Climate & Natural Vegetation (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography)

Exam Questions

3 hours50 questions
13 marks

Fig 1- Hot desert ecosystem

Study Fig 1. Describe the vegetation shown in the photograph 

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23 marks

Figs. 4.1 and 4.2 show part of a desert in southern Africa.


Figure 4.1 


Figure 4.2

Fig. 4.2 shows a waste heap produced by the mining of copper ore. Suggest how this may pose a threat to the natural environment.

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33 marks

Fig. 4.1 shows the annual rainfall totals for ten years for a place with a hot desert climate and a place with an equatorial climate.



What was the most frequent rainfall total for the place with a hot desert climate?



What was the range of rainfall totals for the place with a hot desert climate?



What was the average annual rainfall for the place with a hot desert climate? Circle your answer below.







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42 marks

Fig. 5.1 shows the world distribution of areas of equatorial climate.


Which two of the following statements describe the areas of equatorial climate shown on Fig. 5.1? Tick only two boxes below.


Tick (✓)

They are south of the Tropic of Capricorn.


They lie on the two tropics.


They are in every continent.


They are within 20° of the Equator.


They all reach a coastline.


They are north of the Tropic of Cancer.


They include every area on the Equator.


They include all the area between the tropics.


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53 marks

Fig. 5.2 shows the climate of area X shown in Fig. 5.1. Study Fig. 5.2 and answer the question below.


Which three of the following statements describe the climate of area X shown in Fig. 5.2? Tick only three boxes below.


Tick (✓)

There is a cold season.


July is the hottest month.


There is a low annual range of temperature.


Temperatures are high throughout the year.


January is the coldest month.


The annual rainfall is low.


January is the driest month.


October is the wettest month.


There are two wetter seasons.


There is a dry season.



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63 marks

The vegetation of the areas of equatorial climate is tropical rainforest. Name each of the following features of the tropical rainforest:


the continuous layer of leaves and branches formed near the top of the tall trees



the pointed ends of the leaves which help to get rid of excess rainfall



the roots which support the tall trees in the soft soil


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73 marks

Fig. 4.2 shows a desert area where there has been recent rainfall. 


Fig 4.2

Explain how the vegetation shown in Fig. 4.2 has been affected by this rainfall.

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84 marks

Fig. 3.1 shows the temperatures and rainfall of an area of equatorial climate.



The area shown on Fig. 3.1 has a temperature of 24°C and 250mm of rainfall in June. Plot this information on Fig. 3.1.



Use the information in Fig. 3.1 to complete the table below.

Feature of the climate



mean temperature of the hottest month



mean temperature of the coldest month



annual temperature range




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92 marks

The equatorial climate is constant throughout the year. Table 3.1 shows a typical day’s weather.

Table 3.1

Weather element

Average reading


maximum temperature



minimum temperature



maximum humidity



minimum humidity




0 – 2 oktas

00:00 – 06:00

3 – 5 oktas

06:00 – 12:00

6 – 8 oktas

12:00 – 18:00

2 – 5 oktas

18:00 – 24:00


Calculate the daily range of temperature shown in Table 3.1.



Using information in Table 3.1, at what time of day would rainfall be expected? Tick one box below.


Tick (✓)

00:00 – 06:00


06:00 – 12:00


12:00 – 18:00


18:00 – 24:00



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102 marks

Explain why the equatorial climate is constant throughout the year with little seasonal variation.

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112 marks

Two features of plants in the tropical rainforest are given below. Explain how each feature is adapted to the equatorial climate:


channelled leaves with drip tips;



broad leaves.


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3 marks

Fig. 5.1 shows a nutrient cycle in a tropical rainforest.


Fig. 5.1

Fig. 5.1 shows various processes which take place in a tropical rainforest. Identify each of the following processes:


rain falling



loss of water vapour from trees



loss of nutrients from the soil.


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133 marks

Suggest reasons why some local people are for deforestation and other local people are against it. For ........................................................................................ Against .................................................................................

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142 marks

Fig. 5.1 shows the world distribution of areas of hot desert climate.


Fig. 5.1

Which two of the following statements describe the areas of hot desert climate shown in Fig. 5.1? Tick (✓) only two boxes below.


tick (✓)

they are mostly between 30°N and 30°S


they are on the Equator


they are in every continent


they are mostly on the west sides of continents


they are in temperate latitudes


they are within 10 degrees of the Equator


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2 marks

Fig. 5.1 shows a nutrient cycle in a tropical rainforest.


Using Fig. 5.1, identify two reasons why soil becomes more infertile when trees are removed due to deforestation. 1 ........................................................................................... 2 ...........................................................................................

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163 marks

Fig. 5.2 shows the climate of part of the Sahara Desert, shown in Fig. 5.1. Study Fig. 5.2 and answer the question below.


Fig. 5.2

Which three of the following statements describe the climate of the area shown in Fig. 5.2? Tick () only three boxes below.


tick (✓)

there is low annual rainfall


rain falls throughout the year


August is the driest month


most rain falls in winter


the hottest monthly temperature is 30°C


there is a high annual range of temperature


January temperatures are hot


summers are cool


temperatures are high throughout the year


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173 marks

Fig. 5.3 (below) shows the vegetation of an area of hot desert climate.


Fig. 5.3


Describe the main features of the vegetation shown on Fig. 5.3.



Using evidence from Fig. 5.3 only, explain one way that the vegetation shown in Fig. 5.3 is adapted to the climate.


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14 marks

Study Fig 1, which shows vegetation in the rainforest. 

Explain how vegetation in the Tropical Rainforest has adapted to the climate


Fig 1 - Tropical rainforest 

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25 marks

Figs. 4.1 and 4.2 show part of a desert in southern Africa.


Figure 4.1 


Figure 4.2

Describe the vegetation shown in Figs. 4.1 and 4.2.

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36 marks

Study Photograph 3.1, which shows an area of tropical rainforest. 


Photograph 3.1

Describe the vegetation seen in the photograph.

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