Patterns of Settlement (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography)

Revision Note

Jacque Cartwright


Geography Content Creator

Patterns of Settlements

Categorising settlements

  • A settlement is a place where people live and carry out a range of activities - trade, manufacturing, agriculture etc. 

  • They can be categorised through their pattern

  • However, there are other factors that influence settlements such as their:

    • Shape or form

    • Site and situation

    • Function and hierarchy

    • Change and growth - modern-day settlement patterns are changing due to population change, technological developments, changing lifestyles and expanding urban limits (rise of the megacities and urban sprawl)


  • Settlements come in different shapes and sizes called patterns

  • These range from isolated buildings in rural regions to urban megacities of over 10 million people

  • Urban towns, cities, conurbations and megacities are usually densely populated over a smaller area

  • Rural towns and fringe areas are usually densely populated over a larger area

  • Villages and hamlets will usually have a lower population density and smaller settled areas

  • The physical geography of an area dictates these patterns

Settlement Patterns

Form or shape?

  • Both mean the same when it comes to describing the pattern 

  • It is how the settlement is laid out

  • For instance, a river, railway or major road would encourage linear development along this route to attract trade 

  • However, linear settlements also arose due to physical limitations such as poor drainage or the position of a mountain

  • Circular shapes grow around a central feature like village greens or lake and are organised, so the middle remains accessible 

  • A star form occurs when several roads meet and houses are built along those roads

  • T-form settlements arise when one road meets another at a junction

  • Y-form settlements develop where two roads meet and houses are built along these routes

  • Cruciform shapes occur at cross-roads and houses cluster (nucleate) and spread in all four directions

  • Cross-shaped is similar to a cruciform; however, the houses will be linear around the crossroad rather than nucleated

Settlement Patterns
  • Dispersed 

    • Where isolated houses or farms are set in fields or along roads rather than concentrated in one area

    • Found in sparsely populated rural areas such as Sahel region of Africa, Australian outback or the mountainous regions of Scotland and Wales

    • The break-up of large rural estates led to dispersed settlements in England during the 16th and 17th centuries

    • Dispersed settlements also occur where the physical geography is extreme—too hot, wet, cold or dry—which in turn discourages settlement and development

  • Linear

    • Where there is a physical feature, such as a river or a trade and transport route, settlements group and form a line along its path

  • Nucleated

    • Form when settlements tightly cluster around a central feature such as a village green, a crossroad, a church, etc.

    • Very few buildings are found further out, and these settlements are usually called hamlets or villages, depending on their size and function 

    • There are a number of reasons for the development of nucleated settlements, such as:

      • Defence 

      • Trade

      • Co-operative community: agriculture, water, work

      • Floodplain: safer to group on a hilltop 

Examiner Tip

Make sure you can define the terms urban and rural. You might think it is easy, but as settlements change, so does their position in the hierarchy. 

  • Rural - an area with less than 10,000 people living within its boundaries 

  • Urban - an area with more than 10,000 people living within its boundaries 

This use of a figure helps to keep the definition clearer and it is easier to discuss the types of settlements found within. 

  • Rural - dispersed, hamlet, village and small market town

  • Urban - large towns, cities, conurbations and megacities

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Jacque Cartwright

Author: Jacque Cartwright

Expertise: Geography Content Creator

Jacque graduated from the Open University with a BSc in Environmental Science and Geography before doing her PGCE with the University of St David’s, Swansea. Teaching is her passion and has taught across a wide range of specifications – GCSE/IGCSE and IB but particularly loves teaching the A-level Geography. For the past 5 years Jacque has been teaching online for international schools, and she knows what is needed to get the top scores on those pesky geography exams.