Settlements & Service Provision (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography): Exam Questions

5 hours50 questions
1a1 mark

Which one of the following statements describes a settlement hierarchy?

  • settlements in order of population size and importance

  • linear, nucleated and dispersed settlement

  • how a settlement has grown over time

  • the physical factors which lead to the growth of a settlement

1b1 mark

Which one of the following statements describes a service?

  • the site and situation of a settlement

  • the sphere of influence of a settlement

  • amenities provided in a settlement for the population, e.g. shops

  • a type of settlement pattern, e.g. linear

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2a2 marks

A class of students from a rural area of Wales were studying settlement and service provision.

In class, the students revised the ‘hierarchy of services’. Services can be classified as high-order, middle-order and low-order.

Table 2.1 below shows examples of different services in the hierarchy of services.

Complete the table by adding the following services:

  bus stop             fire station          airport

Table 2.1

high-order service

middle-order service

low-order service


health centre






2b1 mark

Which one of the following is the correct definition of ‘low-order service’? Tick (✓) your answer.


Tick (✓)

a service which is frequently used


a service which is occasionally used


a service which is rarely used



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36 marks

Fig. 2.1 shows a settlement in a valley in northern England.


Suggest how each of the following factors has influenced the sites and growth of settlement in the area shown in Fig. 2.1:


transport and accessibility



water supply



protection from flooding





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43 marks

Study Fig. 3.2 (below), which is a photograph showing new residential development in Shenzhen. Using evidence from Fig. 3.2 only, describe three advantages of living there.


Fig. 3.2


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53 marks

Table 3.1 shows the settlement hierarchy in County Tipperary, Ireland.

Table 3.1

type of settlement

number of settlements

position in hierarchy

regional town (RT)



sub-regional town (SRT)


district town (DT)


service centre (SC)


local service centre (LSC)


small settlement (SS)



Using information from Table 3.1, plot the number of district towns in Fig. 3.1 below.


Fig. 3.1



Describe the relationship between position in the settlement hierarchy and number of settlements as shown in Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.1.



What is unusual about the number of local service centres (LSCs) in Fig. 3.1?


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62 marks

Fig. 3.2 shows the locations of settlements highest in the settlement hierarchy in County Tipperary.


Fig. 3.2

Describe the distribution of settlements shown in Fig. 3.2.

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73 marks


Using evidence from Fig. 3.2, suggest why Templemore has not grown into a larger settlement.



Using evidence from Fig. 3.2, suggest why Cahir has grown into an important settlement.



Using evidence from Fig. 3.2, suggest a disadvantage of the location of Clonmel as the regional town (highest in the settlement hierarchy) of County Tipperary.



Fig. 3.2

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14 marks

Describe the distribution of the settlement types on Wales


Fig 1 - Distribution of settlements in Wales

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24 marks

Study Fig 1, which shows a map of Plymouth


Fig 1

With reference to the map, suggest reasons for the site and situation of Plymouth’s urban area 

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3a4 marks

Fig. 2.1 shows the settlement hierarchy in South Holland, an area in the United Kingdom.



Using evidence from Fig. 2.1, suggest why Spalding has become the main town in South Holland.



Using Fig. 2.1, compare the main road links of the second and third order settlements.


3b1 mark

In Fig. 2.1, draw the possible sphere of influence of Long Sutton, a second order settlement.

3c1 mark

The distribution of settlements in Fig. 2.1 is not even. Suggest one possible reason for this.

3d2 marks

Fig. 2.2 shows the relationship between settlement order and number of settlements in South Holland.



Using information from Fig. 2.1, plot the number of third order settlements in Fig. 2.2.



Describe the relationship between settlement order and number of settlements in South Holland shown in Fig. 2.2.


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44 marks

Fig. 3.1 shows the spheres of influence of four services located in town A and the sphere of influence of one service in town B.



Explain why the four services in town A have different sized spheres of influence.



Put the four services in town A in order to show the hierarchy of services. 



The sphere of influence of the supermarket in town A overlaps with the sphere of influence of the supermarket in town B. Suggest reasons for this.


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54 marks

Fig. 3.2 shows the sphere of influence of the supermarket in town A.

Using Fig. 3.2, explain the shape of the sphere of influence of the supermarket.


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65 marks

Shenzhen, China has undergone extensive urbanisation. Table 3.1 shows the changes in the area covered by different urban land uses from 2001–2005.

Table 3.1



land use (km2)

























Use the information in Table 3.1 to complete Fig. 3.1.


Fig. 3.1



Using Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.1, state the land use that showed the largest increase between 2001 and 2005.



Many new industries such as electronics have been located in the rural-urban fringe. Suggest reasons why they have located there.


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