Email (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

James Woodhouse


Computer Science


What is email?

  • Email is a method of exchanging messages and files over the internet

  • The main uses of email are:

    • Personal communication

    • Professional correspondence

    • Marketing

  • Companies provide guidelines about acceptable use of emails

  • Guidelines about emails from a company include:

    • Purpose of the email

    • Using acceptable language

    • Email security, including anti-virus software

Email Guidelines & Constraints

Acceptable Language Guidelines

  • Acceptable and appropriate language must be used depending on the recipient and purpose of the email

  • An example of this includes using a professional tone when sending a work-related email

  • No offensive or obscene language or images should be used

  • No racism or violent content should be in email messages

  • No illegal material should be sent

  • The laws within a country can see that emails are monitored and people can be punished for what they write

  • Some additional rules to follow regarding email language include:

    • Include a clear subject line

    • Use a professional email address

    • Use professional salutations

    • Do not use all capitals as it implies shouting

Need for Security

  • Email security is crucial to protect sensitive information from being accessed or altered

  • Email inboxes should be protected by strong passwords which are frequently changed

  • Spam filters and antivirus software should be in place at all times to protect users' inboxes from both passive attacks and active attacks


  • Netiquette (Internet etiquette) is the need to respect others online

  • It is an agreement to respect the opinion of others in online forums, internet messages and emails

  • Some common examples to remember are:

    • Most posts are public and can potentially be read by anyone

    • A clear, inoffensive and succinct language will be used

    • Give a good impression of yourself, considering, the tone of writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar

Sending Emails

Email Groups

  • Email groups allow for mass communication with a defined set of recipients

  • It is easier to send out multiple emails if the addresses are grouped together

  • The benefit of doing this is that it ensures no one misses out on an email containing key information

  • A drawback of email groups is that spammers can utilise them to target a large group of people with ease

Email Operations

  • There are three key email operations to be aware of:

    • Carbon Copy (CC) - this is used when you want to include additional recipients to view the email

    • Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) - this is used when you want additional recipients to view the email without other recipients knowing

    • Forward - This allows you to send an existing email to a new recipient

    • Attachments - These allow files to be sent along with the email message



What is spam?

  • Spam is unwanted/unsolicited junk mail which is sent in large numbers to inboxes

  • Spam fills the users' inboxes, often with advertising content or for phishing/spreading malware

  • Phishing emails will be used to act as a reputable company or organisation in the aim of getting your personal details such as usernames and passwords

How can spam emails be detected?

  • Spam emails often has multiple spelling or grammatical errors

  • They often use broken English, though this is now improving with the use of AI

  • Spam emails will not address you by name

  • Often spam emails will ask you to enter your details by clicking a link

    • Reputable companies have now stopped doing this to make identifying spam a lot easier

How can spam emails be prevented?

  • Preventing spam emails is becoming easier as email providers' anti-spam filters become stronger and more efficient

  • Users can ensure they do not agree to marketing emails from companies they register with

  • Users can also ensure they do not reply to emails with sensitive data or complete online forms for websites by clicking links in an email

    • Instead, they should visit the website of their own accord and then log in as usual

Worked Example

Describe the ways that a user can recognise spam and methods to help prevent it. [6]

How to answer this question:

Give a maximum of 4 bullet points on how users can recognise spam content and then a maximum of 4 points on how they can prevent spam content.


Recognising spam (max 4):

  • Multiple spelling/grammatical errors

  • Asked to carry out tasks immediately such as click on a link

  • Does not ask for you by name

  • Stored in a SPAM folder

  • Email asks for personal information

  • Large amount of repeated emails from the same user

  • Lots of other similar email addresses in the send-to-box

Prevention methods (max 4):

  • Use a spam filter

  • Not filling in your details on the online form

  • Not replying to spam emails

  • Not having an auto-reply set

  • Not consenting to marketing when providing details to a company

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James Woodhouse

Author: James Woodhouse

James graduated from the University of Sunderland with a degree in ICT and Computing education. He has over 14 years of experience both teaching and leading in Computer Science, specialising in teaching GCSE and A-level. James has held various leadership roles, including Head of Computer Science and coordinator positions for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. James has a keen interest in networking security and technologies aimed at preventing security breaches.