Causes of Earthquakes & Volcanoes (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography)

Revision Note

Bridgette Barrett


Geography Lead

Causes of Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions

The structure of the Earth

  • The Earth is composed of four main layers

    • Inner core - about 1400km in diameter, a solid and dense layer composed of iron and nickel with temperatures of about 5500oC

    • Outer core - about 2100km thick, a semi-molten metal layer with temperatures between about 5000-5500oC

    • Mantle - about 2900km thick, a semi-molten layer which is less dense than the outer core 

    • Crust - the thickness varies and it is made up of two types of crust 

Structure of the Earth


  • There are two types of crust

    • Continental crust is thick (25-90km), old and not as dense as oceanic crust

    • Oceanic crust is thinner (5-10km), heavier and denser than continental crust

  • Oceanic crust is continually being created and destroyed as a result of plate movement where it is denser and so subducts under the continental crust

Plate tectonics

  • The crust is broken into a number of tectonic plates

Tectonic Plates
  • These plates move on top of the semi-molten mantle below.

  • The movement of the plates is in part due to the convection currents within the mantle

  • A plate boundary or margin is where two plates meet

Types of plate boundary

  • Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes most commonly occur at or near plate boundaries

  • There are four main types of plate boundaries:

    • Divergent (constructive)

    • Convergent (destructive)

    • Collision

    • Transform (conservative)

Divergent (constructive) plate boundary

  • At a divergent boundary the plates are moving apart

  • The Mid Atlantic Ridge is an example of a divergent plate boundary

  • Both volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can occur at this type of plate boundary

Divergent (constructive) plate boundary

Convergent (destructive) plate boundary

  • At a convergent (destructive) plate boundary the plates are moving towards each other

  • The denser, heavier oceanic plate subducts under the lighter, less dense continental plate

  • The boundary between the Nazca plate and the South American plate is an example

  • Both volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur at this type of plate boundary

Convergent (destructive) Plate Boundary

Collision boundary

  • At a collision boundary two plates of similar density move towards each other

  • Neither is dense enough to subduct, so the land is pushed upwards

  • This forms fold mountains such as the Himalayas

  • Earthquakes are the main hazard at this type of plate boundary

Collision Boundary

Transform (conservative) boundary

  • At a transform (conservative) boundary the plates move passed each other in opposite directions or in the same direction at different speeds

  • Earthquakes are the only hazard at this type of boundary

Transform (conservative) Boundary

Worked Example

Study Fig 1, which is a cross-section through a volcano.

[1 Mark]


Fig 1

(i) What type of plate boundary is shown in Fig 1?


  • Constructive/divergent [1]

(ii) Choose the correct labels for features X and Y shown in Fig 1.

     Choose from the list below:

- convection currents

- direction of plate movement

- lava escaping from the volcano

- new crust created

- subduction


  • X = convection currents

  • Y = direction of plate movement

Examiner Tip

Draw each of the plate boundaries and add annotations to outline the processes. This will help you to remember what happens at each one.

Causes of Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions

  • Volcanoes occur at divergent (constructive), convergent (destructive) plate boundaries and hot spots

  • Volcanoes do not occur at collision boundaries or transform (conservative) boundaries

Volcanoes at constructive boundaries

  • At a divergent (constructive) the tectonic plates are moving away from each other:

    • Divergent plate boundaries often occur under the sea/ocean

    • The lava escapes through the gap left as the plates move apart

    • The lava cools and hardens forming a new crust

  • At divergent plate boundaries the lava tends to be runny, and eruptions are less explosive

  • These types of eruption form shield volcanoes which have gently sloping sides

Volcanoes at destructive boundaries

  • At a destructive (convergent) boundary the tectonic plates are moving towards each other:

    • The heavier, denser oceanic plate subducts under the lighter continental plate

    • In the subduction zone the two plates come together causing friction

    • Friction causes heat and the plate material melts forming magma

    • The magma rises to the surface through cracks in the crust

    • The cooling lava and ash build up forming a volcano

  • At destructive plate boundaries the lava tends to be sticky and produces explosive eruptions

  • These eruptions tend to form composite or stratovolcanoes 

Volcanoes at hot spots 

  • At a hot spot the tectonic plate passes over a plume of magma:

    • The magma rises to the surface through cracks in the crust

    • As the tectonic plate moves slowly over the magma plume a line of islands may form e.g. Hawaii


Causes of Earthquake Hazards

Earthquakes and plate boundaries

  • Earthquakes can occur anywhere but mostly occur at or near plate boundaries

  • Earthquakes happen at all plate boundaries - divergent (constructive), convergent (destructive), collision and transform (conservative)

  • At a divergent (constructive) plate boundary, earthquakes tend to be weaker as the plates are moving apart

  • At convergent (destructive), collision and conservative (transform) plate boundaries earthquakes tend to be stronger


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Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.