Causes of Desertification & Deforestation (Edexcel IGCSE Geography)

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Bridgette Barrett


Geography Lead

Causes of Desertification

  • Desertification is caused by both natural factors and human activities

  • Many of the natural causes may be made worse by climate change 

Natural and Human Causes of Desertification

Natural causes

Human causes

Soil erosion leads to the loss of nutrients. Plants are unable to establish and grow

Overgrazing means the vegetation has all gone due to the number of animals or the land does not have a chance to recover

Rainfall patterns have become less predictable leading to drought and any vegetation dying due to lack of water

Over-cultivation leads to all the nutrients being taken up by crops leaving none for future vegetation to grow

Reduced vegetation means that nutrients are not added to the soil through the decomposition of dead organic matter

Deforestation removes shade from the soil which means there are no roots which bind the soil together. This increases soil erosion, whilst decreasing infiltration and interception

Any rain that does fall is often in short, intense bursts, leading to increased surface runoff and soil erosion

Population growth puts increased pressure on the land as people raise more animals and grow more crops

Causes of Desertification

Causes of Deforestation

  • Deforestation is the felling and clearance of trees

  • Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Indonesia are experiencing the highest levels of deforestation in the world

World Deforestation 2015
  • There are six main human causes of deforestation

  • Wildfires are a natural cause of deforestation:

    • The frequency and severity of wildfires have increased this is linked to climate change

Human Causes of Deforestation

Worked Example

(i)   Define the term deforestation           

(ii)  Outline two causes of deforestation

(6 Marks)

  • Answer:

  • (i) 

    • The maximum mark requires a full and accurate definition

    • The felling (1) and removal/clearance of trees (1)

  • (ii)

  • Any two of the following to gain 1 mark to each for the cause with the 2nd mark for outlining/expanding linked to 1st mark so that cause is clear 

    • Hydropower (1) to make space for dams and reservoirs (1)

    • Mining (1) to make space for mining equipment and buildings (1)

    • Agriculture (1) for grazing or planting crops (1)

    • Settlement (1) to make space to build houses (1)

    • Timber (1) for furniture/building/paper (1)

    • Roads (1) to gain access to transport resources and people (1)

  • Factors need to be specific not just human activity or climate

Examiner Tip

It is important to remember that the causes of both desertification and deforestation are often a combination of factors rather than any one cause.

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Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.