Create a Data Model (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE ICT): Exam Questions

1 hour10 questions
1a1 mark

Tawara school has a shop that sells items needed by pupils in school. Part of a spreadsheet with details of the items is shown.

Spreadsheet showing Tawara School Shop items: ties, scarves, blazers, pens. Includes cost, selling price, profit, tax status, amount sold, and total profit.

Write down the number of rows that are shown in the spreadsheet that contain text.

1b1 mark

Write down the number of columns that are shown in the spreadsheet that contain text

1c2 marks

Explain the steps that need to be taken to display cell H4 as US dollars.

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21 mark

A teacher in the school has created a spreadsheet to display whether a student has good timekeeping when arriving at lessons. He has produced a formula but thinks it could be improved. The formula is:


Spreadsheet showing student lateness data per half term and a formula for assessing lateness rating with a legend for ratings from "Excellent" to "Very Poor".

Write down the value that should appear in cell C4.

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34 marks

A student is creating a spreadsheet of airports for a project.

Spreadsheet showing airport codes, names, and countries. Includes London Heathrow (UK), Rome (Italy), Paris (France), Milan (Italy), and others.

The formula in G2 is:


Explain, in detail, what the formula in G2 does

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4a3 marks

Explain the differences between a VLOOKUP function and a LOOKUP function.

4b3 marks

A spreadsheet contains a list of staff and the rooms they work in at a school.

Spreadsheet showing room assignments by department and name, with a VLOOKUP formula. Departments include Languages, History, Chemistry, and more.

Explain, in detail, what the formula in cell E2 does.

4c2 marks

When certain room numbers are typed into cell D2 unexpected results appear in cell E2.

Suggest improvements that could be made to ensure the correct result is displayed.

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5a6 marks

You are creating a presentation on the World Games. You have created a spreadsheet showing the number of gold, silver and bronze medals awarded to different countries.

You are planning to create a graph in the presentation showing the country, the number of gold medals and the total number of medals.

Table showing World Games Medals by country. Italy leads with 440 total medals, followed by the US with 382, Germany 386, and Russia 319.

Explain how you would create a vertical bar chart, showing the name of the country, the number of gold medals and the total number of medals awarded to each country, on a new slide in the presentation.

5b4 marks

The total number of medals has been calculated manually and entered as a value. This could lead to errors.

Explain how you could create a formula to calculate the total number of medals awarded for Italy, using only the mouse.

5c4 marks

Explain how the data could be sorted by the total number of medals won by each country. The country with the largest number of medals should be at the top of the list.

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6a5 marks

A doctor measures the blood pressure of some of his patients regularly. The patients take home a blood pressure machine and record their results on a spreadsheet which the doctor has created. Part of the spreadsheet is shown.

Spreadsheet showing blood pressure readings from 10-16 Feb, with systolic, diastolic values, and warnings. Another section lists warning levels for reference.

When a reading produces a Severe or Low warning then the text automatically changes to a red font on a light red background.

Explain how the doctor could set up automatic colour change for these warnings on the spreadsheet.

6b3 marks

The doctor has set up a named range called Bloodpressure for the cells F3 to H7.

Explain why the doctor has used a named range.

6c4 marks

The formula =VLOOKUP(B3,Bloodpressure,3) has been entered into cell D3.

Explain what the formula does.

6d3 marks

The doctor has created a graph of the readings for one patient and has displayed it on the spreadsheet. However, there are elements missing.

Spreadsheet with blood pressure readings from 10-16 Feb, showing systolic and diastolic values with warnings. Includes a line chart depicting the data trends.

Explain how the doctor created the graph.

Write in your answer one improvement that could be made to the graph.

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75 marks

Tawara school has a shop that sells items needed by pupils in school. Part of a spreadsheet with details of the items is shown.

Spreadsheet titled "Tawara School Shop" showing items, cost, selling price, profit, tax, amount sold, total profit per item, and total tax per item.

Tax is paid on certain items sold in the shop. The tax rate that has to be paid is 20% of the selling price. If tax is to be paid on an item, then ‘Y’ is placed underneath the Tax heading.

The formula in I4 is: IF(F4=''Y'',($I$1*D4*G4),'''')

Explain, in detail, what the formula does.

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82 marks

Petr has set up a database for a science project on planets in the solar system. Part of the database is shown.































Gas Giant








Gas Giant


















Petr has copied the data from the Orbital_period field into a spreadsheet. The data for the orbital period for Mars, 1.88, is stored in cell A2. In cell B2 he has entered a function of:


Explain in detail the function used in cell B2.

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96 marks

A student is creating a spreadsheet of airports for a project.

Spreadsheet with airport codes and names from various countries, including LHR for London Heathrow, MIL for Milan, and others from Italy, France, and Sweden.

Explain, using examples, the differences between a function and a formula.

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104 marks

A teacher in the school has created a spreadsheet to display whether a student has good timekeeping when arriving at lessons. He has produced a formula but thinks it could be improved. The formula is:


Spreadsheet showing student lateness data per half term and a formula for assessing lateness rating with a legend for ratings from "Excellent" to "Very Poor".

The teacher has improved the formula and has typed in =VLOOKUP(B4,A$14:B$18,2)

Explain the advantages of using this formula compared to the original one.

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