Network Hardware (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Robert Hampton


Computer Science Content Creator


What is a router?

  • The router is responsible for routing data packets between different networks

  • An example of data the router can direct is, sending internet traffic to the correct destination/devices in your home network

  • The router connects networks together, local area networks (LAN) to the wider internet which is a type of wide area network (WAN)

  • The router can manage and prioritise data traffic, which can help to keep connections stable

  • The router will assign IP addresses to the devices on the network


What are data packets?

  • Data packets are small 'chunks' of data that make up a larger piece of data that has been broken down so that is can transmitted over the internet

  • Data can include anything from text, images, audio, video, animations, etc, or any combination of these

  • A data packet consists of:




Source IP address

Actual data being transported

Additional security information
(less common)

Destination IP address

End of packet notification

Packet number

(1 of 5 etc.)

Error checking (checksums)

What is an IP address?

  • An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier given to devices which communicate over the Internet (WAN)

  • IP addresses are dynamic, they can change

  • IP addresses make it possible to deliver data to the right device

  • A device connecting to a network will be given an IP address, if it moves to a different network then the IP address will change


  • Internet Protocol version 4 is represented as 4 blocks of denary numbers between 0 and 255, separated by full stops

  • Each block is one byte (8 bits), each address is 4 bytes (32 bits)

  • IPv4 provides over 4 billion unique addresses (232), however, with over 7 billion people and countless devices per person, a solution was needed


  • Internet Protocol version 6 is represented as 8 blocks of 4 hexadecimal digits, separated by colons

  • Each block is 2 bytes (16 bits), each address is 16 bytes (128 bits)

  • IPv6 could provide over one billion unique addresses for every person on the planet (2128)

Network Interface Card (NIC)

What is a network interface card (NIC)?

  • The Network Interface Card (NIC) is required for a computer to connect to a network

  • A NIC can be both wired and wireless and allows your computer to send and receive data over a network



What is a hub?

  • A hub is a networking device which is used to connect multiple devices in a network

  • Hubs are "dumb" devices that pass on anything received on one connection to all other connections

  • All data is sent to all devices, this can lead to network inefficiencies and security issues


What is a switch?

  • A network switch is a device that connects multiple devices on a network together

  • Unlike a hub, a switch only sends data to the device it was intended for, which improves network efficiency

  • This is done by a switch having a lookup table

  • When a switch receives a data packet, it examines the destination MAC address of the packet and looks up that address in the lookup table

  • Once it has found the matching MAC address it will then forward the data packet to the corresponding device


What is a MAC address?

  • A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique identifier given to devices which communicate over a local area network (LAN)

  • MAC addresses are static, they can never change

  • MAC addresses make it possible for switches to efficiently forward data to the intended recipient

  • Any device that contains a Network Interface Card (NIC) has a MAC address assigned during manufacturing

  • A device connecting to a local network already has a MAC address, if it moves to a different network then the MAC address will stay the same

  • A MAC address is represented as 12 hexadecimal digits (48 bits), usually grouped in pairs

  • The first three pairs are the manufacturer ID number (OUI) and the last three pairs are the serial number of the network interface card (NIC)

  • There are enough unique MAC addresses for roughly 281 trillion devices


What is a bridge?

  • A network bridge is a device used to connect two local area networks (LANs) together to create one larger network

  • Unlike a switch/hub, bridges only connect local area networks together


Worked Example

Explain the difference between a switch and a hub regarding data forwarding capabilities. 



A switch forwards data packets based on the destination MAC address and only sends data to the intended device [1]

A hub broadcasts incoming data packets to all connected devices [1]

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Robert Hampton

Author: Robert Hampton

Rob has over 16 years' experience teaching Computer Science and ICT at KS3 & GCSE levels. Rob has demonstrated strong leadership as Head of Department since 2012 and previously supported teacher development as a Specialist Leader of Education, empowering departments to excel in Computer Science. Beyond his tech expertise, Robert embraces the virtual world as an avid gamer, conquering digital battlefields when he's not coding.