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True or False?
A 4-figure grid reference locates an exact point within a grid square.
A 4-figure grid reference locates a specific grid square within the map, not an exact point.
Define the term eastings.
Eastings are the horizontal grid lines on a map that indicate how far east or west a location is across the map.
What does topography mean?
Topography means the shape and features of the land surface, including its relief and contours.
State the meaning of contour lines.
Contour lines are lines on a map that join points of equal height above sea level.
What is a cross-section?
A cross-section is a side view or profile of the landscape along a specific line drawn on a topographic map.
What is the definition of bearing?
A bearing is the direction from one point to another, measured as an angle in degrees from 0° grid north.
Define scale.
Scale is the ratio between the distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground.
True or False?
Contour lines that are close together indicate gentle slopes.
Contour lines that are close together indicate steep slopes.
What is a spot height?
A spot height is a point on a map with its exact height above sea level marked.
True or False?
Grid bearings should always be given using compass points.
Grid bearings should always be given using compass points.
Define the term continuous data,
Continuous data is numerical data that can take any value within a given range, e.g. heights and weights.
What does discrete data mean?
Discrete data means numerical data that can only take certain values, e.g. shoe size.
True or False?
A histogram is used to display discrete data.
A histogram is used to display continuous data.
What is a choropleth map?
A choropleth map is a map that is shaded according to a pre-arranged key, where each shade represents a range of values.
What is a proportional symbol map?
A proportional symbol map is a map where symbols are drawn in proportion to the variable they represent.
What is the definition of scatter graph?
A scatter graph is a graph used to show the relationship between two variables, where points are plotted but not connected.
Define correlation.
Correlation is the relationship between two variables shown on a scatter graph.
True or False?
The median is the most common value in a dataset.
The median is the middle value when the data is ordered by size. The most common value is the mode.
What are mean, median, mode and range?
The mean is the average. The values of all the items are added together and then divided by the number of items.
The median is the middle value when ordered by size.
The mode is the most common value.
The range is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value.
How do you calculate the percentage change?
A percentage change is calculated using the following equation:
A percentage change shows how much something has either increased or decreased.
What does the command word suggest mean in the context of answering an exam question?
Suggest means using your overall knowledge and understanding of the subject to give a likely reason why something has happened or been done.
What does interpret mean in relation to written material?
To interpret in relation to written material is to show an understanding of the content, consider and select possible options in relation to the issues presented, and justify decisions using information from the material.
True or False?
Using information from the written material to support the answer is not important.
It is very important to use information from any given material to support the answer.
What does the command word analyse mean?
The command word analyse means looking for and interpreting patterns, relationships and connections from written sources.
What is the difference between the command words state and describe?
The command-word state is asking you to give a possible reason. Whereas, the command word describe does not want a possible reason.
What does describe mean in relation to photographs?
Describe in relation to photographs means to say what you can actually see in the image, focusing on observational skills and understanding what is visible.
True or False?
When describing a photograph, you should explain why features are present.
When describing a photograph, you should only state what you can see, not explain or interpret why features are present.
What is a field sketch?
A field sketch is a simplified drawing of a landscape or site that includes key features relevant to a geographical enquiry.
How would you describe relief in a photograph description?
Relief is the height and shape of the ground surface, including named features and the overall appearance of the landscape.
True or False?
Field sketches should include every visible detail at a site.
Field sketches should include the key features at a site, but things can be left out if they are not relevant to the enquiry.
In addition to the sketch itself, what must a field sketch include?
A field sketch must include:
A title.
A location or site number.
Compass direction.