Earthquakes & Volcanoes (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography)

Exam Questions

4 hours52 questions
11 mark

Study Fig 1, which shows the distribution of earthquakes


State the type of plate boundary at X 

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3 marks

Study Fig. 3.1, which shows three different types of plate boundary.



Which diagram, A, B or C, shows a conservative plate boundary?



Shield volcanoes are often formed on constructive (divergent) plate boundaries. Describe two characteristics of a shield volcano.
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3 marks

Study Fig. 3.1, which shows information about the problems faced by households after an earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.



Complete Fig. 3.1 by plotting the following information: 13% of households were affected by lack of clean water after the earthquake.



Identify the two main problems caused by the earthquake in Haiti.
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43 marks

Study Fig. 3.1, which shows information about the problems faced by households after an earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.


Explain why it is necessary to provide clean water and sanitation after an earthquake.

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3 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which is a diagram of a volcano.


Use labelled arrows to show the following features in Fig. 3.2:

- crater
- main vent
- magma chamber

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6 marks

Study Fig. 4.1, which is a cross section through a volcano.



What type of plate boundary is shown in Fig. 4.1?



Choose the correct labels for features X and Y shown in Fig. 4.1. Choose from the list below:
- convection currents
- direction of plate movement
- lava escaping from the volcano
- new crust created - subduction.

  X ....................................................................................................

 Y ....................................................................................................



Using Fig. 4.1, identify three different hazards caused by a volcanic eruption which may cause injuries, deaths and damage.


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3 marks

Study Fig. 4.2, which shows information about two earthquakes, one which occurred in an MEDC and one in an LEDC.


Kobe (in an MEDC)

Port-au-Prince (in an LEDC)

time of day



depth of focus



magnitude (Richter scale)









homeless people



cost of damage

US$220 billion

US$11 billion

Fig. 4.2

Describe the differences in the impacts of the earthquakes at Kobe and Port-au-Prince.

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86 marks

Study Fig. 3.1, which shows information about an earthquake.




Tick () the one statement in the table below which is the correct definition of a fault.


tick (✓)

a fracture of the rocks that make up the Earth’s crust


large slowly moving slabs of rock


the point at the surface of the Earth where the earthquake occurs


waves that transmit the energy released by an earthquake




Identify the points labelled P and Q in Fig. 3.1

P ......................................................................................................
Q ......................................................................................................



Using evidence from Fig. 3.1, explain why earthquakes occur.


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93 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which shows information about two earthquakes which occurred in 2018.

Venezuela 21 August 2018

The August 2018 Venezuela earthquake measured 7.3 on the Richter scale and was one of the largest earthquakes ever to strike Venezuela. It occurred at a depth of 154 kilometres and was felt as far away as Bogotá, Colombia and Paramaribo, Suriname. The earthquake killed five people.

Indonesia 28 September 2018

Following the earthquake in Indonesia measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, at a depth of 20kilometres, a tsunami occurred. This had a height of around 5 to 7 metres, and flooded the settlements of Palu, Donggala and Mamuju. At least 2256 people were confirmed killed, with hundreds more missing.


Using information from Fig. 3.2 only, state three reasons why the earthquake in Indonesia caused more deaths and injuries than the earthquake in Venezuela.

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106 marks

Study Fig. 3.1, which shows the Earth’s tectonic plates and their boundaries.


Fig. 3.1


At which type of plate boundary do plates move away from each other? Circle your answer.


 Convergent (Destructive)

   Divergent (Constructive)



Explain why boundaries where plates move towards each other are known as destructive boundaries.



Explain why volcanoes form at places where plates move away from each other.


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113 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which shows information about an eruption of Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii.


Fig. 3.2

Compare the flow of lava from Mokuaweoweo crater (labelled M on Fig. 3.2) with the flow from Pu’u Ula’ula crater (labelled P).

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126 marks

Study Fig. 4.1, which is a map of earthquakes in part of South America in the 21st century.


Fig. 4.1


What is meant by depth of focus?



Describe how the depth of focus of the earthquakes shown in Fig. 4.1 changes along line A–B. Use data in your answer.



Explain why the depth of focus changes from A to B in Fig. 4.1.


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133 marks

Study Fig. 4.2, which shows information about how to make a room safer in an earthquake.


Fig. 4.2

Give three ways that Room B is likely to be safer in an earthquake than Room A.

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3 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which is a map showing information about earthquakes which caused more than 10 000 deaths in different parts of the world (1900-2011).


The distribution of earthquakes is uneven. Describe the distribution of the areas where earthquakes caused more than 10 000 deaths between 1900 and 2011.

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4 marks

Describe the benefits of living near volcanoes.

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4 marks

Explain what can be done to reduce the impacts of eruptions on people who live near volcanoes.

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34 marks

Explain how new buildings can be earthquake-proofed, so that they are less likely to be damaged in an earthquake.

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45 marks

Explain how volcanoes offer opportunities to the people who live close to them.

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55 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which is a map showing information about earthquakes which caused more than 10 000 deaths in different parts of the world (1900-2011).


Explain why the distribution of the areas where large numbers of deaths have been caused by earthquakes is uneven.

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5 marks

Explain why earthquakes of the same magnitude may have different impacts.

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79 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which shows information about two earthquakes which occurred in 2018.

Venezuela 21 August 2018

The August 2018 Venezuela earthquake measured 7.3 on the Richter scale and was one of the largest earthquakes ever to strike Venezuela. It occurred at a depth of 154 kilometres and was felt as far away as Bogotá, Colombia and Paramaribo, Suriname. The earthquake killed five people.

Indonesia 28 September 2018

Following the earthquake in Indonesia measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, at a depth of 20kilometres, a tsunami occurred. This had a height of around 5 to 7 metres, and flooded the settlements of Palu, Donggala and Mamuju. At least 2256 people were confirmed killed, with hundreds more missing.



Explain why large earthquakes are likely to cause more deaths and injuries in LEDCs than in MEDCs.



Explain why many people live in areas which are at risk from earthquakes.


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84 marks

Draw a diagram of a strato-volcano (composite cone) in the box below and label its main features.

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95 marks

Study Fig. 3.2, which shows information about an eruption of Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii.


Fig. 3.2

Explain why more deaths and injuries are caused by earthquakes than by volcanic eruptions.

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104 marks

Study Fig. 4.1, which is a map of earthquakes in part of South America in the 21st century.


Fig. 4.1

Explain why many people live in areas where earthquakes occur.

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115 marks

Study Fig. 4.2, which shows information about how to make a room safer in an earthquake.


Fig. 4.2

Explain why earthquakes are likely to cause more injuries and deaths than volcanic eruptions.

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7 marks

With reference to a place you have studied, explain how living close to a tectonically active area can have advantages as well as risks 

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27 marks

Explain why an earthquake occurred in a named area you have studied.

Name of area ..............................................

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37 marks

Volcanic eruptions are another tectonic hazard.

For a named volcano you have studied, explain the causes of a volcanic eruption.

Name of volcano ..................................................

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47 marks

For a named example you have studied, explain the causes of an earthquake.

Name of example ..........................................

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57 marks

For a named volcano you have studied, explain the causes of an eruption.

Name of volcano ................................................

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67 marks

For a named area which you have studied, explain the causes of an earthquake.

Name of area ..............................

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77 marks

Explain the causes of the eruption of a named volcano.

Name of volcano ....................................

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