Industry (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography): Exam Questions

3 hours29 questions
13 marks

Students in the UK visited a local company which made electronic products. The company is located in an inner-city area. It employs two main groups of workers, one in research and development of new products and the other in assembly of components to make the products.

Some students decided to investigate where the employees lived and any disadvantages of living there in order to test the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Research and development employees generally live in different parts of the urban area compared to the assembly work employees.

Hypothesis 2: Employees think that the journey to work is a main disadvantage of where they live.

Suggest three factors which may affect where people choose to live in an urban area.

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23 marks

Hypothesis 1: Research and development employees generally live in different parts of the urban area compared to the assembly work employees.

Hypothesis 2: Employees think that the journey to work is a main disadvantage of where they live.


To collect data to test the hypotheses above, the students produced a questionnaire. This is shown in Fig. 1.1.


Fig 1.1

Describe a suitable method of selecting the employees to complete the questionnaire in order to get a fair, representative sample.



Part of the recording sheet which the students used is shown in Fig. 1.2.

What is this method of recording results called?



Fig 1.2

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37 marks

The results for Question 1 in the questionnaire are shown in Table 1.1.


One student showed the results of Question 1 on two different types of map. These are shown in Figs. 1.3 below and 1.4.



Complete Fig. 1.3 to show the numbers of research and development employees living in Formby and Kirkby.



Complete Fig. 1.4 to show the number of assembly work employees living in Prescot.



Choose either Fig. 1.3 or Fig. 1.4 and circle your choice below. Name the type of map and give two advantages of this type of map for showing data.

Fig. 1.3         or        Fig. 1.4

Name of type of map
Advantage 1
Advantage 2



Which one of the following would be another suitable method to display the results of Question 1 on a map of the urban area? Tick (✓) your choice.


Tick (✓)



kite diagram





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46 marks

A class of students investigated a local high technology industrial area. They wanted to find out about the companies located there.

The high technology industrial area is shown in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2. The photograph in Fig. 1.1 shows the area in 2006 and the map in Fig. 1.2 shows it in 2016.

Aerial view of an urban area featuring a mix of buildings, roads, green spaces, and parking lots, with a highway running along the top edge of the image.

Fig 1.1


Fig 1.2


Identify two buildings in different areas which have been constructed since 2006.
Building number ...............
Building number ...............



What is the number of the building labelled X on Fig. 1.1?
Building number ...............



Figs. 1.3 and 1.4 are photographs which show views of this industrial area. Describe three features of the industrial area shown in Figs. 1.3 and 1.4.


Fig 1.3


Fig 1.4


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57 marks

The students identified the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: The sectors (types) of high technology industry in the area changed between 2006 and 2016.

Hypothesis 2: High technology companies employ a highly skilled workforce.

To investigate Hypothesis 1 the students did a survey of the companies which occupied some of the buildings shown in Fig. 1.2 (below). They wanted to find out what sector of high technology industry the companies were involved in.


Fig. 1.2


Companies involved in the bio-medical sector are shaded on Fig. 1.2. Describe the distribution of these companies.



Explain why high technology companies are usually located near to other similar companies.



Table 1.1 shows the percentage of companies in each industrial sector.

Table 1.1 
Companies in each industrial sector

High technology industries in the industrial area

Number of companies in 2016

Percentage of total number of companies




Computer / telecommunications









Financial / business



Industrial technologies



Technical consulting



Other industries






Use these results to complete Fig. 1.5 below.



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67 marks

To investigate Hypothesis 2: High technology companies employ a highly skilled workforce, the students used a questionnaire with 50 employees from different high technology companies. Their questionnaire is shown in Fig. 1.7.



The results of Question 1 (Which one of the following is your highest academic qualification?) are shown in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3 
Answers to questionnaire

Question 1: Which one of the following is your highest academic qualification?


Number of answers

School qualification


Higher school qualification


University degree


Higher university degree


Question 2: Do you think your job is highly skilled?

Yes = 45

No = 5

Question 3: Why do you think your job is highly skilled?


Number of answers

I am able to give advice and support to other people and companies.


I understand how the results of my work can be used in other industries.


I receive a lot of training to understand what I need to do in my work.


I use complex machinery and technology in my work.


Use the results to complete Fig. 1.8 below.




The answers to Question 2 (Do you think your job is highly skilled?) are shown in Table 1.3. The reasons these people gave to answer Question 3 (Why do you think your job is highly skilled?) are also shown in Table 1.3.

The students decided that Hypothesis 2: High technology companies employ a highly skilled workforce, was correct. How do the answers to Questions 1, 2 and 3 support this conclusion?



Suggest two benefits which employees would give in answering Question 4 (What are the main benefits which you get from your job?).


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72 marks

Which two of the following are factors which attract high technology industries to an area? Tick your choices in the table below.

Location factor

Tick (✓)

Air pollution from the buildings will not affect local residents


Links to universities in the local area


Large quantities of raw materials nearby


Near to the main market for the produce


Road, rail and air transport links make the area accessible


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81 mark

A group of students in The Gambia visited Bafoloto quarry. The location of the quarry is shown in Fig. 2.1.


The Gambia is a small country in Africa. It is about 50km wide at the coast and narrows to only 24km wide inland. Use Fig. 2.1 to measure the length of The Gambia from west to east. Tick (✓) your answer below.











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93 marks

Mining and quarrying contribute a small proportion of the total GDP of The Gambia. This is shown in Table 2.1 below.

Table 2.1

Economic sector

% of GDP













Mining and quarrying


GDP is a measurement of the total value of goods and services produced in a country.


Which one of the following sectors of industry produces the highest percentage of The Gambia’s GDP? Circle your answer below.






Use the data in Table 2.1 to complete the pie graph, Fig. 2.2 below.



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102 marks

Bafoloto quarry in The Gambia, is shown in Fig. 2.3. below.  Laterite, which is used in building, is dug out at the quarry.


Fig 2.3

Describe two features of work at the quarry which are shown in Fig. 2.3.

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113 marks

To investigate Hypothesis 2: People gained benefits from going to work at Bafoloto quarry, the students used the answers to Question 3 in the questionnaire (Why do you work at the quarry?). Some answers to Question 3 are shown in Table 2.4 below.

The students reached the conclusion that Hypothesis 2: People gained benefits from going to work at Bafoloto quarry, was generally true.

Which three answers in Table 2.4 best support their conclusion? Tick (✓) your three choices below.

Table 2.4

Answers to Question 3 (Why do you work at the quarry?)

Answers to Question 3


Quarry work is better paid than farm work


No skills to do any other job


Earn money at the quarry (in the dry season) when there is no work to do on the farm


Relatives already work at the quarry


Send money to my family back home


Have paid for a licence to dig in the quarry


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18 marks

To test Hypothesis 1: The sectors (types) of high technology industry in the area changed between 2006 and 2016, the students compared the results of their survey with those of a similar survey done 10 years earlier. The results of both surveys are shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2

Comparison of numbers of companies in each industrial sector

High technology industries in the industrial area

Number of companies in 2006

Number of companies in 2016




Computer / telecommunications









Financial / business



Industrial technologies



Technical consulting



Other industries







The students used the data in Table 1.2 to draw the graph, Fig. 1.6, below. Complete the graph to show the changes in the number of bio-medical and computer/telecommunications companies.




What conclusion would the students make about Hypothesis 1: The sectors (types) of high technology industry in the area changed between 2006 and 2016? Support your decision with evidence from Fig. 1.6 and Table 1.2.



Companies in the ‘other industries’ sector shown in Table 1.1 include businesses such as a nursery (childcare centre), restaurant, and health club and gym.

Suggest two advantages for these companies of a location in this industrial area.


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28 marks

A group of students in The Gambia visited Bafoloto quarry. The location of the quarry is shown in Fig. 2.1.


The Gambia is a small country in Africa. It is about 50km wide at the coast and narrows to only 24km wide inland. Many mine workers come from other countries, particularly Senegal.

Students tested two hypotheses, which were:

Hypothesis 1: Over half of the quarry workers are male and from The Gambia

Hypothesis 2: People gained benefits from going to work at Bafoloto quarry

To investigate these hypotheses the students used a questionnaire with 50 of the 400 workers at the quarry.

To extend their fieldwork the students wanted to find out about working conditions and safety at the quarry.


Describe how they could collect information. Do not include a questionnaire survey in your method.



Suggest why it might be difficult for the students to collect information about working conditions and safety at the quarry.



Suggest two possible problems of working at the quarry.


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313 marks

Students tested two hypotheses, which were:

Hypothesis 1: Over half of the quarry workers are male and from The Gambia

Hypothesis 2: People gained benefits from going to work at Bafoloto quarry

To investigate these hypotheses the students used a questionnaire with 50 of the 400 workers at the quarry. This questionnaire is shown in Fig. 2.4.


Fig 2.4 


Before using the questionnaire, the students thought about the best way to make use of it. Name and describe a suitable sampling method for the students to use to select 50 workers. Explain why you have chosen this method.

Name of sampling method

Description of sampling method

Why this sampling method was chosen



Two age groups are missing from the questionnaire in Fig. 2.4. Add the two missing age groups to the table below.

Age group

Under 20



Over 60



Answers to Question 1 in the questionnaire (Which country do you come from?) are shown in Table 2.2 (below). Use this data to plot the numbers of male and female workers from Senegal on Fig. 2.5 below.

Table 2.2




What conclusion did the students make to Hypothesis 1: Over half of the quarry workers are male and from The Gambia? Support your answer with evidence from Fig. 2.5 and Table 2.2.



Answers to Question 2 in the questionnaire (How long have you worked at the quarry?) are shown in Table 2.3. 
Use  these results to complete the divided bar graph in Fig. 2.6 below.

Table 2.3



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47 marks

The results for Question 1 in the questionnaire are shown in Table 1.1.


One student showed the results of Question 1 on two different types of map. These are shown in Figs. 1.3 below and 1.4.



Do you agree with Hypothesis 1: Research and development employees generally live in different parts of the urban area compared to the assembly work employees? Support your conclusion with data from Figs. 1.3 and 1.4 and Table 1.1


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57 marks

Table 1.2 shows the results of Question 2 in the questionnaire, What are the two main disadvantages of living in your chosen areaa?

Table 1.2



Use the results from Table 1.2 to complete Fig. 1.5 below.




Which one of the conclusions below would the students make about Hypothesis 2:
Employees think that the journey to work is a main disadvantage of where they live?
Tick (✓) your choice and support your conclusion with evidence from Fig. 1.5 and Table 1.2.


Tick (✓)

The hypothesis is true for both groups of employees.


The hypothesis is true for one group of employees.


The hypothesis is true for neither group of employees



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66 marks

Traffic congestion may affect people’s journey to work.


Suggest two other problems which traffic congestion may cause.

   1 ..............................................................

   2 ..............................................................



Explain why traffic congestion occurs in urban areas.


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