Fluvial Processes (Edexcel IGCSE Geography)

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Bridgette Barrett


Geography Lead

Weathering & Mass Movement

River valley processes

  • Both fluvial and landscape processes shape the river and surrounding land in the drainage basin

  • The landscape processes of weathering and mass movement shape land surrounding the river channel 

  • Fluvial processes shape the river channels and the landforms linked to them. They include:

    • Erosion 

    • Transportation 

    • Deposition

  • Most (about 95%) of a river's energy is used to overcome friction

  • There is more friction in the upper course of the river where it is shallow and narrow

  • The rest of the energy is used in erosion and transportation

  • Energy in the river depends on the river discharge and velocity

  • The greater the discharge and velocity the more energy a river has

Weathering and mass movement

  • There are three types of weathering. These happen in-situ:

    • Physical - rock is broken down into smaller pieces. This occurs due to changes in temperature - such as freeze-thaw and exfoliation

    • Chemical - rocks disintegrate and dissolve in slightly acidic rainwater 

    • Biological - rocks are broken apart by the roots of plants 

Freeze-thaw weathering
  • There are a number of types of mass movement where large-scale movement of material occurs

  • In river valleys there are two main types of mass movement:

    • Slumping - where the slope is eroded by the river. This undercuts the slope causing large-scale movement of material down the slope

    • Soil creep - the influence of gravity causes weathered material to slowly move down the slope towards the river

Factors affecting weathering and mass movement

  • There are a range of factors which affect weathering and mass movement

  • These factors are outlined in the table below

Factors Affecting Weathering and Mass Movement




In hot, wet climates, chemical and biological weathering are dominant


Heavy rain increases mass movement


Any slope over 5o experiences mass movement. The steeper the slope, the more mass movement there will be


Different rocks have different levels of resistance to weathering


At higher altitudes, freeze-thaw weathering occurs frequently due to the low temperatures


Physical weathering is more common on a colder, north-facing slope due to a higher likelihood of freeze-thaw


Roots bind the soil together which limits mass movement

Worked Example

Explain two factors which influence mass movement (4)

  • Identify the command word

  • The command word is 'explain'

  • The focus of the question is 'mass movement'

  • You can select any two factors from climate/weather, geology, vegetation, slope, altitude or aspect

  • For the second mark for each factor you must explain why it increases or decreases mass movement

  • Answer: (Any two factors and explanations from below)

  • All slopes which have a gradient of more than 5o experience mass movement (1). The steeper the slope, the more mass movement (1)

  • Where rock types are less resistant to weathering (1), there will be more mass movement as there will be more loose material (1)

  • Vegetation decreases the amount of mass movement (1) as the roots bind the soil together holding the slope in place (1)

  • On the north facing slopes there will be more physical weathering (1) leading to more mass movement as there will be more loose material (1)

  • At higher altitudes freeze-thaw weathering may be more common (1)  leading to more mass movement as there will be more loose material (1)

Examiner Tip

Students often confuse weathering and erosion. Remember, weathering is the physical, biological or chemical breakdown of the rock where it is located - 'in-situ'. Erosion is the wearing away and movement of the material, usually by wind, water or ice.

The Process of Erosion

  • Erosion is the wearing away of surfaces 

  • There are four erosion processes which change the shape of the river channel:

    • Hydraulic action

    • Abrasion 

    • Attrition

    • Corrosion (solution) 

Types of erosion

  • Erosion can be mainly vertical or lateral

    • Vertical erosion is dominant in the upper course of rivers. It increases the depth of the river and valley, as the river erodes downwards

    • Lateral erosion is dominant in the middle and lower course of rivers. It increases the width of the river and valley as it erodes sideways

Processes of Transportation & Deposition

  • There are four processes of transportation:

    • Traction 

    • Saltation

    • Suspension

    • Solution

Processes of Transportation


  • When a river does not have enough energy to carry materials it drops them. This is deposition

  • The causes of reduced energy include:

    • Reduced discharge due to a lack of precipitation or abstraction upstream

    • Decreased gradient

    • Slower flow on the inside of a river bend

    • When the river enters a sea/ocean or lake

  • The heaviest material is deposited first, this is known as the bedload

  • The lighter materials, gravel, sand and silt are known as alluvium and they are carried further downstream

  • The dissolved materials are carried out to sea

Examiner Tip

It can sometimes help to remember a word and the process it refers to if you know what the word means.

Traction - the action of pulling something over a surface

Saltation - leaping or jumping

Factors Affecting Processes

Factors Affecting River Processes


Impact on Processes


Heavy rainfall and/or low temperatures lead to higher discharge which increases erosion and transportation; below average rainfall and/or high temperatures lead to lower discharge and decreased erosion and transportation


Rivers on a steep slope will be fast flowing and there will be increased erosion; gentle slopes will result in more deposition


Softer, less resistant rocks erode more rapidly than harder, more resistant rocks


Melting snow and ice increase discharge and therefore there is more erosion and transportation


South-facing slopes have higher rates of evaporation and transpiration which decreases discharge

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Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.