Settlements & Service Provision (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Geography)



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  • Define the term settlement.

    A settlement is a place where people live and carry out a range of activities, such as trade, manufacturing, and agriculture.

  • What is a dispersed settlement?

    A dispersed settlement is where isolated houses or farms are set in fields or along roads rather than concentrated in one area.

  • True or False?

    Linear settlements only develop along rivers.


    Linear settlements can develop along rivers, railways, major roads, or other features.

  • What is a nucleated settlement?

    A nucleated settlement is one where buildings tightly cluster around a central feature, such as a village green, a crossroad, or a church.

  • True or False?

    Villages and hamlets have high population densities and small, settled areas.


    Villages and hamlets have low population densities and small, settled areas.

  • True or False?

    The site is the physical land that a settlement is built on.


    The site is the physical land that a settlement is built on.

  • What is meant by the situation of a settlement?

    The situation can be thought of as the position of the settlement in relation to other features, such as a forest, a lake, etc.

  • What is the disadvantage of building on level ground?

    A settlement is harder to defend on level ground.

  • Define a dry point site.

    dry point site is when a settlement site is elevated above natural, poorly drained land.

  • True or False?

    A wet point site is when there is no reliable supply of water from a well or spring.


    wet point site is when there is a reliable supply of water from a well or spring.

  • Define the term spring-line settlement.

    spring-line settlement is a settlement that develops along the path of available springs or wells, particularly at the foot of chalk and limestone hills.

  • What factors affect the growth of settlements?

    Factors that affect the growth of settlements include:

    • Moderate climate.

    • Availability of raw materials.

    • Near to fertile land.

    • Central location.

    • Historical factors, such as a seat of government.

  • True or False?

    Settlements always have multiple functions.


    Settlements usually have one function to start with and then develop others over time.

  • Before the 1970s, what was Liverpool's major function?

    Before the 1970s, Liverpool's major function was as a maritime port of trade.

  • Why did Liverpool's waterfront site lose its World Heritage Site status in 2021?

    Named a World Heritage Site in 2004, Liverpool's waterfront lost that designation in 2021 because the site's redevelopment did not keep the waterfront true to its maritime roots.

  • Define the term sphere of influence.

    The sphere of influence is the area that a settlement serves, also known as a catchment area.

  • What is the threshold population?

    Threshold population is the minimum number of people necessary before a particular good or service will be provided in an area.

  • True or False?

    All settlements offer the same functions and services.


    All settlements offer certain functions and services, such as the basics of milk, bread, eggs, etc. but not everything.

  • What are low-order goods?

    Low-order goods are things that are bought regularly, such as milk or bread, and people are not prepared to travel far to buy them.

  • Define high-order goods.

    High-order goods are comparison goods such as electrical goods and furniture that shoppers will buy only after making comparisons between various models and different shops.

  • True or False?

    The larger the settlement, the greater its sphere of influence.


    Generally, the larger the settlement, the greater its sphere of influence, although there can be exceptions.

  • What is the pyramid of settlement hierarchy ?

    A settlement hierarchy pyramid shows how settlements are ordered and classified. The pyramid is based on three principles:

    • The population size increases.

    • The number of services provided increases.

    • The number of settlements decreases.

  • State the settlement hierarchy pathway.

    The settlement hierarchy pathway is:

    • Dispersed or isolated homes.

    • Hamlets.

    • Villages.

    • Market towns.

    • Large towns.

    • Cities.

    • Conurbations.

    • Megacities.