Collecting Weather Data (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography) : Revision Note
Weather Instruments
Stevenson screen
This wooden box stands on four legs at a height of 121 cm to avoid ground heat affecting the thermometer bulbs at 125 cm
They are painted white to reflect the sun's rays
Made of wood to prevent heat transfer
The sides are slatted (louvred) to allow free movement of air
The wood is double-layered with airspace for insulation
The screen is placed on grass to reduce ground heat
Daily readings are taken at the same time
Today, meteorological stations send data to the Met Office's computers using automated digital recording equipment
The instruments inside include:
Maximum-minimum thermometer (Six's thermometer)
Hygrometer with wet and dry bulb
Instruments found outside include
Rain gauge
Wind vane
The weather station layout is:
Barometers and barographs are protected from severe winds, direct sunshine, and heat
Heat-radiating buildings are avoided for thermometers
Wind vanes and anemometers should be placed outside, away from trees and buildings, and at least three times the height of the nearest obstacle
The rain gauge must be in an open space twice its height from the nearest object

Examiner Tips and Tricks
You must know the difference between weather and climate.
Weather is what you get on a day-to-day basis—rain, sun, snow, etc.—and measured over days.
Climate is what you expect—warm summers and cold winters if you are in the northern hemisphere. Climate is measured over a longer period of time—30 years.
Worked Example
Describe and explain the ideal location of a Stevenson Screen.
[5 Marks]
Ideas such as:
In the open/away from buildings [1] so that it is not affected by heat from buildings [1]
Away from trees [1], so that it is not sheltered/to avoid being in the shade/shadow [1]
On grass [1] which does not absorb heat [1]
Away from the general public [1] to avoid tampering/vandalism, etc. [1]
5 @ 1 mark or development
Wind direction
Wind direction is measured with a wind vane
Direction is the compass point from where the wind is blowing—south, north, north-east, etc.
The unit of measurement for wind direction is compass direction

Wind speed
Anemometers measure wind speed
Wind speed is measured in m/s or km/hr
The anemometer has 3 or 4 cups on metal arms that spin freely on a 10 m vertical shaft
The cups rotate quicker and the counter records more rotations with stronger winds
Hold digital portable anemometers into the wind, and the fan revolves to display the number on the screen
Many digital anemometers send data directly to apps and computers for readings
Wind vanes and anemometers are far from buildings and trees that could block airflow
Buildings can form wind tunnels or delay airflow, affecting reading accuracy
Illustration of digital and manual anemometers
Precipitation is any water that falls to earth—hail, mist, rain, sleet, or snow
The unit of measure is millimetres (mm)
A rain gauge is used to measure precipitation
At the same time each day, any water that has collected is poured into a tapered measuring cylinder on a flat surface
The water level is then read with the eye at the same level as the lowest part of the meniscus of the water
Measurements are then recorded; too small a reading and it is recorded as 'trace'

Measurements are in Celsius ° C or Fahrenheit ° F, depending on location
Temperature is measured using a thermometer or thermograph
Shade temperature is measured, as air temperature is variable due to direct insolation and cloud cover
Several types of thermometers can be used, but the most traditional is a Six's thermometer, which houses a maximum and minimum thermometer in a U shape
The following measurements can be done:
Daily minimum temperature
Daily maximum temperature
Average temperature calculations for one day
Temperature range for 24 hrs—called the diurnal temperature range
Recording the daily mean temperature for a month and dividing it by the number of days in that month provides the mean monthly temperature
The sum of the mean monthly temperatures divided by 12, which gives the mean annual temperature
A thermograph has an exposed bimetallic strip which deforms with a change in temperature
This change is transmitted to amplifying levers which trace a curve on a roll of graph paper
A vertical movement of 1 mm is equivalent to about 1°C

Examiner Tips and Tricks
You may be asked to calculate temperatures for a range of events for example:
Lagos has a minimum temperature of 25°C and a maximum temperature of 35°C for one day
Calculate the diurnal temperature range
Subtracting the minimum temperature from the maximum temperature (35 - 27 = 10 °C range for one day)
Dhaka has a mean maximum temperature of 25.5°C (March) and a mean minimum temperature of 22.5°C (August)
Calculate the mean annual temperature range
Subtract the highest mean monthly temperature from the lowest monthly temperature (27.5 - 24.5 = 3°C)
3°C is the mean annual temperature range, so it stays a fairly constant temperature all year round
Always add the unit to your answer as habit, or you could lose marks.
Humidity is the amount of water vapour in a given volume of air
Hygrometers measure relative humidity with wet and dry bulb thermometers
Relative humidity measures the amount of water vapour in the air compared to its maximum capacity at a given temperature
Warm air holds more water vapour than cold air
When the air is holding as much moisture as it can, it’s said to be saturated
If the air is not saturated, water vapour evaporates from wet bulb muslin, cooling the bulb and lowering the mercury temperature
If the air is saturated with vapour, evaporation is impossible, so both thermometers show the same temperature

Air has weight and exerts pressure on the Earth's surface
Sea level pressure is approximately 1.03 kg/cm²
Pressure varies with altitude and temperature
The unit of measurement is millibars (mb)
Lines of pressure on a map are called isobars
A barometer measures air pressure, of which there are 3 types:
Mercury barometer
Aneroid barometer
A barograph
A mercury barometer is a hollow tube with all the air extracted
The open end is then placed in a bath of mercury
The atmospheric pressure on the mercury in the bath forces it up the tube
When the two pressures equalise, the mercury will stop rising in the tube
The height of the column of mercury will change with air pressure
It rises as air pressure increases
It drops as air pressure falls
An aneroid barometer has a partly vacuumed, corrugated metal chamber inside
There is a strong metal spring within the chamber that prevents it from collapsing
The spring will expand and contract with changes in atmospheric pressure
Levers magnify these changes, and a pointer moves across a calibrated scale to show atmospheric pressure at that time
A barograph is a continuous reading of atmospheric pressure for one week
A flexible arm tracks changes in pressure on a rotating cylinder
Paper with 2-hour vertical lines divided across it covers the cylinder

Worked Example
Name the weather recording instruments with each of the following features:
[6 Marks]
Feature | Instrument |
Cups |
Funnel |
Levers |
Arrow |
Corrugated metal chamber |
Wick |
Rain gauge
Barograph or thermograph
Weather or wind vane
Aneroid barometer
Wet and dry bulb thermometer or hygrometer
Sunshine hours
A Cambell-Stokes sphere calculates the hours and minutes of sunshine that a location receives
The recorder is a metal-framed glass sphere
The sphere focuses sunlight on a recording card below the focal point
The rays leave a trace on the card, indicating the length of the sunshine at that point
At day's end, the card is replaced
How it is used
Sunshine recorder is placed in an open space, south-facing in northern hemisphere or north-facing in southern hemisphere
Make sure the recorder is outside, unaffected by shade and has direct exposure to sun’s rays
On the roof of a building
On a pedestal or stand
Where the sun shines all day
Make sure the paper (card or sheet) is inside
The sun’s rays will scorch/burn the card (paper or sheet)
At the end of the day, measure the length of the burn line, then convert to hours and finally calculate the time it was sunny
Record every 24 hours at the same time every day and stop at sunset to record for the day
Remove and replace the card (paper or sheet) each day into sunshine recorder

Cloud cover is measured in units of oktas
Each okta represents an eighth of the sky that is cloud-covered
0 oktas = clear sky, 8 oktas = total coverage
Clouds are categorised according to shape and height using Latin terms
Stratus means layers
Nimbus means rainy cloud, etc.
Clouds consist of tiny water droplets or ice particles that are too light to fall to Earth
Clouds will form when air rises, cools and condenses into water droplets or ice crystals if cold enough
The tallest clouds form in the tropical regions, as the tropopause is at its highest and clouds do not form beyond it
Clouds only produce precipitation if they have enough water or ice particles that can collide and join together
As the particles grow too big and heavy to be supported in the air, they will fall through the rising air currents
Cumulonimbus and stratus are the only clouds capable of producing precipitation
Stratus clouds are just thick enough to produce drizzle
Cumulonimbus clouds have strong rising air currents, vertical height and thickness

Level: high above 6 km
Description: narrow wisps, white and made of ice crystals
Weather: fine
Level: high above 6 km
Description: thin, white layers made of ice crystals with a wide horizontal spread often covers whole sky
Weather: fine
Level: high above 6 km
Description: thin, white, heaped cloud with ice crystals
Weather: fine
Level: medium 2-6 km
Description: can be thin and white or grey and thick with layer of water droplets
Weather: fine
Level: medium 2-6 km
Description: thick white, or grey-looking, heaped cloud of water droplets
Weather: fine
Level: low 0-2 km
Description: thin, uniform, grey sheet of small water droplets with a fairly flat base
Weather: fine drizzle
Level: low 0-2 km
Description: white with a darker, flat base and a billowy/globular upper surface. Made of water droplets and can be compact or have height
Weather: sunny by day, fine weather
Level: low 0-2 km
Description: white and grey partly heaped cloud made of water droplets
Weather: fine
Level: base can be low or above 2 km
Description: thick, dark grey layers of water droplets
Weather: steady rain or drizzle
Level: low base, but cloud usually extends to high levels
Description: dense, dark grey with vertical height, storm clouds. Form from cumulous clouds and have a billowy head. The head flattens as it reaches the tropopause and will then spread out in an anvil shape. Composed of ice crystals at the higher levels and water droplets at the lower levels
Weather: very heavy rain, snow showers or hail with thunder and lighting

Tropical storms
Tropical storm is the collective name for deep, low-pressure systems with spirals of strong air
They are known as:
Typhoons in the South China Sea and west Pacific Ocean
Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and west coast of Mexico
Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and northern Australia
High winds, floods, and storm surges all cause damage
Tropical storms are rated on the five-point Saffir-Simpson scale based on wind speeds
Tropical storms are considered major when they reach category 3 and have wind speeds between 111-129 miles (178-208 kilometres) per hour
A category 5 storm can deliver wind speeds of more than 157 miles (252 km) an hour
The path of a hurricane can be erratic, so landfall is not easy to predict, and this makes evacuation times short
Tropical storms develop as intense low-pressure systems over the warm tropical oceans
Winds spiral rapidly around a calm central area known as the eye
Tropical storms can be as much as 800 km in diameter, but winds are not constant across that; they vary, with the strongest and most destructive winds being found within the eyewall
Category | Wind Speeds | Damage |
1 | 74-95 mph 119-153 km/h | Some |
2 | 96-100 mph 154-177 km/h | Extensive |
3 | 111-129 mph 178-208 km/h | Devastating |
4 | 130-156 mph 209-251 km/h | Catastrophic |
5 | 157 mph or higher 252 km/h | Catastrophic |

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