Reducing the Impact of Earthquakes & Volcanoes (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography)

Revision Note

Bridgette Barrett


Geography Lead

Reducing the Impacts of Earthquakes & Volcanoes

  • The responses to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can be short term or long term

    • Short term responses are those which happen straight after an event and include aid and disaster relief

    • Long term responses aim to reduce the impact of future hazard events and include risk assessments and hazard mapping

Earthquakes - long term responses

  • Accurate prediction of earthquakes is not currently possible, but monitoring is

  • Many different methods of monitoring are being used to help research possible prediction methods:

    • Tiltmeters - which monitors ground changes

    • Clusters of small earthquakes

    • Changes in radon gas emissions

    • Changes in animal behaviour

    • Remote sensing of ground movement using satellites

  • In developed countries building design and engineering is commonly used to reduce the impact of earthquakes

  • Building regulations and codes require new buildings to include earthquake resistant features:

    • Shutters on windows prevent falling glass

    • Cross-bracing or diagonal bracing of steel frames

    • Flexible building materials

    • Foundations sunk deep into the bedrock

    • Frames which sway with the earthquake tremors

    • Rubber shock absorbers to reduce tremors moving through the building

    • Reinforce walls/pillars with concrete

    • Shatter proof/reinforced glass

    • Fire resistant materials

    • Automatic cut off for gas/electricity

  • In many countries earthquake drills are regularly carried out

  • The drills help people to prepare for what to do in an earthquake to protect themselves

  • Education about how to prepare homes means that people are less likely to be injured by falling objects and furniture

Volcanoes and earthquakes - long term responses

  • There are some examples of planning which are used in both areas vulnerable to earthquakes and those vulnerable to volcanic eruptions

  • In vulnerable areas:

    • Remote sensing of the Earth's surface by satellites such as Sentinel 1 provides data about changes in ground movement

    • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provides layers of data such as:

      • vulnerable areas

      • land use

      • infrastructure such as roads

    • GIS data is then used to assist with land use planning

    • Land Use Planning

      • Mapping of areas most at risk from earthquakes

      • Planning can ensure that valuable services such as the fire service and hospitals are not built in high risk areas

      • Densely populated housing can be located away from high-risk areas

Worked Example

Explain how new buildings can be earthquake-proofed, so they are less likely to be damaged in an earthquake.

[4 Marks]


  • Build deep/stronger/sturdier foundations/base [1]

  • Reinforce/use concrete/bricks for buildings/walls/roofs [1]

  • Use metal/steel/aluminium beams [1]

  • Use diagonal bracing [1]

  • Flexible building materials [1]

  • Use dampers/shock absorbers in base of building [1]

  • Computers controlled weights/counter balances on roof/weight on roof [1]

  • Automatic window shutters [1]

  • Shatter proof/strong/reinforced glass [1]

  • Use fire resistant materials [1]

  • Build low building/do not build high rise [1]

  • Use automatic cut off for gas pipes/electricity cables [1]

Case Study: Nepal

  • Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of under $1000 

  • Located between China and India, Nepal is a landlocked country

  • In 2015 80% of the population lived in rural, often remote, communities

  • In April 2015 at 11.26 am Nepal was struck by an earthquake, magnitude 7.8

  • The epicentre was 80 km northwest of Kathmandu in the Gorka district

  • The focus was shallow at only 15 km beneath the surface

  • Over 300 aftershocks followed the main earthquake

Location of Nepal Earthquake


  • Nepal is located on a collision boundary between the Indian and Eurasian plates


  • Approximately 9000 deaths 

  • Over 20,000 people injured

  • Electricity and water supplies cut

  • 7000 schools and 1000 health facilities were damaged or destroyed

  • Almost 3.5 million people were made homeless

  • Offices, shops and factories were destroyed meaning people were unable to make a living

  • UNESCO world heritage sites destroyed as well as many temples

  • Loss of tourist income which Nepal is reliant on

  • Avalanches on Mount Everest and in the Langtang Valley

  • Landslides which blocked roads and rivers

  • Damages estimated at between $7 and $10 billion about 35% of the GDP

Immediate responses

  • Donations of money and aid from around the world totally $3 billion including $3.3 million from China and $51 million from the UK 

  • Many countries sent aid in the form of:

    • Temporary shelters

    • Medicines

    • Food

    • Water

    • Clothing

    • Search and rescue teams

    • Medical staff

  • 90% of the Nepalese army were mobilised 

  • Tent cities were set up in Kathmandu for those made homeless

  • GIS crisis mapping tool was used to co-ordinate the response

  • $3 million grant was provided by the Asian Development Bank for emergency relief

Long term response

  • Landslides were cleared and roads repaired to restore access to remote rural communities

  • Schools were rebuilt

  • Earthquake drills were introduced to provide people with education about what to do in the event of an earthquake

  • Stricter building codes with more enforcement

  • $200 million was provided by the Asian Development Bank for rebuilding

  • A new government task force was set up to plan for future earthquake events 

Case Study: La Palma

  • Part of the Canary Islands, La Palma is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Africa

  • The Canary Islands are an autonomous region of Spain

  • There are 33 volcanoes across the Canary Islands, 10 of which are in La Palma

  • La Palma has a population of 85,000

  • The Cumbre Viejo volcano on La Palma began to erupt on the 19th September 2021 and the eruption lasted for almost three months

  • The eruption was VEI 2 to VEI 3

Location of Cumbre Vieja Volcano


  • La Palma and the other Canary Islands are located on the African plate

  • The islands are an archipelago which has formed as the result of a hot spot

  • This means that they are not located on a plate boundary but over a magma plume

Signs of eruption

  • Deformation of the mountain indicated rising magma about a week before the eruption

  • Between 10-19th September there were over 25,000 earthquakes - an 'earthquake swarm


  • Over 7,000 people had to be evacuated from their homes

  • Almost 1,500 houses were destroyed by the lava flow

  • Over 1,500 other buildings such as churches, shops, schools were destroyed

  • The lava flow cut across the coastal highway

  • Water supply was cut off for almost 3,000 people

  • 400 hectares of banana farms were destroyed

  • Almost 1,300 hectares of land was effected

  • 1 death

  • About 20,000 people were exposed to the eruption and its effects

  • Air traffic disruption

  • €1 billion damages

Immediate response

  • A warning was issued of an eruption on 13th September and 40 people and livestock were evacuated

  • A further 1000 people were evacuated after the eruption began on the 19th September

  • 5600 more people were evacuated over the next few weeks

  • Alert level was raised to red

  • Air traffic was briefly suspended

  • Constant monitoring of lava flow and gas emissions to ensure the safety of the population

  • Food and shelter were provided for those made homeless

  • €5.4 million advanced payment donated by the EU

Long term response

  • Spain promised €400 million to La Palma for rebuilding

  • Prefabricated housing was built for those made homeless but six months on many people were still living in hotels and with family/friends

  • Constant monitoring of the volcano and others on La Palma

  • Improved crisis management processes now in place for future eruptions 

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Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.