What is meant by the term appropriate aid?
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What is meant by the term appropriate aid?
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Outline two examples of appropriate aid.
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Study Figure 13b which shows a water pump which was supplied as part of an appropriate aid project in West Africa.
Explain why appropriate aid is important to LICs.
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Explain how two international strategies have attempted to reduce uneven development.
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Discuss the management of regional disparities within one named country.
Named country:
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Discuss the view:
“International strategies are only one part of the solution to closing the development gap”.
Use Figures 9a, 9b and 9c from the Resource Booklet and your own knowledge and understanding to support your answer.
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Discuss the view:
“Different strategies are needed to reduce the uneven global development”.
Use Figures 9a, 9b and 9c from the Resource Booklet and your own knowledge and understanding to support your answer.
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