Application Software (Edexcel IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Office-productivity tools

What are office productivity tools?

  • Office productivity tools are applications designed to enable common work related tasks to be carried out

  • Office productivity tools are often combined into a single application suite

Word processing

  • Word processing software is software used primarily for tasks involving text and images

  • Common tasks include:

    • Letters

    • Reports

    • Essays

    • Books

  • Examples of word processing applications include:

    • Microsoft Word

    • Google Docs


  • Spreadsheet software is software used for tasks involving calculations

  • Spreadsheets allow users to model financial situations and answer 'what if' questions

  • Formulas and functions can be used to aid complex arithmetic calculations

  • Examples of spreadsheet applications include:

    • Microsoft Excel

    • Google Sheets

Desktop publishing

  • Desktop publishing software is software used for tasks that involve complicated page layouts

  • Common tasks include:

    • Newsletters

    • Leaflets

  • Examples of desktop publishing applications include:

    • Microsoft Publisher

    • Adobe InDesign


  • Database software is software used to store data

  • Common features include:

    • Data entry form design

    • Perform queries to select data that meet a certain criteria

    • Build reports to display data in a readable format

  • Examples of database applications include:

    • Microsoft Access

    • Oracle MySQL

Web authoring software

What is web authoring software?

  • Web authoring software is software designed to allow the creation of websites

  • Websites are written in HTML and translated by web browsers to display in a way users can see and read

  • Web authoring software gives users with little to no HTML experience tools to help them create web pages

  • Uses a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface

  • Examples of web authoring applications include:

    • Adobe Dreamweaver

    • Google Sites

Image editing & sound editing software

What is image editing software?

  • Image editing software is software that allows users to manipulate and enhance digital photographs and images

  • Common features include:

    • Resizing

    • Adjusting brightness & contrast

    • Applying filters

    • Red-eye removal

    • Cropping

  • Examples of image editing applications include:

    • Adobe Photoshop

    • GIMP

What is sound editing software?

  • Sound editing software is software that allows users to edit audio files

  • Common features include:

    • Cut and join audio clips

    • Alter volume

    • Change tempo

    • Add effects

    • Apply audio processing

  • Examples of sound editing applications include:

    • Audacity

    • Adobe Audition

Presentation software

What is presentation software?

  • Presentation software is software designed to allow users to create multimedia content that can be displayed typically on slides

  • Common features include:

    • Transitions & animations

    • Presenter notes

    • Automatic or timed navigation

  • Examples of presentation applications include:

    • Microsoft PowerPoint

    • Google Slides

Control software

What is control software?

  • Control software is software that users sensors to capture inputs, processes them and outputs something

  • They make something happen in the physical environment

  • Outputs can be commands that control devices such as:

    • Actuators

    • Motors

  • Commonly used in engineering, vehicles and building control

Project management software

What is project management software?

  • Project management software is software designed make the organisation of projects more efficient by tracking individual tasks

  • Common features include:

    • Timeline - shows a graphical representation of events and the time and order in which they occur

    • Critical path - allows a project manager to see the shortest time a project will take to complete

    • Milestones - a time or date by which a task must be completed

  • Gannt charts are often used to visualise project timelines

Worked Example

Describe how application software is different from systems software



  • Application software is used to carry out tasks for the user [1]

  • Systems software carries out tasks for the machine/computer [1]

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.