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What is carrying capacity?
Carrying capacity is the number of people that an area can support.
True or False?
Overpopulation occurs when there are more resources available than the population can use effectively.
Overpopulation occurs when there are more people in an area than can be supported by its resources and technology.
Define the term underpopulation.
Underpopulation is when there are more resources available than the population can use effectively.
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What is carrying capacity?
Carrying capacity is the number of people that an area can support.
True or False?
Overpopulation occurs when there are more resources available than the population can use effectively.
Overpopulation occurs when there are more people in an area than can be supported by its resources and technology.
Define the term underpopulation.
Underpopulation is when there are more resources available than the population can use effectively.
What is the optimum population?
The optimum population is when there is a balance between the number of people and the resources/technology available.
Define the term population explosion.
A population explosion is a sudden and rapid increase in the size of the population.
True or False?
The world's population is increasing by approximately 80 million people a year.
The world's population is increasing by approximately 80 million people a year.
What challenges can overpopulation cause?
Overpopulation can lead to increased:
Levels of pollution.
Crime rates.
Unemployment or underemployment.
Levels of food and water shortages.
Pressure on services such as hospitals and schools.
According to the UN, what will be the predicted world population by 2100?
The UN predicts the world population will stabilise at around 11 billion in 2100.
What is the population growth rate in Nigeria?
Nigeria is experiencing rapid population growth at 2.5%.
What is the main cause of Nigeria's rapidly increasing population?
The high birth and fertility rates are the main cause of the rapidly increasing population.
True or False?
Canada's birth rate is 12 births per 1000.
Canada's birth rate is 9 births per 1000.
Give two impacts of under-population in Canada.
There are several impacts of underpopulation in Canada, including:
Shortages of workers in many areas.
Low rates of unemployment.
An ageing population means more people of retirement age .
There are fewer workers to pay taxes.
Healthcare and other social costs increase as the population ages.
Resources are not fully exploited, reducing their potential .
Lack of services is due to low demand, particularly in rural areas.
What is net migration?
Net migration is the difference between the number of people moving into a country (immigrants) and the number of people leaving the country (emigrants).
Define natural population change.
Natural population change is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate in a population.
What is the Demographic Transition Model?
The Demographic Transition Model shows five main stages of population change that countries pass through as they develop.
True or False?
In Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model, both birth rates and death rates are high.
In Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model, both birth rates and death rates are high.
What happens to the total population in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model?
In Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model, the total population starts to rise rapidly.
Define the term fertility rate.
Fertility rate is the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime.
What is a pronatalist policy?
A pronatalist policy is one that encourages women to have children and increases the fertility rate.
True or False?
An anti-natalist policy aims to increase the birth rate.
An anti-natalist policy aims to reduce the birth rate.
What is the fertility replacement rate?
The fertility replacement rate is 2.1 children per woman.
Define the term natural decrease.
Natural decrease occurs when the birth rate is lower than the death rate in a population.
Give two reasons why the death rate in Niger has decreased.
The decreasing death rate has been the result of:
Increased urbanisation - which improves access to services such as healthcare and food.
Better food and clean water supply.
Improved access to healthcare.
Government policies to improve farming practices which have increased food supplies.
Free healthcare to pregnant women improving mother and baby survival rates.
What are the four main impacts of an ageing population in Japan?
The four main impacts of the ageing population in Japan are:
Shortage of workers.
Higher taxes.
School closures.
Economic stagnation.
What is the main aim of anti-natalist policies?
The main aim of anti-natalist policies is to reduce population increase. This will then decrease the pressure on resources and improve the quality of life for the whole population.
Define pro-natalist policies.
Pro-natalist policies are policies aimed at increasing the population.
True or False?
China's one-child policy was in effect from 1979 to 2016.
China's one-child policy was in effect from 1979 to 2016.
What is one reason countries implement pro-natalist policies?
One reason countries implement pro-natalist policies may include:
Trying to balance an ageing population which increases social and healthcare costs.
A workforce shortage.
Reduced payment of taxes due to fewer workers.
Name two countries that have implemented pro-natalist policies.
Countries that have implemented pro-natalist policies include:
What is one measure used in France to encourage larger families?
Measures used in France to encourage larger families include:
Discounts on public transport for families with three or more children.
Increased paid maternity leave.
Better mortgage deals.
Tax allowances.
Free childcare from 3 to school age.
Cash incentives for mothers who stay at home to care for children.
Subsidised holidays.
True or False?
Anti-natalist policies always involve legal measures.
Anti-natalist policies can be law or voluntary.
What was one method used in China's one-child policy to reduce birth rates?
Methods used in China's one-child policy to reduce birth rates included:
Fines for having more than one child.
Increased access to contraceptives.
Posters and advertisements to promote the advantages of having only one child.
Better employment opportunities.
No payment for healthcare/education for second children.
Promotion of late marriages.
Legalised abortion.
Define the term baby bonus.
A baby bonus is a financial incentive given to parents for having a child, used as a pro-natalist measure in some countries like Singapore.
What is one impact of China's one-child policy?
Impacts of China's one-child policy include:
Imbalance in the male/female ratio due to the preference for male children.
There are over 30 million more men under 20 than women under 20.
Decrease in population growth rate.
An ageing population.