Settlements & Service Provision (CIE IGCSE Geography)

Topic Questions

5 hours46 questions
18 marks

To investigate Hypothesis 2: People travel further to use high-order services than low-order services, the students made a questionnaire to use with 30 residents in settlement F.

Describe three features of a good questionnaire. 

In their questionnaire the students included a question about how far people travelled to get different services. Their results for four services are shown in Table 2.4 (Insert). 


Use the information in Table 2.4 to plot the number of people who travelled more than 20km to a clothes shop on Fig. 2.2 below.

What conclusion would the students make about Hypothesis 2: People travel further to use high-order services than low-order services? Use evidence from Fig. 2.2 and Table 2.4 to support your decision. 

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24 marks

The students wanted to find out more about how settlement H had grown since 1990. They obtained a land use map of the settlement in 1990. Describe a piece of fieldwork to investigate how land use in the settlement changed between 1990 and 2018.


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37 marks

To compare the different shops and services in 1981 and 2012 the students produced Table 2.1 below.

Table 2.1
Number of shops, services and other buildings located on the main shopping street

Category 1981 2012
Clothes and shoes 8 5
Food 20 13
Specialist non-food (including bookshop, wool
shop, chemist, mobile or cell phones, gift shop)
29 26
Other shops 3 4
Finance (including banks) 9 7
Entertainment (including restaurant, café, bar) 5 9
Other services (including doctor’s surgery,
estate agent, optician, shoe repairs, solicitor)
17 17
Office 2 1
Other buildings    
Empty (vacant) building 4 9
House (residential) 12 14
Total 109 105

The students obtained the data for 1981 from an old map of the area.
Which one of the following is the correct description of this old map?
Tick () your choice.

  Tick ()
primary source of data  
secondary source of data  
tertiary source of data  
The students used Table 2.1 to draw the graph, Fig. 2.2, below.
Complete the graph to show the changes in the number of food shops and entertainment services.

What conclusion would the students make about Hypothesis 1: Shops and services on the main shopping street have changed between 1981 and 2012? Support your decision with evidence from Table 2.1 and Fig. 2.2.

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410 marks
Table 2.3 below shows the results of Question 1 in the questionnaire.

Table 2.3

Results of Question 1: How often do you shop in the town centre?

Frequency Number of answers
Every day 11
Once a week 52
Once a month 20
Less than once a month 17

Use the results from Table 2.3 and the key below to complete the pie graph, Fig. 2.4, below.


Table 6 below shows the results of Question 2 in the questionnaire.
Table 2.4

Results of Question 2: Where do you usually shop?

Location Number of answers
Town centre shops 12
Local supermarket 26
Retail park on the edge of town 40
Other town or city 22

Use the results from Table 2.4 and the key below to complete the divided bar graph, Fig. 2.5, below.


The students put the answers to Questions 3 and 4 in the questionnaire into groups. These results are shown in Table 2.5 (Insert).

Under which advantage or disadvantage in Table 2.5 would the following answers be included?

1 I often visit the shop which sells rare books and antiques.


2 I prefer to shop in another city where there are department stores and more shops which sell clothes and jewellery.

The students reached the conclusion that Hypothesis 2: Most people in the local area have positive opinions about shopping in the town centre was false. Support this conclusion with evidence from the results of the questionnaire.

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