Online Booking Systems (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator

Online Booking Systems

What is an online booking system?

  • An online booking system is a computer system that allows customers to purchases tickets for events online

  • Examples of industries that make use of these systems include:

    • Travel - booking flights, hotels and package holidays

    • Music - Reserving tickets for live music events

    • Film - Booking cinema tickets, allowing customers to pick a seat

    • Sport - Purchasing tickets to sporting events, choosing their view

Advantages and disadvantages of online booking systems



Convenience and accessibility (24/7 booking)

Potential for technical issues and downtime

Instant confirmation and ticketing

Possible security and privacy concerns

Ability to compare prices and options

Transaction and booking fees

Promotions and personalised offers

Impersonal and less tailored customer service

Faster to change/cancel

Internet connected devices required

Automated reminders via email/text

Staff may lose their job

Repeated bookings can easily be made


Staff are freed up to do other things


Case Study

Reserving a seat to watch a film at the cinema.

After the user logs in the following process takes place

  1. Customer selects the film they want to watch

  2. Customer chooses a date

  3. The database is searched and times and availability are displayed on the screen

  4. Customer chooses a suitable time

  5. The screen seating chart is displayed, showing available/taken seats

  6. Customer clicks on an available seat

  7. Total price is displayed on the screen

  8. Customer can choose another seat or click confirm to continue to payment

  9. Seat(s) are temporarily made unavailable for booking by any other user

  10. Customer checks personal details are correct and enters payment information

  11. Payment is taken and confirmation message is displayed

  12. Payment receipt and QR code (e-ticket) are emailed

  13. Database is updated to make seats unavailable

Worked Example

RockIT Airlines representatives use a computer booking system to book flights for customers. A representative from the airline types in the customer reference number, the number of passengers, departure time, departure date, departure airport and the destination airport.

Describe the processing and outputs involved in making the booking.



Six of:

Display flights available [1]
The booking database is searched for the customer reference number [1]
A matching record is retrieved [1]
Details of the customer are displayed on the screen [1]
The booking database is searched for matching departure airports [1]
The booking database is searched for matching destination airports [1]
If the flight correct, the date/time found [1]
Search if seats/tickets/flights available [1]
If unavailable error message output [1]
Outputs the price [1]
If seats are available, flags seat as booked [1]
If not booked then the flag removed [1]
Reduces the number of seats/tickets available by the number booked [1]
E-ticket/ticket details are output [1]
E-ticket/ticket details sent to customer [1]
A receipt is printed//Verification email sent [1]

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.