resources to inputs/outputs to ensure efficient operation

    • I/O management makes plug-and-play (PnP) functionality possible, automatically detecting and configuring new inputs/outputs without the need for manually installing device drivers or power cycling the system

  • Files

    • File management is a process carried out by the operating system creating, organising, manipulating and accessing files and folders on a computer system

    • The OS manages where data is stored in both primary and secondary storage

    • File management gives the user the ability to:

      • Create files/folders

      • Name files/folders

      • Rename files/folders

      • Copy files/folders

      • Move files/folders

      • Delete files/folders

    • The OS allows users to control who can access, modify and delete files/folders (permissions)

    • The OS provides a search facility to find specific files based on various criteria


  • Security management is a process carried out by the operating system enabling different users to log onto a computer

  • A system administrator is able to allocate different access rights for different users on a network

  • The OS is able to maintain settings for individual users, such as desktop backgrounds, icons and colour schemes

  • The OS audits (keeps a log of) files created by users, accesses, edits and deletes

  • Operating systems can provide software firewalls 

  • Print spooling is a process carried out by the operating system when printing is required

  • The spooler creates a temporary holding area (queue) for the print job

  • Queuing pages increases efficiency

Worked Example

Explain one reason an administrator would use a network operating system to manage users.



A linked explanation such as:

  • Multiple people can use the same computer [1] because users can be added/deleted [1]

  • Only specific users can securely access their storage space [1] because user permissions can be edited [1]

  • Only certain users can install programs / access certain files [1] because user permissions can be enforced [1]

  • The limited storage on the machine can be shared [1] because the amount of resources/storage each user can access can be controlled [1]

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.